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JonnyCosMo's Blog

New to LiquidPoker? Register here for free!
  JonnyCosMo, Oct 09 2007

Online Poker

I have registered to play in the PokerStars World Blogger Championship of Online Poker!

This Online Poker Tournament is a No Limit Texas Holdem event exclusive to Bloggers.

Registration code: 3140517

I just want the Cannon Rebel! Top 10 ftw~

*****1 votes

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Thank You SSNL!
  JonnyCosMo, Oct 08 2007

This is a special thanks to all the 2+2 regulars who play small stakes on PokerStars and FullTilt. Without you SSNL guys, this blog entry would not be possible. Thanks again for all the financial support and all you've given me over the years.

A. Thank you carrotsnake for my Ergo Proxy DVD series. It was really a very entertaining show! At $24.99 per DVD, I pretty much was able to get the entire series the first time we played! Thanks again <3

B. Thanks pennpal for my Bose Head phones. They are the best set of head phones I've ever had. And I felt these were a really hard earned pair of head phones to get considering you play so freakin tight.

C. Thanks Acemanhattan for my iPhone. Sorry I purchased it a week after it came out, so I didn't get to cash in on that $100 rebate that they offer now. No worries, you paid it in full!

D. A very special thanks to brudman for my new HP desktop computer. This baby is equipped with that new Intel Quad Core technology, 600gb's of hard drive space (not including the external hard drive), NVIDIA 8600 GeForce graphics card, and 3090mb's of DDR Memory. The entire system was around $1700 total after I installed the video card, and you were nice enough to pay every last cent. You are a scholar and a gentleman. Thank you.

E. Thank you catcher3333 for my Logitech lazer point mouse. I was able to purchase this after re-stealing your retarded min-reraise preflop for the 50th time.

F. Thank you luckybacon for my HP laptop. Sorry I don't use it much. I promise the next time someone gives me $1200+ to spend, I will make a wiser investment into an item that I will be using more than once a year.

G. Thanks greg1osu for my triple lamp that I got from Target. It was on sale. Thank god for that too because you almost didn't give me enough for it!

H. A very special thanks to FGators26 for my duel 24" monitors. At $899 a piece, these babies make multi-tabling sooooo much easier than my old 17"!

I. Thank you nsd4eva for the very comfy leather chair that I sit my ass on while I play. I was thinking about getting a second (nicer) one, but you run like god, so I guess I'll make someone else pay for the next one.

J. Say hello to my 500gb external hard drive complete with all the music / videos from my old computer. I pretty much have every mp3 I downloaded back in the Napster days on that external hard drive. Thanks a lot for this FoofChunk! No really, I am forever in your debt.

K. Thanks BGnight for my 80gb video iPod. Had to replace the old one because it was only 60gb and that's just too small. Gotta keep with the latest fashion yo~!

L. Thanks needfood for my fan. It keeps the air flowing in my room nicely. It's definitly a must have with San Diego weather.

Thanks to all SSNL over at 2+2 Forums once again! You guys are rockstars.

*****12 votes

Comments (31)

San Diego Life
  JonnyCosMo, Oct 08 2007

Life is good, school is picking up so I'm doing more and more reading. I had my first 3 midterms last week, and did fairly good on my first 2, but the 3rd one (the one that I thought I'd be the most comfortable with) went to shit since the professor structured the questions in the most ridiculous way. Hella gay yo! Anyways, I thought it be cool to post some pics of whats going on in SD. Been playing a lot of poker during the weekdays but not so much during the weekends...

Picture of the sunset on Mission Bay San Diego from the bridge

Mainly this is due to my obsession with going to Mission Bay or Pacific Beach and getting trashed then crashing at my friend's house. My transportation is very limited so far since I dont have a car. I basically use my bike to get me places. The plan was to get a car 2 weeks ago, but I've been super lazy on that part mainly because I really haven't had a free weekend to myself yet. On the bright side, it's nice not to have to worry about how I'm going to get my ass back home when I'm drunk. And it's pretty sweet waking up in a baller pad such as this:

My second home! My friends have such a baller pad.

My weekend bed! That couch is way more comfy than my bed.

And as for life...

