DustySwedeDude, Oct 12 2010
So I guess I can say that I'm fairy happy but a bit frustrated now. Breakevenish (a little bit down) this month and UO Valencia was annoying (busted an hour or two before the money). Down last month and didn't play much. Have some new plans, and kind of had a talk with the gf about a bunch of stuff and right now stuff feels much better and a lot less restricting.
Going to get back on the grind now, and try to concentrate on stuff instead of just floating around.
Bunch of things
DustySwedeDude, Sep 19 2010
I've got a ton of stuff to update. Haven't blogged much this month since I haven't played much poker. Probably down like 10k or so due to random variance, less then steller play and such. Doesn't bother me at all, since it's over such a super small sample. However, I've gotten a lot of shit done this month anyway.
First of all I've got my new computer set up. It's a really sweet grind station right now. Figured out a few ways to be more effective so when I actually get back to being a grind machine, I think that I'm likely to actually have a very high ev/hour. Also going to put in a lot of effort of getting better in omaha. The game is just more interesting then NL right now and I feel that there's a lot more room for a decent edge there.
Also got a girlfriend now. That's pretty sweet. Takes up some time though.
Free coaching and a vid!
DustySwedeDude, Sep 06 2010
Ok this is only for Swedish people (or people who speaks Swedish at least). Check out my Swedish blogg for a chance to win an hour of free coaching and hopefully get a video of me winning that donkament for 26k or whatever it was some months ago.
Link: http://dubierochdobbleri.wordpress.co...video-och-tavling-om-gratis-coaching/
Election time in Sweden!
DustySwedeDude, Sep 02 2010
And the leaders of Men, our best & brightest, the power-drunk custodians of this lustrace, can best be described as a criminally insane school of piranha with an unquenchable thirst for the lifeblood of the innocent. On a path of destruction they shred everything they see, mocking their exsanguinating victims, offering them “hope and change” as they whimper and bleed out. They talk of high principle but they lie. - Aha of interestingtimesmagazine.com.
Not that I know that he talked about the election, but still.
I've got small bets down on the right wing coalition to win it and the social democrats to get less then 30.5% of the votes. Bad odds on the first one, had I gotten more then 1.5 I'd probably put down like 5k on it. As is I only put down an amount so that I can give whatever I win to my sister and laugh when she tries to figure out if she should be happy or sad considering the election results.
Results and such
DustySwedeDude, Aug 30 2010
Also lost like 8k US on some other site, but these stats are in € so it's all good. I guess I'm up about 40k + rakeback in total, which would make this one of my best months ever (at least top 3 I think). This is ridiculous considering how I only played 30-35k hands. On the other hand my winrate has been pretty good and I'm actually breakeven on 10/20 for the year now despite consistent losing for the first few months.
Will try to get stuff more on schedule as far as playing, eating, sleeping, school, BJJ etc next month. I feel that something is wrong if I can't get more then 30kish hands in a month without school and I think it has a lot do do with not being time effective. As I wrote in my last post I'm trying to get my sleeping right so I went to sleep at 11pm on Sunday, basically saying "screw turnaments, guys! I'm going home!" in my best Cartman-voice. Woke up at 4.30 since I wanted to have some food before working out, went to BJJ, came home, had another breakfast and such before going to school for some introduction crap. When I got home I felt super tired so I went to sleep at 4pm which probably was a bit to early so now I woke up 2 hours ago at 3.30AM. I think I might be on the right track but I gotta watch this.
Also thinking of starting to try for like 2 90min sessions of poker each day or 5 days a week or something just to make sure that I actually play. Gotta be productive! Also, I'll try to figure this BJJ thingy out. I still am annoyed that I suck at basically everything, but there's a couple of lights in the tunnel.
Despite bitching about working out enough I actually noticed a few days ago that I'm down ~10kg or so since new years eve. Makes me feel good and I'm really motivated to keep getting in better shape. Havn't 100% decided if I'll try to put priority on getting my body fat down or if I should try to get stronger. It'll probably be decided by how much time school takes up.
