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A New Start

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14th in 35k player Tourney
  Heath_at_Uk1, Dec 30 2008

So I finished 14th the other day in the World Record Tournament. Mostly just deposited money for that tournament alone, but I have been thinking of taking another go at poker.

Cashed for $1,150, so that leaves me a nice roll to start with again. Just got to make sure I teach myself some discipline, and hold to my bankroll management. My biggest problem seems to be chasing my losses. Going to start out at NL25.

Hopefully I can get something going, I mean if I navigated a field of 35,000 players to finish 14th surely I was doing something right. Going to devote my entire roll to my cash adventure, so no more tournaments for awhile, unless someone wants to offer a staking deal for MTTs, Haha Thought not.

So wish me luck I'll be seeing you at the tables.

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W00t(Heater) + kicking myself
  Heath_at_Uk1, Apr 26 2008

Played 2 sessions today, and I'm going to show the total stats of the day amd for each session seperetly(sp?). Was running quite good on the first session, probably a heater I suppose.
Session One:

Had one hand that I seriously hate myself for. - For some reason it came to me that he had AA, what a dope I am, will never try to make a hero fold like this again for a long while.
If I hadn't folded there, this session would have been SUPER, ye tit was terrific anyways. - Only other hand of important note during that session. Could/ should I have got away from this?

Session 2:

Should have just saved myself 2 hours, and called it a day on my earlier session. Although this could have been a positive session if not for these 2 hands here, where I was totally sucked out on. - Of course a superb call sir on both flop a turn. I congratulate you. - Oh yes 93s is an excellant(sp?) hand to call a 4 barrel bet preflop on. Sickening.

Also if someone could comment, I really love this hand , , found out the guy had 10 10 here. He timebanked all the way down, then that other shit said fold. Oh well, better than what i expected to happen, and him slowroll me with absolute nuts. I'm always so optimistic

So total stats on the day:

Not a bad day at all, if I can say so.

Just wondering to you readers out there, is the format of my blog good so far? Should I post my hands in spoilers, as I did in my 2nd blog post, or continue to post links like this post? Let me know.

Lol, Joy, now I ahve to go get ready for work. worked 2pm-10pm last night, went and got a high, came home played poker all night, now I have to go back to work this morning from 8am-4pm. Gonna be a fun day.

P.S. and plz no tl;dr lmfao.

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ABC pokah
  Heath_at_Uk1, Apr 25 2008

Another Positive session, which is always good. Played some very good/tight poker today. Also was able to finally find the fold button a few times when my hand was questionable.

Ok here are a few hands I'd like some comment on I guess. Basically what should I do different if anything. - Either push turn or fold river? - Raise more on flop or leave as played? - Always a call vs. the Shorty right? Could have easily been Ax miss right? - Figured the river deserved a call. - ??? - Don't know why I didn't fire another bullet on turn here. - Good fold if you throw out the results? - Correct? - Sickening! lol

Regardless of me only winning a little bit, I felt I played Terrific minus some of the hands above. I am going to have to do something about me jumping out to +4 and 5 buyins early, then continuing to play and dwindling my winnings. Might start stopping my sessions if/when I get 4 buyins up. Good Idea or not? I was up 4 buyins today at one point and again walked away with considerably less.

Thx for all the support guys!

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