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Sunday Million Hopes and Dreams... Dashed
  JonnyCosMo, Jun 10 2007

I fucking hate the Sunday Million... why do I put myself through that torture every single weekend. So freaking retarded. I struggle for the majority of the tournament on a short stack, then 2 hours into the tournament I finally double up w/ Aces then take down another two pots to put me above average. On the bubble, I pulled an aggressive 3 bet with 43 and flopped a pair and a straight draw and got it in vs QQ. Spiked the straight on the turn, so ship the big stack over to me. Held a huge stack all the way down til there was 210 left, then this disaster happens to me:

Submitted by : JonnyCosMo

Table '51769624 660' 9-max Seat #8 is the button
Seat 1: cribb23 116124 in chips
Seat 2: janozmt 450159 in chips
Seat 3: PJBD 219967 in chips
Seat 4: JonnyCosMo 375371 in chips
Seat 5: JACKPOT786 64594 in chips
Seat 6: Omnipotent 533881 in chips
Seat 7: LQInc 160772 in chips
Seat 8: The Hat 414177 in chips
Seat 9: ipokeder 192858 in chips
cribb23: posts the ante 1500
janozmt: posts the ante 1500
PJBD: posts the ante 1500
JonnyCosMo : posts the ante 1500
JACKPOT786: posts the ante 1500
Omnipotent: posts the ante 1500
LQInc: posts the ante 1500
The Hat: posts the ante 1500
ipokeder: posts the ante 1500
ipokeder: posts small blind 7500
cribb23: posts big blind 15000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to JonnyCosMo AsKs
janozmt: calls 15000
PJBD: folds
JonnyCosMo : raises 35000 to 50000
JACKPOT786: folds
Omnipotent: folds
LQInc: folds
The Hat: folds
ipokeder: folds
cribb23: folds
janozmt: calls 35000
*** FLOP ***4sKcQh
janozmt: checks
JonnyCosMo : bets 75000
janozmt: raises 120000 to 195000
JonnyCosMo : raises 128871 to 323871 and is all-in
janozmt: calls 128871
*** TURN ***4sKcQh 2c
*** RIVER ***4sKcQh2c Jh
*** SHOW DOWN ***
janozmt: showsKhQd two pair, Kings and Queens
JonnyCosMo : showsAsKs a pair of Kings
janozmt collected 783742 from pot

Fucking cooler! Cashed for $1100 though so that's not too bad. Just such a tease when you play for 6 hours and get that far only to be knocked out by some retard fish who has no clue what he's doing and luck sacks his way to even bigger moneys. I hate poker. Daut helped me through the pain thou:

CosMo (9:09:06 PM): suicide
CosMo (9:09:13 PM): 210th today
Daut44 (9:11:17 PM): this will make you feel better
CosMo (9:09:19 PM): i want to break something
Daut44 (9:11:24 PM): so echo is going out to eat
Daut44 (9:11:32 PM): i took over for his 650 sat to main event
Daut44 (9:11:42 PM): first thing i do when im on his account
Daut44 (9:11:48 PM): order him a chris moneymaker medallion
CosMo (9:09:50 PM): ROFL

GG TwistedEcho. On another note, RaiNKhaN just called me up and informed me he's made his first WSOP cash in the $1,500 event for $15k. He also swapped 5% of ElkY who's still in that same event with 30 left. Go ElkY~!! Atleast someone runs good in fucking tournaments. :-P

***2 votes

Comments (5)

BC One 2006
  JonnyCosMo, Jun 07 2007

Ok so I'm just going to start off by saying that NL400 is going well for me. I'm up $2600 in 4k hands this month. Ship that shit. On to the main part of my post, the Red Bull BC One B-Boying Competition 2006 DVD is going to be released soon and guess whos going to be 1st in line to get it! Yea that's right, ME bitches. The BC One 2006 was hosted in Brasil, so the music is a little funky, but the event was far more popular in 2006 than 2005 and only the top 4 dancers from 2005 got to return to the 2006 competition.