Too bad this doesn't come with an audio clip

Surfers on Acid = Best shooter ever

In the city!

Things to note if / when you guys ever visit San Diego: The Gaslamp district downtown has some sweet happy hour specials that last all the way to 9pm at some places. The nightclubs downtown are pretty sweet as well (I've only been to two of them, but they were both good). The Yard House has the sickest selection of beer you will ever see. The Typhoon (in PB) on fridays is the place to be, period. Don't gamble in cardrooms in San Diego (or California in general for that matter) because they are rigged and will rake $4 every single hand EVEN IF YOU DON'T SEE A FLOP. Ok hope that helped you guys.

*****1 votes

Comments (5)

Yeah I Run Good!
  JonnyCosMo, Oct 01 2007


A nice welcome back to NL400 today. I felt like I played a very good game of poker overall though. Here are some of the hands from the session:

Pots I Won! - Being real abusive to this poor fellow. 3 Bet aces and he shoves over my c-bet on the flop. EZ Ship. - Looking back on this, I feel like I played it really bad. If I bet the turn I probably could have stacked him. At the same time, I dont really mind my line. - Flopped the nuts, river pairs the board and the guy raises over my c-bet. I feel gross about it but there is so much in the pot so I call and I'm somehow good. - Pretty standard 3 bet pot play. Guy can't have a big hand on the flop like ever, so ez double barrel.

Pots That I Lost! - My QQ runs into AK. These coin flips hurt twice as bad when you move up. - AK runs into QQ. If you haven't yet noticed, I was struggling in coin flips today. - Poly_Baller is a total monkey... Get all-in with my TT vs his 77 and he spikes a set. Nice to be retarded and run good. - Naturally I pick up JJ about 4 hands later and he makes the same monkey 4 bet but this time he actually has Aces. I really wanted to get away from this spot but I kept thinking over and over: "This monkey gets it in with as bad as AQs or TT 99 here..." But maybe he adjusts his range after the last hand? I dont know, this spot feels like a semi-cooler. - One of my bad plays today. I think I can fold this spot. All my friend thinks this guy is a total nit, and if thats true I can never see myself good here. Whatever, I'm such a station.

I'll prolly play a session tonight and see if I can get some back.

*****1 votes

Comments (1)

I Win at Poker Again
  JonnyCosMo, Oct 01 2007

My september 2007 went pretty well for the most part. I started the month down around $1800, but grinded back. Got a lot of my confidence in playing back, although I found it difficult to make time to play a lot of hands due to school and San Diego life in general. Only dished out 28,409 hands in september and ended up +$7169.05 total. I also cashed in 2 of the 4 WCOOP events that I entered. I am kind of disappointed that these past weeks flew by, as I wanted to enter more events than I did. Whatever thou. Hopefully next month I can find time to play more.

*****1 votes

Comments (5)

WCOOP Event #1 (Part 1)
  JonnyCosMo, Sep 14 2007

Woke up today at 6:45am for my classes, I felt like shit and hit snooze... til 11:00am. Yeah so I missed my classes today, but I've been pretty sick for most of the week. So WCOOP Event #1 is here and it's the $215 NLHE 6-Max event. Here are some of the interesting hands from my tournament: - First big hand of my tournament. My image is terrible, I'm raising every other hand, pick up AQ utg raise and flop the nuts. Poker so ez. Except turn card destroys my hand and river the guy shoves over my bet. Yuckkkkk. My river bet should be 300 instead of 420. - Raise JT, flop an open ended draw. The guy in position minraises the flop so I flat call and bam, hit the nuts on the turn. We get it all-in and I hold vs his top set for a double up 40 mins into the tournament. - Standard LAG image paying off, as moron 4 bet jams A5 vs my AK. - My first real BIG move in the tournament. The turn brought a nice double barrelling card but the guy still calls. River makes it even scarier, and I jam. He can't call me, ship ship!

