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Healthy food thread

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Mariuslol   Norway. Jan 15 2013 08:18. Posts 4742

Hey guys. As a hobby for quite a few years now, I've spent quite a bit of time reading about food, doing research, trying to learn more about it, and how it affects the body. This was mainly because I started getting really sick, and I've been trying to fix. I have tried maybe 8 or 9 different diets. And I keep changing, trying to "optimize".

Lately, I feel it's been going better than ever "food wise". And I've found a pretty awesome diet. Compared to what I used to eat many, many years ago at least.

So my challenge to anyone who's smart about food, is to find flaws in my diet. Tips, ideas, what food to maybe change out, and what to add in. I've actually spent time on every single item.

I also have spent time on all the different spices I eat, supplements, meat, fruit, vegetables so forth lol. I am very allergic to fructose, it makes me sick. so nothing that ends with ol, or any form or sugar, or fructose. All those are a big no no. The only fructose is when it's really, really low quantities, and the ratio between F and G (glucose), is exactly the same, and the total value is under 1g per 100g.

Here's a picture of what I bought 40 minutes ago. I just got in the door from my shopping trip:

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The idea is 1/3 starches, 1/3 meat/fish, and 1/3 vegetable, fruits thingy I can eat. And I add acids, in form of lemon, lime n shit like that.

In the white paper thingys there's meat. One got Fresh Pork Shops, all bloodied up from the local slaughtery. One got Lamb and the other one is an expensive Beef "storfe" not sure what that is in English lol.

I also usually buy salmon, but they were all out today. And I only buy the fresh ones, since it's a small layer of salt and sugar on the shitty ones.

The supplements I take is D3 (I live where it's no sun, and it's suppose to do a lot of other shit, not really done a lot of research on it, but all the "legit" sources says it's the best shit u can take).

Magnesium, to try help me sleep better, relax, fights depression and other good shit.

C-Vitamin. I'm experimenting with it. I take a type that's called "buffered C-vitamin", more gentle with the stomach, if u have problem with constipation or diarrhea. And oh, I take like, x5 - x10 times the recommended dose, since I'm a bwauss xD

I also take Fish oil, and coconut oil thingy.

The butter is unsalted, and it's regarded as one of the healthiest u can buy in the stores in Norway. But I boil that shit up, it's like 85% fat, and the rest, not 100% sure, but I boil it, and remove the the white gooey stuff, and just keep it as Ghee lol. A hassle, not sure if it's worth it, but suppose to be awesome. Who knows.

Those white jars are coconut oils, one for cooking food, and one to have in drinks or add in food after it's done. And olive oil.

Ok, gogo, if you know of any super foods I should be getting, and tell me why, preferably with links and research, I love that shit xD (But u dun have to, u could just go "eat xxxx, it's the shit". I won't be mad.

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 Last edit: 15/01/2013 08:19

Mariuslol   Norway. Jan 15 2013 08:27. Posts 4742

In case anyone's wondering where I get my information, I'll post links to sites I use:

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First is some database which gives lots of info about all the food in the world.

Second is a blog from Mark, he talks about food a lot.

Third is complicated, hate reading that shit, but feel it's really important. But awfully confusing.

Fourth is the site I use to experiment with new food, since I have to be very careful about the fructose content.

Fifth is more vegetarian type thingy, but he seem really smart, and does a lot of research. But not been there in a little while. Im more of a MEAT believer hehe, yarrr

Sixth is that Dave Asprey guy who was on Joe Roga, to his blog.

Seventh is from a guy who feels really legit as well. His approach is to eliminate toxins, stuff like that. Fix chronic illnesses given to us by us eating shitty food for long periods of time. Big believer in removing all corn products, wheat, rye, all cerial like stuff. That's kind of a common thread on all the "best diets".

Remove sugar, wheat, most diary, everything but healthy butter and sour cream seem to be the general consenseus.

 Last edit: 15/01/2013 08:30

Mariuslol   Norway. Jan 15 2013 08:31. Posts 4742

Ok, now I've made thread, why haven't anyone responded yet!!