If your lost in translation, this will introduce you to the BC One:

Here is the 2006 DVD Preview where they introduce all the dancers and half short clips of each:

Obviously Hong 10 ripped shit up with some gosu ass moves and represented mother Korea well:

Hong 10 is the SlayerS_'Boxer' of B-Boying~

***2 votes

Comments (6)

A Lot of Interesting NL400 Hands
  JonnyCosMo, Jun 06 2007

So today's session was a little less than stellar. I've been running pretty well at NL400 for the most part and am up a couple thousand for the month, but today was my first losing day. After 1300 hands I was down $800ish which isn't bad at all considering it's only 2 buyins now. Ran into a lot of interesting hands, check em out: - Flopped quads and got an aggro donk to hang himself with a bluff. - Seemed like a good time to semi-bluff. Apparently I was wrong. Opponent in this hand has been pretty aggressive for the most part, check-raising a lot of flops light so I figured he could only call this with a pretty strong hand. - Bad Beat. I can take it. Pretty standard for me. - Opponent is playing 28/5/1 and seems like one of those stupid loose/passive fish that would check-call a pot size bet on this river w/ 1 pair. But he happens to shove... WTF? I think this is a fold. - Could Poly_Baller run any better vs me? This seems pretty standard. - River robbed me of $100ish on this hand. Growl! - This was a pretty sick hand. Dofnsman43 reads through my turn bet pretty well and realizes I'm trying to pick up the pot since I know niether of the players in the hand have an ace. I suspect he's probably pretty weak but puts me on a bluff at the time so he will most likely hero call the river if I bet, so I'm totally done with this hand after the turn. River gives me a set. Bet pot, ship the $100 I lost in the previous hand! - Run better plz you short stack monkey. - Pretty sick line this guy takes. This was actually the 2nd time he's done this to me with this exact same line. You guys can't understand my curiousity on what hands he's doing this with. I think I'm going to call next time and find out - Meh, this hand was a pretty tough situation. I called mainly because I figured MrteddyKGB is 3 betting JJ+ preflop, so I can't be totally dominated in this hand. And there is a fair chance he has 99 or a sick combo draw like AQhh. I felt gross when I saw his hand... Run better plz =

Hope these are interesting enough.

***3 votes

Comments (2)

Back at NL400 (Brag)
  JonnyCosMo, Jun 05 2007

Went back to NL400 today. I've been doing really well at 1/2 again and got my confidence back so I decided to have another go at it tonight. Loaded up 3 tables at first, then added a 4th about 30 mins into my session and really tried to focus on my play. My friend Pavel (pmilanov on PokerStars) railed most of my session and he gave me his input on his bizzare style. I got into a lot of funky spots because of it, but overall it worked out. Here are some of the hands from my session: - My plan on the river was to check-fold. I swear. This player plays 3 bet pots very fast on the flop, so his flat call screamed uber strength. Dont ask me why I called, I stupidly changed my mind and decided not to go with the read. Curiousity killed the cat. And yes, I know open shoving the river is the standard play. - Same player, yet difficult situations due to the fact we were so deep. I feel the majority of the time in this spot I have the best hand, but playing past this flop is difficult out of position. - This was Pavel's bizzare idea to just flat preflop (my standard play is like 100% 3 bet). As played this hand got really interesting. - Super standard, not really interesting. - Pretty standard. - Ding. Well played sir. - Ding again. Thanks for the free cards.


Well that was fun.

*****2 votes

Comments (3)

Downswing on a EV Graph
  JonnyCosMo, May 27 2007

Today I put my bad run between April and May onto the PokerEV Software just to see how bad I was running... and oh boy... it was bad. For those of you who dont believe that I got unlucky, just check this out:

Almost this entire graph takes place at NL200 on PokerStars.

