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3615 My life
  Sheitan, Feb 12 2009

Hello fellas,

i've got the job at the bank i was talking about in my previous post, salary is ok but not super great. But nowadays i'm pretty happy to at least have a fucking job ! Also they have some very nice employees advantages like full health care covery for my family (my wife and I), free credit cards with half interests, low interest mortgage, and special investments plans. So im pretty pumped up with this and hope i will be able to capitalize. For all the guys out there dreaming of a poker career i tell you be cool stay in school, a LOT of wanabees and a very few will make it. If you don't get an education while you still can, you'll get screwed pretty hard for the rest of your life.This doesn t apply for people making 200k$+/year playing the game for obvious reasons.

Poker wise:

Im trying to rebuild a decent roll for the xth time, i swore to myself im not withdrawing money from now on except if i hit 100k, so it means there is a high chance i'll never withdraw ever again ROFL. Microstakes are just a pain in the ass and i can't say in words how much i hate them, you spend too much time grinding a meaningless money and have to deal with the variance who's skyrocketing due to the massive horde of aggrofishes who just don't have any fold buttons.

What i find intriguing is why i don't get any heaters at all for the last 2 months or so. Im playing a pretty aggressive game (25/20/3 on average) but just seems to never get action on my strong hands and keep running into theirs when my holding is weak. But i think im not the first one to write this in his blog hay ? I just don't understand how is it possible to play for several weeks and never have a small heater, this is just weird while i witness everyday awful players running on the water at my tables on a daily basis.

I don't think i run THAT bad but its just weird to never say after a session i had good cards and scored a +5bis session. I mean even if i was the worst player on earth, i should have a couple good winning sessions overall isn't it ? And we're talking about nl25 here, not like it's tough in any way...


I need to lose some weight and i decided to start a new diet based on fruits, vegetables and low fat meat along with hitting the gym when winter is over here in Canada. I'd like to have some advices from you people out there who did that kind of diet, im obv avoiding any processed food and focus on eating healthy every day BUT i have had a (sorry its gross) sick diarrhea going on for the last couple of days and i just don't understand where does it come from ? Is it my body on dtox or something ? I eat rice, vegetables and fruits at will and to not lose muscles i eat a lot of white meat low on fat like turkey/chicken. And it's the fucking niagara falls when i go to the toilets, wtf ? Am i missing something here ?

I feel a lot better even if it has been 10 days im doing this diet, more energic, sleep better, focus better. I feel less and less sleepy and i only need 7-8h of sleep where i used to be tired when i woke up at 8 am. Results are fast and i hope i'll drop some weight soon and come back in shape.

Any inputs appreciated, also good luck at the tables guys and please don't overvalue this game and make bad decisions that will prolly be a catastrophe for your life, especially if you're young. Stay in school and get a degree so at least your future is not jeopardized.

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Life, Ethics and thoughts
  Sheitan, Jan 28 2009

I've lost my job today because of the recession, i started that new job the 5th of january. They can't keep me since the company activity slowed down a lot, which made me think of my situation. You know, im the kind of guy who makes the things straight, very honest and hard working, always positive. I think i've stolen a candy when i was a kid and felt so ashamed i made nightmares for days afterwards, not to mention when i stole it my heart was beating like crazy. My mom was the kind of woman who would raise my brother and I in very high ethic standards, always being polite to people, honest and help people who needs it.

Now im a grown man, i think it's the most -ev way of raising kids, honesty leads you nowhere, you should spend your time being an hypocrit, looking for angles to maximize your winnings. If you play by the rules, you lower your chances to succeed, because the vast majority of people will take shortcuts while you take the long way. Im not even sad or angry, this is something i've learnt today. From now on, i'll be taking shortcuts shorter than the ones i was talking about, in all legality of course.

I have an iview tomorrow for a bank, wish me luck.

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poker and losing
  Sheitan, Dec 29 2008

Warning: Semi-rant post

Every poker players would give anything to know the recipe of success and figuring out yourself is pretty much your own interior graal quest. Some say it's only luck, others say it's only hard work and skill, the fact is nobody knows 100% what this game is about, you can come with all the charts and stats in the world but you'll never be able to prove your point.

Why talented players bust ? Why donkeys hit huge scores ? Call it variance or luck, karma or destiny. Ket wrote a nice article about your mind set when you play the game, how to handle swings, what should be your attitude towards the game. But before your quest begin you have to accept losing, over and over and over.

I'm a very competitive character and i'm stuborn to no end, but does it make you a winner ? Perseverance is not always the answer it's just the beginning, a must have that probably the top players share in common. I realised i hate to lose, and poker is about losing, learning from your mistakes and improve, but if you hate losing too much then you'll probably quit the game early. So far i've been spending almost 2 years playing it on a daily basis, whenever i can and as much as possible, im a winner long term but if you take this to $/hour, my hourly rate must suck donkey balls. So i just wanted to make it official: Fuck you poker, you keep slapping me in the face but i'll NEVER give up you mother fucking bitch i'll figure you out.

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