The Sun rises;
The Sun sets
The tides rise;
The tides fall
We blissfully caress our souls
Feeling that passion but letting it go
Not knowing which direction we should follow
We get lost in the idea of love
When the Sun doesn't rise anymore
The tides seem to stay idle
A strange equilibrium of eloquence
A clock without time
Stuck in your way
A thorn in our sides
We feel the passion
That is our soul
God exists through this
Giving a sermon that no preacher could ever preach
An understood code of emotion
so i played in like 10 sunday million hyper turbo things and won 3 seats but one of the tournaments ran too long and i couldn't unregister.
dillema is, i have to work tonight in ~4 hours so I'll have to sell my action or pay someone to play for me or something. If i know you and you dont suck at poker and would be interested in doing something granted i make it 4 hours deep let me know.
So the new job is pretty stellar compared to my previous endeavors in the ways of being a working class hero. The project I got into was a pilot and the company got the project because of mine and a few other guys work and I will be the guy that makes all of the new McCafes at Mcdonalds work.
Basically I go into the stores and depending on whether it's a de-install or a re-install I basically do the networking for the store and set up the new registers and stuff. I make $150 per store I do and right now im only doing 2 stores a night but here pretty soon we will start doing 3 a night. Since I'm working on the road I also get paid $580 a week per diem which if you dont know what is, it's money for living on so hotel, food, etc. It's basically impossible to spend all of that so I also bank probably 1/2 to 1/3 of that a week.
As far as poker goes I play a bit, I haven't really been motivated to work at it or towards the 100k goal yet and I'm not gonna really push that. I'll just play and see what happens I guess.
I want to start investing my money that I have sitting around but the stock market really blows and I dunno what else there is to invest into when money is shitty so I'll be looking to be buying some poker action or staking in +EV situations for now or until I find something to start sticking lots of money into so if you are looking for something like that let me know.
I also recently wrecked my truck and it's totaled so I have to get a new vehicle sometime but I'm not gonna be at home but maybe a week or so total a month so I hate to buy something where my payments will be $500 a month and insurance will be a lot too when I can't justify having it for a few nights a month. I don't really know what to do about my vehicle situation yet but I'm saving lots of money and will probably just wait til I have enough cash to pay upfront for whatever I'm getting.
Also, I'm still losing weight and I'm nearing my perfect weight (few lbs off) I wish I could start working out but it's really hard when I'm only in one place for a few weeks and then I go to another city. I'm currently in Portland so if you're around here let me know and maybe we can meet up and do something.
Since the stock market sucks and I don't have anything to invest in and I enjoy gambling I'll stake anyone for the sunday 200g @ 70/30 split no stakeback.
if you can show me you're a decent player I might cut you a better deal
K so my new job is pretty awesome and i make a decent deal of cash.
I wanna go on a vacation to the PCA from jan 5-10 with money I have saved up by then, for people who have went how much did you bring and what type of cash games run? How much money would I need to fully enjoy the experience as ballerly as possible?
I also will prob drop 1-2k in sattelites to try to play in the main event but even if that fails I still wanna come.
Things in my life have made a turn for the better. For the past 4 weeks I have been working in a factory for $9 an hour. I had no choice in the matter its the best I could do etc. I really haven't suffered as much as i thought I would and working for $9 an hour when you have nothing isn't that terribly bad. I had money to make ALL of my payments and take out a different girl every friday and saturday night and have probably the most fun ive had in a long time over the past 4 weeks. Tomorrow, however, I have an interview that im a shoe-in for doing much more sophisticated work. I'm gonna be setting up networks and stuff for random businesses making at least 1k a week up to 5k+ a week just depending on what it is im doing. Needless to say this is a pretty sick opportunity for a 19 year old with no college degrees or anything like that. The downside is that im a rural farm boy (well not really but i live in a farm community) and im moving to the capital of the world new york city. Pretty big change! I lived and worked in downtown Milwaukee for 3-4 months though so its not like i have no idea what im getting myself into.
I guess all of those years of being a computer nerd are gonna pay off because I'm potentially going to be balling way too hard and might actually have to save some money (whoa?) I've never done that before. I dunno where this job will lead me but it pretty much opens the doors to whatever I will want to do for the rest of my life and my opportunities are endless so I love my situation right now.
On to things you guys love to hear me write about, my degen poker career.
I OFFICIALLY started my journey from $0 to 100k yesterday. I sat down with 1k playchips, played for about an hour and had 18k playchips when i was finished. I played for about 2 hours today and i now have 200k playchips.
I'm not totally sure @ what point i will sell my playchips but probably when i start to become overrolled for the biggest playchip sng games so probably around 4-5 mil which will put me comfortably at $40-50 which is massively sufficient to start playing nl2.
Playing poker when its not about the money is so much easier its ridiculous, lets hope i can stay away from my bad habits which unfortunately are my downfall to not only poker but life. Stay out of the games I can't afford that's all i gotta do and this quest to 100k will be a ridiculously easy task.
gl all, and for the fucking love of god I hate my image on this site, I'm half way tempted to make a new username when I get to new york and you guys will never see me again. Quit fucking berating me and calling me a thief and other shit I never try to do anything but help people and get massively negative comments about everything I do and its insanely annoying.