Translation of the graph goes as follows, the red line is what I should be making at showdown (true Sklansky bucks). The blue line is what I actually won at showdown. So you compare the difference between the red line and the blue line. The aqua line is my Equity Adjusted to total winnings, which basically is an estimate to what I should be winning adding in all the pots I won w/o showdown as well. At the bottom is my Total Winnings over that time period. Suicide eh?

There is over $4k difference between what I should have won and what I actually won. That's pretty freakin sick... Been running better recently, which has been good. Compared to my past month I feel like I'm running like god again. Let's hope this keeps up!

***2 votes

Comments (8)

Back On The Up and Up!
  JonnyCosMo, May 25 2007

So I woke up this morning and told myself that I'm going to just 2 table and see if I can play the best poker I can play for 1 day. Now before I started, keep in mind I haven't 2 tabled in like... so I've never 2 tabled ever. Anyways, the day started with me stacking a donkey with my bottom set, and then making a super thin value shove vs redgrape that got him to tank for a good 45 seconds before he folded (so close yo~!). I played for like 4 hours today which is how long I normally play, and it was one of the most stress free days of poker I've ever had. It was just really refreshing to concentrate on only 2 tables. As for my results today, I finally jump-started the money making machine again -->

Only got in 1215 hands today, but my winrate over that time was pretty sweet and finally a $1.5k day. I think I'm going to go back to NL400 tomorrow and just 2 table to start off my day again. Let's hope this is the start to great things!!!

***2 votes

Comments (7)

B-Boy BC One
  JonnyCosMo, May 25 2007

For those that dont know, I'm a big fan of hip hop in all forms. From the music to the dancing, I just love all of it. So every year Red Bull teams up with the best B-Boys in the world and they hold the Red Bull BC One B-Boy Championships, which just is the sickest display of dancing period. For those that dont know what kind of dancing I'm talking about check some of these videos out from my favorite matches:

Moy vs Hong 10 - Hong 10 completely pwns this American

Lilou vs Ronnie - Lilou is like x100 better than Ronnie. Watch Lilou from 2:55 to 3:10 in this vid. OMG?

Omar vs Lilou - The defending 2004 champion vs the 2005 champion. The end squence of moves is amazing.

Lilou vs Hong 10 - This is the final round so I only put the short summary video here since the original battle is like 9 mins long.

If these dances look interesting to you, you should definitly get the DVD since it's packed with sick b-boy battles like this plus some extras including Razhel's beat boxing.

***2 votes

Comments (8)

She Thinks I'm Cute!
  JonnyCosMo, May 22 2007

So Lyric msgs me last night at 3:00am and informs me that some chick on 2+2 saw my picture from the Bahamas and thinks I'm cute. LOL... Don't believe me?

Ding! The verdict is: The asian one is cute! There is a ego-booster for you. And to add to this ego boost, I'm finally having a winning week at poker. I was down like $5500 at the lowest point this month but I've gotten myself back to only being down $2700. Not bad at all. I'm still running pretty bad, but I think I'm playing my best. It also helped that I cashed in both the Sunday Warm-Up and the Sunday Million this past weekend.

In other news, my good friend Corwin Cole has organized and put together the Liquidpoker Private Lesson section where players can hire coaches for lessons. I have put my name up for coaching at a rate of $80 an hour (I make roughly $100/hr so I want to make it as close as possible to that). The catch is that I am not going to coach anyone higher than NL100. The reason for this is that I dont want to be helping out my fellow competition. That would be retarded. I'm actually interested in long-term students willing to set-up profit sharing deals over a period of hands. Discussion about my lesson rates can be handled by contacting me directly (AIM or MSN), but I think I'd be willing to do some lessons for just payment from profit-sharing depending on how trustworthy you are and what stakes you play.

