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Tired of NLH
  Jonvee, Jun 09 2008

I think one of the reasons I'm getting bored with poker is that I'm not learning anything new grinding these micro stakes.

Instead of playing bad, I instead have decided to challenge and motivated myself and actually try to learn HORSE.

Monday - Hold'em NLH/L
Tues - Omaha Hi
Wed - R
Thurs - S
Fri - E

I figure it's going to take me about a month to get in decent shape again.. so might as well learn something instead of playing like a Robot.

I'm pretty sure I'm going to lose horribly in the hi/lo games. I only know how to play HI POKER..which sucks..

I have PTH, PTO, now all i need is PTstud.
I'll get it later...right now I just need to understand the basics and stuff. I read some of Chip Reeses' section on Stud, gonna read Daut's article as well.

Anyway should be good for my game. I probably won't be making as much money...but hopefully in the long run I'll be able to expand my game selection. NLH games are getting better and better - which is why I'm gonna study my ass off and learn at LEAST HORSE. I tried reading draw poker in SS1....I dunno I got bored cause it's DRAAAWW....

Anyway what kind of bankroll would you need for these games?

- well LH and NLH I pretty much know the general guidelines.

- PLO I use double cause apparently the STD is double.
- STUD: ??
- Stud Hi/lo: ??
- Omaha hi/lo (it has go be lower than LH)
- Razz: ?

Anyway some general advice would be nice.

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Out of Shape
  Jonvee, Jun 08 2008

Man.. I don't know what's wrong with me. I guess I'm feeling the affects of playing ONLINE POKER...

For the last week or so I've been feeling extremely tired - always wanting to sleep. The last few days of poker have gone well. I've had to play shorter sessions because my focus just isn't there. I wanted to play somewhere between 1500-2500k hands a day, but lately I've only managed to but in about 700.

My lack of energy I believe has badly influenced my play near the end of sessions. I end up making a bone head plays which causes me to TILT (luckily for me when I tilt I tend to leave the table).

Poker is going pretty well, I can't complain. I feel as if I'm not learning anything new; but hey what can you do when you're stuck playing at NL25.

I re-started my NL25 and my stats are decent:

Yah..Ok I need to get PT3...but I mean I don't really need it right now.

I'll play 15k more hands. I can actually take a shot at NL50.

I'm starting my new workout routine tomorrow. I got it planned all I have to do is implement the damn thing.

Hopefully my increased physical activity will help my focus.

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DEEP STACK PLH- KKs vs. Unkown [TAG]
  Jonvee, Jun 06 2008

Is this too weak?
Player seemed pretty tight. Didn't have a lot of stats on the guy. Hmm Deep Stack poker I have no clue how to proceed.

He raised in position..I re-raised telling him I had a huge had (i think he thought i was tight), he proceeds to re-raise me. Now i'm thinking, "Ok I have KKs...i don't think this guy would re-raise me with QQs cause he's solid..I think he'd call..I can't fold here obv..don't want to blow up the pot right now so let's see a flop"

Flop comes out an ace....I check.he bets I fold.

Not used to these kinds of situations.. especially Deep stack. What are your lines on how to play it better?

Re-raise again?

Like I said I only had about 30 hands on the guy, but he was playing pretty snug.

Anyway thanks guys,

Submitted by : Jonvee

FullTiltPoker Game #6716926407: Table Bro (deep 6) - $0.10/$0.25 - Pot Limit Hold'em - 11:56:00 ET - 2008/06/06
Seat 2: Thalium ($25.45)
Seat 4: goodhand168 ($78.45)
Seat 5: synthesist ($103.75)
Seat 6: Hero ($145.25)
synthesist posts the small blind of $0.10
Hero posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #4

Dealt to Hero KcKd
goodhand168 has been disconnected
Thalium calls $0.25
goodhand168 has reconnected
goodhand168 raises to $1.10
synthesist has 15 seconds left to act
synthesist calls $1
Hero raises to $4.65
Thalium folds
goodhand168 raises to $15.30
synthesist folds
Hero has 15 seconds left to act
Hero has requested TIME
Hero calls $10.65

Flop (Pot : $31.95)

Hero checks
goodhand168 bets $31.95
Hero folds
Uncalled bet of $31.95 returned to goodhand168
goodhand168 mucks
goodhand168 wins the pot ($30.40)

Total pot $31.95 | Rake $1.55
Board:  AdTd7s
Seat 2: Thalium folded before the Flop
Seat 4: goodhand168 (button) collected ($30.40), mucked
Seat 5: synthesist (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Hero (big blind) folded on the Flop

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