DustySwedeDude, Aug 27 2010
I have a few general guidelines for how to live my life. I mostly make them up as I go, but if I've managed to find one I like I mostly keep to it. My latest is; “If you get superowned in grappling by some girl half your size, you should probably take whatever advice she gives”. Well I got superowned this morning, by a girl half my size (not really but still...) and afterwards she referred to me as “you're the guy who doesn't sleep, right?”. And yes, it was the girl from the most embarassing story I've ever posted...
Then she told me the following:
Sleeping is important, you should sleep 6-8 hours each night and it should be in one part not spaced out over a few quickies. It's also nice to sleep during the night rather then the day cause the brain likes to send out melatonin when it's dark and apparently that stuff kicks ass and does a lot of good shit for you.
I read up a little bit about it on wiki and apparently your levels of that crap might be lower if you have some kind of autism, which I may or may not have some light version of. I also feel that I should probably not try to get out of this by buying pills on the internet. First of all I don't like to mess with my brain to much (I get weird when I try fun stuff) and I try to be a blood donor which means that I'll have to state what kind of supplements and such I take every 3 months or so and it's really hard to remember stuff.
September feels like a good month to get on a regular sleeping pattern. I've got to much stuff to do with school, social stuff and other things to actually be able to put in any reasonable amount of hands anyway and it would be good to actually get decent grades on something during my time in law school. Thus I've decided that for September I will not play poker or otherwise be at the computer after 1am in the mornings except if I'm deep in some Sunday tournament or satellite which probably won't happen to often.
Last time I actually slept well was during June, but my sleeping schedule was fairly fucked up anyway. I basically woke up around 5pm, did some stuff during the evening/early afternoon, then I played poker until something like 4am and then I either went to BJJ at 6 in the morning or went to the gym/took a long walk only to get back to bed sometime around 8ish. I remember being annoyed with the sun and such but didn't think that it was such a problem. Come to think if it I didn't really feel that rested either, I don't think. Not to mention the horrors of actually trying to put the day right when I visited my parents and such.
So basically, instead of setting a bunch of goals concering how much I should play, how much I should work out or anything like that I'll set sleeping goals for september.
Wake up 8 am weekdays when I don't have BJJ in the morning and 4.40 when I have it.
Not playing poker after 1 am except on Sundays if I'm deepish in some tournament.
Get a minimum of 5 hours of sleep each day, preferably 7.
Cut down on Red bull and coffee. No coffee/energy drinks after 9 pm except for Sundays.
Oh, and for results this month, just check out the leaderboard over at Unibet
Ok, I lied
DustySwedeDude, Aug 23 2010
I don't have bad runs (at least not my share!)
Good runs, bad runs, you know I've had my share...
DustySwedeDude, Aug 22 2010
Running good on Prima. Playing good too. Up like 40k or so in August over very few hands. Have lost a couple of K on some other site. Trying to be rid of the dumb ass shortstackers by site selecting a little bit but I run like a gay midget on heroin (ie: not very good) on those other sites. It suuuucks!
Also had a new high in the amount of "I'm up a ton but still tilted like a mofo"-sessions. It's weird. Might be that I haven't been able to work out much after Prague due to a cold. Got my ass beat really badly when I got home but figured it was due to me being a little bit tired but then I got sick the next day so figured that had a lot to do with it. I think I might be back tomorrow though, which would be fun.
Got a new phone too. Had my old "good for knocking guys out with but probably not much more"-indestructible piece of crap for too long and I finally got really annoyed with it so got a new phone with one of them "touch screens" and such. The phone company (telia) is being super retarded though so I haven't got internet on it yet which sucks.
Thinking of going to UO Valencia and Venice this fall and probably the Swedish Championships on Malta too. Might not the best decisions from a pure poker ev point of view considering travel costs and such but it'll probably be fun enough and it'd bee cool to win one.
Another nice day
DustySwedeDude, Aug 16 2010
That's a fairly good 24 hour span.
DustySwedeDude, Aug 14 2010
All is well again. Prob around 20kish over ev for the month.
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