Edit: Ok, that oughta do the trick!!

 Last edit: 15/01/2013 08:35

SolarM   Germany. Jan 15 2013 08:56. Posts 533

I'd like to reply, but my English is real bad when it comes to food. I don't know much about food and very often I eat only shit for a couple days. But when I feel like I have to live more healthy cause I feel weak, I usually eat the following...

+ potatoes, chicken, garlic (when I don't have to go out),

Pizza with fresh vegetables and not much cheese can be very healthy and still very tasty.

Edit : Apple is probably no good for you. For me it's the best way to activate my brain.

 Last edit: 15/01/2013 09:02

uiCk   Canada. Jan 15 2013 09:10. Posts 3521

i eat alot of fruits, and love pomengrenate. ze best and super healthy

I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson 

SpasticInk   Sweden. Jan 15 2013 09:37. Posts 6298

If I remember correctly there are a couple of nutrition threads already if you search the history.

Mariuslol   Norway. Jan 15 2013 09:43. Posts 4742


Not done research on paprica, since I'm allergic to it. When it comes to cerials, 99% of them are bad. Grains is shit, unless it's quinoa or oats that are gluten free. Most toxins out of any food type.

Apples got sky high fructose, which I think is bad for most ppl, u get insulin a really big spike of insulin. And when it comes to pizza, the dough is made from awful stuff most of the time.
But it sure does look delicious and tasty xD

Checked Apple

 Last edit: 15/01/2013 09:46

Mariuslol   Norway. Jan 15 2013 09:49. Posts 4742

  On January 15 2013 08:10 uiCk wrote:
i eat alot of fruits, and love pomengrenate. ze best and super healthy

The good: This food is very low in Saturated Fat, Cholesterol and Sodium. It is also a good source of Dietary Fiber and Folate, and a very good source of Vitamin C and Vitamin K.

The Bad: A large portion of the calories in this food come from sugars.

Hrmpffh, found some vods about the Prom Juice, some cheating n stuff. Advertisement bout it doing shit it don't do:

 Last edit: 15/01/2013 09:51

2c0ntent   Egypt. Jan 15 2013 09:52. Posts 1387


+-Last edit: 29/09/2013 09:20

Mariuslol   Norway. Jan 15 2013 09:53. Posts 4742

Oh, and when it comes to garlic, I think I remember reading from several sources that it's best to use it to get the taste, but remove the actual garlic, and don't eat that. Not sure why lol, but I can't eat garlic anyway, so didn't snoop around more lol

Mariuslol   Norway. Jan 15 2013 10:16. Posts 4742

Mending my adrenalin issues, helping my immune system, and u rather want to much than too little.

I do eat a lot of leafy greens, but the Spinach was old in the store, so fuck that. I don't want my carb from anything but the sources I have I think. Since the options I have are shit.

The rice I eat is the one u cook for a long time, in water, and i mix in with spices and lemon juice, and I add quite of bit of ghee butter nomnom. It makes my stomach not get pain, aches n stuff, so im reacting well to it.

The potatoes and rice is to help with chronic diseases, ive had chronic constipation, IBS, and its been helping me a lot. But I always test one new thing, and try it, and keep at it if i dont feel pain or naucea, and mix in and out.

The potato in norway is prolly x10 as healthy as anywher else. It's really close, we got sick good air here as well, and most of the food is from farms close by xD

 Last edit: 15/01/2013 22:35

Mariuslol   Norway. Jan 15 2013 10:21. Posts 4742

Here's a podcast where they go in a detail about why potatoes are good, its some bad effect for some ppl, but it's a really small amount of ppl, and they use all kinds of fancy words I dun quite get. But I react very well to it

But i will try to keep 600grams of calories from carbs at max daily. Since that's what seems to be what the body can work with, more just gets in the way or some shit.

2c0ntent   Egypt. Jan 15 2013 10:27. Posts 1387


+-Last edit: 29/09/2013 09:20

Mariuslol   Norway. Jan 15 2013 10:36. Posts 4742

Yea, i get constipated like crazy, due to all the protein from the meat. And I am limited when it comes to vegetables, dun have too many to pick from.

