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yo thinking about shit
  nolan, Jul 23 2008

yo i got like life shit cause like i got nothing to do but i can do anything i want

yo shit is out of control

in other news i been bumping some solo wu tang, its some good jammage.

this song is weird, because i think about religion a lot.

it's weird how that shit all like started. like man creates some weird things. like if small things happened in the past our "culture" could be so different.

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day 2b here i come
  nolan, Jul 07 2008

managed to get past day 1 with an OK stack. ended the day just short of 30k. blinds 300/600/?. I forget what the ante is but I think it's 50. So right around 50 big blinds. I'm feeling pretty good about my play and I think I only made one real mistake throughout the entire day which I'm very happy about as 1) It's the first time I've ever played for 13 hours straight, 2) It's been awhile since I played live.

Wasn't too many notable flops. The big issue was that nobody on the table busted. My table actually seemed REALLY tough. Not that everyone was a crazy aggro sicko or anything, but that my table was all relatively tight, and donkish in the ways that keep someone in a tournament for a long time (if that makes sense). I managed to get a sicko looking image running really hot preflop and taking down a lot of pots with a reraise before the flop. I hadn't really spoken much so at this point the table started cracking jokes that I "must be Scandinavian"

Kind of sucked for my image. I had an average stack when a ~10k super aggro semi shorty called my SB raise (he was in the BB) while I held KJo. I checked a KT4 flop hoping to get in a check raise, but he checked back. The turn was a J and I checked again. He overbet shoved all in, and I called fairly quickly to be shown Q6 suited. He binked a 9 and I was set down to 13k or so.

I stole blinds up to about 17k or so, and eventually got in a button/blind war with a solid aggressive player who I assume is a tournament pro (and I wouldn't be surprised if he was a name one, pocketfives goons kept snapping photos of him all day). My AK spades to his QQ. Board came 9-5-5-9 but I binked the A on the river to bust him out and double up. Traded blinds around and the day ended with me at just under 30k.

I think I played really well considering the skill level of the table. People were stealing and restealing constantly. It was honestly a lot tougher than a standard online tournament, IMO.

Anyways, I'm getting some rest and just trying to focus on playing my best going into Day 2.



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  nolan, Jun 27 2008

Been here a few days now. It's pretty baller. I can't get into much detail but so far I've encountered fairly attractive and young female South African diamond dealers, had a bizarre interaction with a few playboy playmates at breakfast earlier morning, seen two meth addicts get pwned by cops on the strip, and played in one of the most hilarious live sessions of all time with Milkman, Yomer, this proper British fellow Simon and Big Bob. We turned a 2/5 table into a drinkfest with me and yomer splitting black/red flops and the other guys taking high/lows. Yomer got kind of owned. There were two noob ass nit regs running all over the casino telling their grinder choad friends what a soft table it was.

They got their wigs rocked more or less and we basically busted the table and it broke after a couple hours.

I'm heading to LA today with a few dudes for a movie premier, should be sick baller. I got some friends from home in the area so hopefully I can come into contact with them. This will be my first time on the pacific ocean so I'm really psyched. This is actually my first time west of the mississippi in general.

Hope everything is well,


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how it's done
  nolan, Jun 19 2008

key to success = play until in the +


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WSOP - Sold out
  nolan, Jun 10 2008

I've managed to sell out all my WSOP action. I'm going to list all people/pieces here to have a public record and to verify that there is no discrepancies in order to protect our investments.

Donald "Steal City" - 10%
Pinball - 10%
SakiSaki - 10%
CasinoCasino - 10%
Mike K. - 4%
Pattay - 2%
KC "kcheel" - 2%
PartysOver - 2%

For a total of 50% sold.

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mixed emotions
  nolan, Jun 08 2008

Well, we'll start with the best news:


I had runner-up'd a bunch of steps prior to this and was almost about to throw in the towel but I lucksacked one time and didn't lose my races. I just feel so happy about this. In a way it's the culmination of like five years of work, as when anyone in the USA starts poker they usually do it dreaming of the day they play in the big dance with Brunson and them. Although that's romanticized and not nearly what it will be like, this is just huge for me in general as a poker player overall.

Kudos to CamilaPunt on LP, we were deep in it together and he pulled through as well. I'm heading to Vegas in late June and will probably stay until the end of the ME.

I'll probably bump this again but I am looking to sell up to 50% of myself in 1% increments, so if anyone is interested in getting their gamb00l on shoot me a PM.

The bad news is my cousin who was in the military recently passed due to results of an injury he sustained during the conflict. He was only 25 and had previously lived with my family for quite some time so it's really hitting close to home. I had him in mind through much of the tournament and really feel like I owe it to him to make the most of this opportunity and really get out there and do it. He just had a child and I was actually planning to visit them in Texas before the ME, so this is truly a mix of emotions for me. For those who believe in such things, if you could say a small prayer for my family I would really appreciate it.

Can't wait for my Summer class to end so I can get out there and really do it.

Thanks LP I really owe much of this luck and success to this community, no BS.

Guess that's it, Got an exam in 6 hours .


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Comments (11)

  nolan, Jun 08 2008

the truth.

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Comments (4)

  nolan, Jun 05 2008

wanted to bump the below blog post cause it got knocked off the main page in like 3 mintues .

hope you all dont mind!

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looking for an SNG proooo
  nolan, Jun 05 2008

hey all,

been playing the WSOP steps trying to get a seat or two and seem to be stuck at Step 4 forever. I have multiple tickets and am looking for any sick WSOP step ballers who think they got what it takes to sweat me for either a % or other form of compensation, up for discussion.

drop me a PM if you think you can help me out, i'd really appreciate it.

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sick brag
  nolan, May 24 2008

see what i did there? combo-brag.

life is good (until i cut the check for my student loans).

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