Ended first break at: 7335 in chips
Ended second break at: 8632 in chips

Still in it, will update w/ more hands later

*****1 votes

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  JonnyCosMo, Sep 12 2007

PokerStar's WCOOP is just around the corner but with school going on and classes in the middle of my day I'm going to have to cut back on a couple of the events I wanted to play. So I've planned out what I'm going to do to work around school and came up with the following list of events I plan on playing:

Friday September 14th: WCOOP Event #1 - $215 NLHE (6-Max)
Sunday September 16th: WCOOP Event #5 - $530 NLHE
Friday September 21st: WCOOP Event #10 - $320 NLHE (Heads-Up)
Friday September 21st: WCOOP Event #11 - $215 Razz
Saturday September 22nd: WCOOP Event #13 - $530 PLHE
Sunday September 23rd: WCOOP Event #14 - $1050 NLHE
Wednesday September 26th: WCOOP Event #17 - $320 NLHE (6-Max)
Friday September 28th: WCOOP Event #20 - $530 NLHE (Shootout)

Total of WCOOP Event Buy-Ins: $3,710

If all goes as planned I'll hopefully turn up some sort of profit through all of this. If I break even I wont think of it as too bad. But if the karma of the universe continues to shit on me, then I will probably be destined to down-kick the entire $3,710. As of right now I don't plan on playing the Main Event, but that will probably change. I'm still playing some satellites for it every weekend, and if I happen to grab a seat before then I will most likely play. That or I'll sell pieces of myself out. GL to everyone in the WCOOP.

*****1 votes

Comments (6)

Rebooting the Blog
  JonnyCosMo, Sep 05 2007

So a lot has happened since my last blog entry... I'm totally the laziest person ever when it comes to updating things. I wanted to do some more updates from Vegas w/ more pictures but Nazgul took down the WSOP Blogs so I kinda lost interest in doing that. I'm thinking I'm going to zip all the pictures I took (I'm such an asian tourist) and just make them available to everyone.

Some updates with me: I'm back in school! LOL I know... Kind of un-baller of me, but it's awesome. Yes I said school is awesome. I'm currently going to San Diego State University, and living in a new appartment complex 10 mins away in Mission Valley (another 10 mins from the beach) with my roommate Marshall28. Here's a quick list of pros and cons since I've moved down to San Diego:


1. The whether is a constant 85-90 degrees, without fail. Around the beach it's around 80. It is constantly warm but not blazing hot. So perfect.

2. The bar scene here is amazing. On PB (Pacific Beach) there are two main streets where all the action goes down, and since San Diego is a huge college town (There are 3 colleges here in the same city, SDSU, UCSD, and USD) it pretty much becomes a very popular central gathering spot. The bars are right along the beach so... get drunk --> swim in the ocean. Ez Life.

3. The girls in San Diego are easily hotter than any place on this planet. I will bet bankrolls on this fact. You really need to come down here and see for yourself because my friends told me this before and I totally didn't believe them. No, it's 100% true.

4. Downtown is just so baller, with very Vegas like clubs and restaurants.

5. It's a 4 hour drive to Vegas.

6. [vital]Myth is an hour north from where I live. And I really hope he comes and enlightens me with his magical words of wisdom.


1. The motherfuckers that work at the Fry's Electronics near where I live are all fucking retarded. Just bought a $1600 desktop computer yesterday and I specifically ask one thing about 5-6 times to the 2 different guys helping me: "CAN THIS COMPUTER HOOK UP TWO MONITORS?" And each time they both were like "Yes of course!". Well I open the box when I get back to my place and guess what! Video card only has one slot for a monitor. Freakin donkeys.

2. My new desktop computer has Windows Vista...

3. Right now I have no car, so I'm getting my friends to haul me around. I take the Trolley to school so that's not really a problem, but having no car really limits my freedom to when my friends can pick me up which kinda sucks.

4. The whole "Socal" attitude really blowz ass. My roommate has a bad case of it, where he thinks the world should be revolving around him. I've met some really nice people down here, but I really don't enjoy how some of them think that putting down other people is a cool thing to do. I think it's retarded, spread the love, and stop acting like a stuck up bitch who thinks you're the only one in the world with problems. And for Christ's sake SMILE!

