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So long and thanks for all the fish
  Ket, Jun 14 2022

I’ve been recovering at home from covid for past couple weeks not doing too much, mainly bored. In the downtime I started getting some nostalgia feels of the poker golden days good times.

LP was started in Sept or Oct 2005 and I believe I probably checked this site daily from day 1 until 2013 or so when I quit poker. Those were some great times, I remember fondly and am super grateful for some of the good times I had with a lot of old LPers as we went on this adventure together. For the broodwar generation it was incredibly good fortune to be ~early 20s, right time & right place (here) when the ESPN/moneymaker/internet boom happened.

Going to just keyboard mash out some shout outs and memories, I think in roughly chronological order of when our paths crossed,

TwistedEcho (Jon), my starcraft bff (Clan VdP 4lyfe) who got me into poker with a $30 loan and told me in a 3 min MSN messenger convo how to beat SnGs and limit holdthem (all that was needed at the time). Later became a MTT herobluff+herocall monster that also liked to party more than almost all nerdy poker players. Biggest weakness in his otherwise beastly game was credit card roulette. Pictured below with Myth shortly after losing cc roulette in a LP dinner attended by quite a lot more people than in this photo, lol.

Tom (teej1985), my uni housemate. We dropped out to play poker together (actually Tom was 1st a few months ahead, and his mother blamed me for corrupting him, go figure?). My brother from another mother, we lived breathed sleeped the game together for the golden years, shared a house and battled common enemies in the stars 10/20 25/50 games. His poker career was nearly over before it began, taking degen big MTT shots with his roll. Down to last $5 in a $5 MTT and either won or came 2nd for a 4 figure score to get his start. Went on to crush very high stakes for very long. Beast

Rekrul – if you were a fan of broodwar and poker in this era there is no way Rekrul was not the top cat and you weren’t a fanboy. From grim reaper to being one of the forerunners of the bw->poker transition. If back in the day we were paper chasers just livin’ our life then it’s safe to say Rekrul paved the way for us cats to get paid pre-uigea (sorry I’ll try to stop this turning into shit). He may not have been so pleased about this, here’s an old chatlog:

Nonetheless it was a delight to witness some rekrul ownage personally beasting people on the Wynn $10/20 cash tables (some crazy games back then, people buying in $50k deep and running outrageous bluffs). Other memory highlights include railing Rekrul beast Vanessa Selbst for a bracelet in WSOP $10k hu with a bunch of LPers (including the lovable degen Raidan who beat me for a surprising amount at $100 a throw rock-paper-scissors while we were waiting for the action to start).

TOTMidiaN – my boy the best british starcraft player by a ludicrous margin. Proud to have ‘paid it forward’ what Echo did for me by loaning him some $ to get him started in poker. Another guy come to kill Dan’s EV. Lived the good life for a good nr of years in Korea and became fluent in Korean.

RiKD – good to see you still around here man. Good times in 2006 sharing Vegas rooms. I was a 21yo total life fish, I guess we all were. Bad sleep schedules, grinding online in the room, and getting up too late to go somewhere nice for dinner and settling on the default All American Bar and Grill in Rio for multiple nights in a row which was the only convenient thing open at midnight. Ugh! But funny. More good stories coming to mind I probably don’t want to share publically!

RainKhan – hilarious chap. I just cannot even think of a single good Khan story that it would be reasonable to publically repeat here.

MezmerizePlz (vvvvvvvQ) and his boy Alex – I can remember one great steak dinner we had in Dublin where we were abs pissing ourselves over one the aforementioned RainKhan stories that won’t be shared publically. Many more good times in Vegas on top.

Nazgul – super calm and smart persona in real life – though used to do 40 hour sessions to get unstuck, think he had one where he only stopped playing after coming back from some ungodly number of buyins down at 10/20stars; berated me for having a ‘spineless’ habit of quitting when I was losing and stopped playing well (or as “well” as anyone played in like 2008 – take this comment on a relative basis, this was pre-solver street poker we were playing here back in the day ????)

Daut – had many good chats (including about our favourite 3/6 stars player SOROS). Pleasure to watch his PCA win and owning Ike HU at the end with a high reliability live tell.