I also used to have 1 cup of coffe, but it irritates my stomach, and I became much better when I cut it out. (made my stomach harder lol). But have been using shitty coffe, thinking bout ordering that bullet proof, to test, but not tested it.

Also help to use some acids to digest better, so I use lime and lemone for that. I also found out u need both kinds of fiber, soluble and insoluble 15% mix, that's why the Gluten free oatmeal. (I mix it with water, boil it, low temperatur, mix ocean salt, and a spoon of mct coconut oil, and some butter, on top as spice I use cinnamon, think that's how it's spelled). And the other fiber from vegetables n stuff.

Yea, just turn off if u dun like. I try to have an open mind. That's why one of the sources is all vegeterian, one for meat, and one biohacker, and one for chronic illnesses, and one with all the nutrition facts.

I notice everyone wants to make a living out of everything. Or get fans, views, subscribers. I get annoyed and hate that shit as well.

If u don't know who that Dave guy is, he got a lot of popularity after he was on the Joe Rogan podcast, he's a bit lol at times, but I like a lot of what he says, since he provide so many research backing up. So at the moment, people like him feel a lot better than what you get recommended from the government. And I have noticed the most improvement after mixing in a more bulletproof, paleo, primal, perfect health, fructose free, FODMAP kind of diet. And just removing the stuff im allergic too, and testing a new fruit or vegetable every second week, for lulz.

SolarM   Germany. Jan 15 2013 10:36. Posts 533

  On January 15 2013 08:43 Mariuslol wrote:

Not done research on paprica, since I'm allergic to it. When it comes to cerials, 99% of them are bad. Grains is shit, unless it's quinoa or oats that are gluten free. Most toxins out of any food type.

Apples got sky high fructose, which I think is bad for most ppl, u get insulin a really big spike of insulin. And when it comes to pizza, the dough is made from awful stuff most of the time.
But it sure does look delicious and tasty xD

Checked Apple

The "cerials" on my picture are "oatmeals" or "oatflakes", not sure which word is right and everyone tells they are super healthy? hmmm...

The dough of the pizza can be made real healthy as well, I've done it a couple times. It sure doesn't taste like real pizza then, but it still got the fun factor of eating pizza if you know what I mean.

Yeah, apples might be bad, but I really love them and I still think it's "good" food, better than fast food and stuff.

Mariuslol   Norway. Jan 15 2013 10:37. Posts 4742

Do have to admit, I find it a little hard to navigate, since there are million of pages. And if I sit reading for 2-3 hours, I can end up with 30 pages, blogs, sites I've never been to, and trying to decipher what's bullshit and what's good.

But I do feel I've found a lot of trends, things that go again and again in all the major ones. Like no grains, no pasta wheat shit. No sugar, no high fructose, so forth. I think that's a major one xD

Mariuslol   Norway. Jan 15 2013 10:57. Posts 4742

Normal oatmeal is cut with wheat, so it's a lot of residue, so avoid those. But go for gluten free oats. World of difference.

I tried eating normal oats before, when I didn't know it was bad for you. And I failed 10 - 15 times, during 3-4 years. Each time it got awful. And had kinda given up, but no reaction with the gluten free one lol.

Mariuslol   Norway. Jan 15 2013 11:00. Posts 4742

Hmm, not too sure. But I think it depends, if you react to fructose. Apple is as bad as it gets, I got given some apple nectar like substance at the hospital once. And I was literally lying in severe pain and cramps due to it lol. And all the talks n shit about things with a lot of fructose. Not sure, im biased as hell since that shit hurt me lol.

2c0ntent   Egypt. Jan 15 2013 11:06. Posts 1387


+-Last edit: 29/09/2013 09:20

Mariuslol   Norway. Jan 15 2013 11:33. Posts 4742

Cool, if you haven't already seen it from the Podcast thread. This is the same guy, from that blog, being interviewed by Joe Rogan. Really awesome podcast.

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