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1derful Life

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thinking about quitting
  21drful, Aug 05 2008

Im really just tried of poker at the moment. I feel like the need for me to play poker is over taking the other important things in my life. I think it has to do with my session the other day, which was a success. Had a conversation with a guy at my HU table, Dr Game Theory, he and I have become good friends and we were just talking about how nitty HU has become on FTP and its just gay, for the lack any articulation.

My goal this summer was to make enough money where I could go out with my friends and have a good time not worry about money. Pretty much be a baller. Going into college I really cant see myself putting in the hours I can now. Meh, I think i just need to get away from poker for a while. I just dont find the enjoyment out of it, that I used to. I used to be a losing player but though this forum and reading Ive been winning a decent amount. Yea, most of this probably is a whine and dumb shit but I really think i need a break

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  21drful, Jul 31 2008

okay thought the title would get me more people to help... Poker EV doesnt show my PT3 data base and when i go to click load hands it doesnt do shit....any suggestions

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  21drful, Jul 01 2008

June has been a good month for me. I’ve been grinding it up almost everyday, playing ABC poker at NL50. I think I’m well over rolled for NL100 so I'm going to move up starting tomorrow. I can’t wait to go to college in the fall which is going to be awesome. My stocks haven’t been doing that well but I did buy up a lot of Bidu you stock at its 52 week low and sold most of it yesterday which brought me a little bit above break even. As far as poker is I’m up 950 dollars with rakeback which is good for me, especially since I only play one table, can’t do more. Two is pushing it, lol. I appreciate all the help I’ve gotten in the forum via hand lists and low stakes forum. On a side note, I’ve been addicted to Bruce Springsteen the last few weeks. I’ve always been a fan but it’s gotten out of freaking control…well not really but he’s a great fucking artist. Another side note, I saw Obama at a rally in Raleigh, which was amazing I hope he wins. Anyways, I say good day!

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Absolute Poker QUestion
  21drful, May 04 2008

If anyone who has had recently deposited on Absolute Poker, which is the best depositing method for US Players.

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  21drful, Mar 02 2008

Im just looking for a 11 dollar exchange. I want to play in the Liquidpoker Tourny. I'll give you 11 bucks via paypal for 11 on PS.

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Funny Shit
  21drful, Feb 18 2008

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Nice session
  21drful, Feb 15 2008

So, I just got back from the bar and wanted a quick session. Two tabling for about 2 hours and this is what happened. I played pretty solid ABC poker and make a few sick calls. I found out some of my leaks which I fixed. One of which was my tendencies to favor post flop play too much and afraid to put my money in PF. However, I figured out that from time to time you have to make take that risk and jsut say fuck it. So here is a graph of my small ass session.

UBB code:

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hard choice to make
  21drful, Feb 02 2008

Recently, my friend had a party at his house. Obviously there was underage drinking and such involved. THe party went fine without police breaking it up, etc. FYI his parents were out of town. So two other guys call his house and leave a message saying something along the lines of, "Mr.______, we have recieved numerous complaints of underage drinking...blah blah blah you can be arrested because of your sons actions." His parents heard it and flipped a shit. Tonight at a poker game, I found out who did it. The two individuals who did it are my friends. One of which is one of my closer friends, the other is jsut a fucking douche bag who thinks he is the most funny guy in the world. However, my friend (the one who got pranked called) is my best friend. Thus, what should I do.

Poll: What should i do
(Vote): Completely fuck up the individuals cars and houses
(Vote): call crime stoppers and tell them that they were impersonating cops
(Vote): put sugar in gas tanks
(Vote): not do anything

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Comments (9)

  21drful, Jan 23 2008

I was wonder whether someone could give me 25 dollars on full tilt for 25 dollars on PayPal. I will send first and trusted members only plz.

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  21drful, Jan 21 2008

I heard that you could have two computers with Pokertracker on it. Would someone like to let me use theirs? I'll pay them 10 bucks via paypal.

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