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My end of 2008 blog post.
  Into Infinity, Dec 31 2008

accidently deleted the first half of the post, whatever, basically said i went on a 300 dollar downswing at nl25, got a coach, won a bunch, hit 1k, played persona 4, got lazy at poker, regrind nl10 for like 10BB/100, the end

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cash out, etc
  Into Infinity, Dec 21 2008

cashed out about 600 of my BR

lately i've been playing like a total spewmonkey, with stats like 35/20/1 or some ridiculous shit. i've been really out of it, ever since i started playing persona 4

anyways, i left myself with 300 so i can fuck around at nl10 and get back into the groove. definately NOT making goldstar this month, but whatever

anyways, happy holidays everyone

my mustache is fucking THiCK

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  Into Infinity, Dec 18 2008

2nd shot at NL50 just finished

after 350 hands, i am down 3.5 BIs
my first shot, i lost 3 BIs

fuck this limit, everyone is a nit.
JJ v 33 set
all draws missed

and everyone always floats my cbets, jesus christ this limit is full of fucktards

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  Into Infinity, Dec 14 2008

decided to take a shot at nl50 and ran like shit, back down to 865.

fucking gay.

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1K !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  Into Infinity, Dec 13 2008

FINALLY hit 1k, and it feels good.

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NL50 shot again
  Into Infinity, Dec 11 2008

i was a cool 95% away from hitting 1k finally, fuck

BR back at 890...

i think im just gonna wait until 1200 to play nl50. then at 1500 i'm gonna try to mostly play nl50hu.

also half way to gold star.

good fucking luck at the tables

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20k hands at nl25
  Into Infinity, Dec 05 2008

2.70 BB/100, meaning +270

could be a lot better. was looking at my sessions and i had a 6 session losing streak where i lost over $200.

and pokertracker sucks, i'm starting to hate how it always freezes

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  Into Infinity, Dec 02 2008

found my biggest leak, I SUCK AT BLUFFING

so with that said, im just gonna play a standard TAGish 6max game and INCREASE MY WINRATE because 2.8bb/100 sucks ass!

GOAL - have a winrate of at least 5bb/100 at nl25 6max

anyways last session i just lost 4.5BIs over about 800 hands and i looked at my losing hands and they were all with me showing down either high cards or single pairs on a coordinated board

anyways something to make this blog worthwhile

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on the subject of doom switches
  Into Infinity, Nov 28 2008

i just withdrew more than half of my BR, i have 270 on stars right now so whatever. moving down from nl25 to nl10.

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this the shit that
  Into Infinity, Nov 23 2008

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