5. I'm running bad. On a sick -$12,000 downswing at 2/4 & 1/2 the past month. Can't seem to do anything right. It's really funny. It started with me tilting hardcore vs asdf2000 heads-up thinking he was a fish, I guess I was wrong. Then when PokerStars opened heads-up tables I thought it was going to be awesome, nope wrong again! -$3600 of my 12k downswing comes from 1/2 heads-up. LOL... Obviously I was being a little sloppy after Vegas, (hey, playing with complete retards for a month straight can make you sloppy!) But now I'm back on track with my game and still can't get things to work for me. I need to find God or something...

6. I got homework, and a lot of reading to do. Sick life

Overall I love it though. If anyone is down here in San Diego and would like to meet me, give me a PM with some contact info. I'm always down to meet any new LPer's. Ok I will be updating this more often, and hopefully with pictures.

*****1 votes

Comments (9)

Final Fantasy
  JonnyCosMo, Jul 06 2007

Plain and simple... Squaresoft makes the best games ever. If you haven't played any of the final fantasy games, you are totally missing out. I pretty much spent all night playing Final Fantasy X and the ending just knocked me off my feet.

To view the video, please click Comments

Ok, here I come FFXI and FFXII.

*****1 votes

Comments (4)

Lucky Chances Adventure
  JonnyCosMo, Jun 13 2007

So Derric (actionDJ) and I decided that tonight would be the night we head out to Lucky Chances Casino in San Fransisco to un-rust our live game before Vegas. So we sit at a juicy 1-1-2 game, and I end up having to lay down AKs to a guy who obviously had aces (his hands shook the table as he 4 bet reraised me). After 30 mins of this BS I'm down $50. Sweet.

Finally we get moved to the 2-3-5 game which had a $10 open so it played like a $5/$10. Derric and I were moved to seperate tables and we both ran cold for like 3 hours straight. Basically, I ended up picking up a bunch of small preflop pots with big raises in position, but everytime I saw a flop I got tooled. This one cute asian chick (these cute asian chicks will be the death of me I swear) just took me to school in every pot we played. I raised it up with TT 3rd to act, a loose player behind me called, and asian chick called out of the blinds. Flop came K-8-3 w/ 2 diamonds. Asian chick checks, I bet $60 into a $95 pot. Guy behind me folds, asian chick calls. Turn comes a 4d. Asian chick leads for $100. Puke. I check to see if I got fold equity if I shove. I then check if I have the Td... I don't. Sick...Fold. Next hand I get in with her, I have 66 on the button. Guy limps utg. Asian chick limps behind, I make a raise to $50, they both call. Flop comes K-Q-9. Guy checks, asian chick bets $40. lol Fold. Guy behind me calls. Turn 6. Puke. Guy leads into her, she shoves and guy called w/ KJ. She has 99. Phew. River 6. Puke. Next I have AQo, raise in 3rd position to $40. One caller behind me, asian chick on the button makes it $180. First time she's repopped all night. Bitch, this is war! But not with AQo... Fold. Finally I pick up T9hh. Minraise utg, asian chick calls, everyone between me and her (like 4-5 people) called. I call the $20. Blinds call, we got a family pot w/ everyone but one person left. Flop comes 5c-6h-7h, giving me a gut shot straight flush draw. The stupidly lagtard SB leads out for $20. The big blind whos been really tight for the most part makes a mini-raise to $50. Asian chick behind him calls. Retard behind her calls. Everyone else folds to me. I look down and count out my chips and start thinking whats the best play. Obviously I'm not folding. It's whether I want to just flat call or raise here. I decided to take this bad boy of a draw to war, and hope to give myself some fold equity vs marginal hands or marginal draws... I RAISE ALL-IN $450 TOTAL! Then the dealer looks at me and is like "You can't do that." I'm like "huh?" And he's like "This is a Spread Limit $5-$200 table, you can only raise $200" ... Thanks for telling me that we are playing spread limit actionDJ. Fucking suicide. SB insta folds, the tight big blind calls. Asian chick is like "I raise $200 more." So I'm like fuck how do you wake up with a hand you can felt everytime? So I call off the last of my stack, and so does the big blind. Hands were shown: Both the big blind and the asian chick had 98 for the nut straight. Woot I'm draw totally live! Get there one time! Turn Ad, River 4c. Stacked.

Live poker fucking sucks.

****4 votes

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