Mig – MTT beast, kept crushing me in sidebets. Good laughs had together in Vegas houses. Shortly after winning his bracelet, with his laid back ‘nothing special just another day in the office’ demeanor:

RaSZi – legend but basically on tilt all the time for one reason or another from what I remember of the times. Remember a particularly awkward incident when a bunch of us were housing together for Vegas in some ridiculous mansion, Lex was outside the house life tilting very hard trying to calm down with a cigarette, and Echo had the idea of lightening the mood by pranking Raszi with a water balloon to the face…… That one, it turns out, did not have the intended effect and actually went down very poorly… LOLOL

Myth – true gentleman and good guy. Introduced me to scotch, general jovial bonvivant. I am rofling myself currently at an amazing pic of him I have here at the end of a Vegas night out, that is probably again not for public sharing.

PoorUser – master of winning with ludicrous J high calldowns where it’s not even likely he beats bluffs at showdown but manages to pull it off somehow.

MiPwnYa – Ultimate bonvivant French. Moved to London near the tail-end of my poker career, we were living not too far off each other and had many great squash/badminton battles, dinners and drinks. Got some excellent life advice from my brother Quentin at the time which changed the course of my life subsequently.

locoo (small L, two Os) – winning at life in Lima, beautiful family, thanks for your hospitality when I was travelling in South America. Hope you stayed away from those crooked local live games (or found they weren’t crooked and crushed them!)

straate – had many a stars battle with this legend at the tables. Probably only LPer I’ve met for a dinner (that I wasn’t already friends with outside LP prior) after transitioning out of poker, on a business trip to SF few years back. Guy’s made his own good transition out of poker and was doing interesting stuff

longple – epic grinder, one of the guys that was becoming the new generation of beast just as I was quitting the game, had a great dinner with him in London and was very happy to see him having deserved success at the time for his hard work

Liquid`Meat (made TL & LP websites, guy was ridiculously Dutch and loves his beer)[/b],

Bigbobomobmombombobm, Bigred0000000000, Doomer, FrinkX, Nolan,

DustySwedeDude - guy was the most social/least nerdy I’ve ever seen an LPer at a live MTT table, was smashing the red wine at some semilarge euro main event donkament and being the table entertainer,

F4zi - flashiest LPer, knew how to enjoy his life,

Xervean - OG LP Degen taking high stakes shots for rolls back in the day. I understand through social media the man has cleaned up his act and crushes chess/responsible stakes poker now?

Cutssss – Insane Frenchie doing ridic stuff and crushing the games on weird euro sites.

And LPers I don’t think I ever met but who I chatted with online a lot or just enjoyed the posts of:
Baal (great guy, lots of life wisdom and lots of car wisdom)

Ggplz – actually ha we did meet but before poker, at WCG UK! Good guy

Arya – more well known as a mod (just not by me because I can’t remember his name or more well known ID anymore, just went by Arya on LP). Introduced me to GoT books in 2006 way before there was any murmur of a HBO show. Has a great story of taking a degen underrolled partypoker 10/20nl shot. Played 1 orbit. Limps utg with AA. Hsnl proto-crusher loloTRICKEDu isolate raises, Arya limp-reraises ALLIN FOR 100BB. Gets timebank-called by AK or something, wins $2k, sits out next hand, never plays a hand of 10/20 again. 10000bb/100 lifetime winrate lol.

Other names of posters I liked that come to mind- Loco, byrnesam, SakiSaki, Tomson, Rhaegar.

I almost don’t want to even press the post button at this point because I’m scared I’m forgetting people here. Pls don’t take it personally and kindly post your own stories of our shared good times if you see this!

Would always love to reconnect with old LP friends at some point in life, send me a PM if any of you guys are ever in London and want to get a dinner or drink. Am assuming many of you check this site from once every two years to never, so even if you’re reading this a few years down the line offer stands ????. Actually just reach out to reconnect anyway, would love to know what you guys are up to now etc. Let me know where in the world you are (incase I’m travelling there anytime soon like with work or something.. likely in US + Toronto few times a year now that travel is a thing again)

As for me I quit poker in 2013 and rejoined the zz traditional route. Got married, started a family (my daughter is 7 now), got a finance job looking at stocks.


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Comments (63)

The games are incredibly easy
  Ket, Nov 24 2012

We just experience them as being 'hard' because we all suck. Really bad. The avg reg that has made 7 figures lifetime is just not very good at all (myself included). Think about how good you have to be to get to the top x percentile in any other competitive pursuit and compare it with poker, it's a joke. Good news for motivated "good" (relative to all the other fools) pros!! Cheers

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Comments (48)

Re: longple
  Ket, Oct 31 2012

I wrote a reply here in longple's blog in answer to some requests I got ->¤tpage=last

Just making this post to draw attention to it for those it interests, since the longple blog is buried somewhere now

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