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Playing bad or running bad?
  trukpoker, Jun 02 2007

Lately everything i touch pokerwise turns to shit. I feel like im playing good poker and its just an extremely bad run , however i've never had a streak of bad luck longer than a month like this. losing with a set to quads and flopping flushes losing to higher ones is no longer a rare occurance for me.

One positive out of such a bad run is when im losing i seem to really step back and look at my game. And i've discovered some things i really dont underwstand about the game.

- How tight/loose is optimal?

I know it all depends on tables, player and other factors but all i ever see when looking at stats of higher winning players is 25/21, 30/25 stats. I play at around 17/12 and if i try to play looser i get in so many terrible spots like OOP vs stations with no pair or draw and no idea what to do. The only problem i have with staying tight is nowadays theres so many regulars i don't want to be so predictable. The only think i can think of is raising more hands like connectors and such only when theres more regulars at each table. If it is full of donks i must make sure i tighten up and play abc poker and take their money.

- Thinking things through before pressing a button.

Lately i've noticed i keep slowplaying hands on draw heavy boards. Its these boards where i should be raising more to extract value from the draws. I feel like i am abit on autopilot and not thinking things through. This is probably overall the major leak that has only recently come into my game.

It is abiut of a paradox tha the more someone plays poker the more they should improve, however lately i feel the older me was a far better player even though i know an incredible amount more than i did back then. I've read over 15 books endless articles, cardrunner videos and hand discussions. The only thing i can honestly put this down to is i am outhinking myself and giving poor players far to much credit in their abiliy. I need to rethink how i think about the game and my thought processes.

I love to talk poker and discuss hands i think it improves my game and whoever i am talking with, if anyone wants to talk with me on msn add me on I play 50nl, 100nl and taking shots at 200nl.

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How tight?
  trukpoker, May 03 2007

Lately, it seems i just cannot play any looser then 17/14. I raise so many hands, from so many positions and yet it seems my stats say i am an extremely tight player. My question to is how do some people achieve 25/20 statistics? They must raise some insanely trash hands to achieve those stats. This style cannot be optimal for 50-100nl because i am yet to see a winning player that is that loose. SHoudl i even try to loosen up yet, or is 17/14 solid?

Most successful players seem to play around 25/20. therefore it must be the ideal style but an extremely hard one to achieve. Some people have told me 6 tabling could be another factor to my tightness because i dont have the time to be playing so many hands.

My May goals are to achieve
-50k hands at nl50
-try to maintian winrate over 10bb/100
-play the 3k,8k, and 17k rebuy twice a week
-study poker more and fix my many leaks

I won my biggest hand ever today, i raised 34s utg on a tight table and this 6 buyin pot is what followed, woot

I thought id share this nice link of 2+2 threads on different topics, its pretty handyhere


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April Summary
  trukpoker, May 01 2007

Double post

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