If you are interested in lessons from me, and working out some sort of deal, contact me or just sign up through the Liquidpoker Lessons thing:


To be quiet honest with you, I think [vital]Myth and Daut are pretty excellent coaches and worth every cent they are asking. Myth is especially smart about the game as I realized after talking to him tons at Vegas. Too bad the kid is so busy and doesn't get much time to log in some hands, otherwise he'd be total baller bankin yo~.

Btw, I'm going to be in Vegas from June 15th to July 3rd. Apparently I'm sharing a condo with actionDJ, pmilanov, SakiSaki, DF_Newb, and foxfox1. Should be some fun. Give me a holla if your in vegas during that time!

*****1 votes

Comments (10)

Ding! I Run As Bad As This Baby
  JonnyCosMo, May 16 2007

In poker, I run as bad as this little baby:

Ding! And she's out for the count. ROFL

*****2 votes

Comments (12)

My Luck Is Changing!
  JonnyCosMo, May 15 2007

That's right baby! I had a winning day yesterday and won about $850 in 600 hands so I immediately stopped just to say I had a winning day. Today it started as break even for my first 1000 hands, then randomly at one of my only 4 tables I was told that I got dealt into the milestone hand! ZOMG???? To my surprise I found that I was dealt AK at that table!!! OMG OMG OMG!?!?! I figured it out the other day that if I was to win the milestone hand on a NL200 table I'd net a total of $5500-$6000 (assuming my Supernova bonus). Well here is the hand...

Submitted by : JonnyCosMo

PokerStars Game #9933000000: Hold'em No Limit ($1/$2) - 2007/05/15 - 20:48:54 (ET)
Table 'Soyuz-Apollo' 6-max Seat #4 is the button
Seat 1: Duckslayer2k ($201.10 in chips)
Seat 2: samfy ($188.15 in chips)
Seat 3: xfactr21 ($449.10 in chips)
Seat 4: lllFSlll ($255.25 in chips)
Seat 5: JonnyCosMo ($259.05 in chips)
Seat 6: AH74 ($128.10 in chips)
JonnyCosMo : posts small blind $1
AH74: posts big blind $2

Dealt to JonnyCosMo AcKd
JonnyCosMo said, "WEEEEEEEEEE"
JonnyCosMo said, "I got best hand btw"
Duckslayer2k: folds
Duckslayer2k leaves the table
samfy: calls $2
xfactr21: folds
JonnyCosMo said, "SHIP IT"
lllFSlll: raises $8 to $10
JonnyCosMo : raises $249.05 to $259.05 and is all-in
AH74: folds
samfy: calls $186.15 and is all-in
lllFSlll: calls $245.25 and is all-in

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $779.15)


Turn(Odds) (Pot : $779.15)

JonnyCosMo said, "AKAKAKAKA"

River (Pot : $779.15)


JonnyCosMo : shows AcKd (high card Ace)
lllFSlll: shows AsTd (a pair of Tens)
lllFSlll collected $134.20 from side pot
samfy: mucks hand
JonnyCosMo said, "AKAKA"
lllFSlll collected $563.45 from main pot

Total pot $700.65 Main pot $563.45. Side pot $134.20. | Rake $3
Board  4sQc3cTc9d
Seat 1: Duckslayer2k folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 2: samfy mucked 2d4c
Seat 3: xfactr21 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 4: lllFSlll (button) showed AsTd and won ($697.65) with a pair of Tens
Seat 5: JonnyCosMo (small blind) showed AcKd and lost with high card Ace
Seat 6: AH74 (big blind) folded before Flop

As you can see, I didn't win. So rigged. The most hilarious thing is: "Duckslayer2k leaves the table", poor guy thought our table froze and left before the milestone hand was dealt! LOL Total Donkey! Oh well, I lost that $200 stack, but PokerStars depositted $880 to my account just for getting dealt into the hand which is cool, so I netted $660. The actual winner got $2200 because he was a SilverStar. What a waste. Overall I had a winning day so I'm happy, my luck might be changing for the better! WOOOT

***3 votes

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