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advice please
  perseverance, Feb 16 2009

hey guys, i feel retarded for blogging twice in the same day, but just broke a record for most profit in a day ($1757)

that's pretty effin big to me. anyways, i'm more interested in what people think about nl200.

i'm wondering what kind of buyin system i should use (i used ~20 for everything so far, but think i should maybe be more careful about nl200).

bankroll equals roughly ~$5000 right now.

should i wait for 30buyins? 35? any advice?

as for nl200, whats the main difference between 100 and 200nl? i'd say from nl50 to nl100 is increased aggression on draws, and squeezing/light 3bets in position. i'm curious what you nl200 regs think the biggest difference is so i can prepare myself.

anyways, gl everyone, especially uptown. that guy is a goddamned work-horse, seriously.

oh ya, gotta post the daily results brag.. hah, sorry. i'm pretty stoked about it.

anyways, blogs never complete without a sweet tune.

Cheers all

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Square Four (nl100)
  perseverance, Feb 15 2009

Bankroll = ~$4000

Well, NL100 is going quite well. I'm very pleased with my results lately, and feel like I'm moving up in the poker world at a decent pace.

I noticed that it's quite profitable to simply nit it up at nl100, quite often when I'm check-raising on flushdraw boards, people are reshoving on me with tpgk quite often while i'm holding the nuts (sets, 2p, whatever). I think this is due to the increased aggression, people are starting to get paranoid and think people are making moves on them all the time.

At first I felt I was getting 3bet to death, and loosened up calling more preflop raises with marginal PP's, and shipping it in on non a/k/q boards, but this seemed to be a huge leak. Now I'm simply playing tight and solid pre, and not out-thinking myself too much.

Enough of all that nonsense.

I'd like some advice from some nl200 people as to how many buyins I should have before I attempt to take shots at nl200. I'm pretty sure the 20buyin rule doesn't quite apply to limits above nl100, so I'm thinking 25, 30? Maybe more? I've never logged in a serious nl200 session in my life, and as a result have no idea what to expect once I take that leap.

Anyways, I 1-tabled last night/this morning for about an hour and a half, and made a solid 4 buyins running at roughly 45/35. lol, it's true that if you can actually focus on the game dynamics and whats going on that you can rape the competition big time. I can see myself cutting my tables down a bit on nl200 when I first start there.

Anyways, I'm feeling pretty good about my progress so far, so I think it's time to go and mix myself a drink.

As always, a little pleasure for your ears - skip into 30 seconds, this songs a beauty.

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Square 3 (NL50)
  perseverance, Feb 13 2009

Should be done. my BR = ~2500, but I might wait until I have 30 buyins to start playing nl100. time shall tell.

I'm positive competition is going to be much tougher there. I already played it a bit, and noticed much more aggression, 3betting/4betting preflop going on.

Sadly, my database fucked up, and I had to start a new one yesterday. So I'm unsure how many hands I played. I ran approx. ~4-5 ptbb/100 over whatever sample size (since I had roughly a 1000 bankroll or so i think).

But yes, nl50 is basically a taad bit harder than nl25, but double the money. that = good times. I'm actually slightly nervous about nl100, as I'm unsure as to player tendencies. However, I enjoy putting chips in the middle with good draws when I think opponent has some fold equity (which isn't very profitable at nl50), so we'll see how that goes.

Last two days on nl50

and as always, a little song for the deaf

anyways, i bid you adieu. I'm heading to the liquor store, might put in another session session before i head out tonight


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