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donks and downswing :(
  pazzini, May 15 2008

so i was almost 80 but now im 41 usd because of thing like this

Table 165817441 (Tournament: TURBO NLH Heads Up $5 Buy-In: $5+$0.25)
Seat 3: MrFredMila ($1,320.00 in chips)
Seat 8: Hero ($1,680.00 in chips) DEALER
Hero: Post SB $10.00
MrFredMila: Post BB $20.00
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to MrFredMila [D5 S5]
Dealt to Hero [H4 DA]
Hero: Raise (NF) $60.00
MrFredMila: Call $40.00
*** FLOP *** [H6 HA C8]
MrFredMila: Check
Hero: Bet $80.00
MrFredMila: Call $80.00
*** TURN *** [C7]
MrFredMila: Check
Hero: Bet $220.00
MrFredMila: Call $220.00
*** RIVER *** [D4]
MrFredMila: Bet $120.00
Hero: Raise (NF) $1,320.00
MrFredMila: Allin $840.00
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $3,000.00 Rake $0.00
MrFredMila: wins $2,640.00
Hero: wins $360.00

so im now like 41 usd and im taking a brake, maybe in the evening ill play some, if i drop to 30 - hello 2 hu

i definietely can beat 5 hu, but i just hit variance and this guys plays like morons
hope to get back to 50 soon

see ya

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3rd level :)
  pazzini, May 13 2008


so i decided to start playing 5 hu right now. enough grinding on 2 still gonna play less than lately.

had my first session today and went 1-1, but the guys played like retards, so i think winning here will be preety easy, heres on example:

Texas Hold'em NL Tournament 2008-05-13 09:40:04
Table 165116011 (Tournament: NLH Heads Up $5 Buy-In: $5+$0.25)
Seat 3: Hero ($1,070.00 in chips)
Seat 8: floorkev ($1,930.00 in chips) DEALER
floorkev: Post SB $10.00
hero: Post BB $20.00
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to floorkev [H5 S5]
Dealt to hero [HQ CQ]
floorkev: Raise (NF) $40.00
hero: Raise (NF) $160.00
floorkev: Call $120.00
*** FLOP *** [C6 S7 H6]
hero: Bet $180.00
floorkev: Call $180.00
*** TURN *** [SK]
hero: Bet $360.00
floorkev: Call $360.00
*** RIVER *** [D10]
hero: Bet $370.00
floorkev: Call $370.00
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $2,140.00 Rake $0.00
hero: wins $2,140.00

so it should take less than one week for me to be rolled for 10,50, ( i need 105$ according to the plan) but this time im gonna gather more than 10 bi, ithink 13, 14 should be ok. will see

pic to make this entry not so worthless

3rd level:
Br: 52,41$ (52,59 to go)

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heater and record!!
  pazzini, May 12 2008


since last update i ve been playing 2$ hu, its almost the same opponents as on 1$ hu, so it was just a matter of time, before i will reach the 3rd level bankroll. actually now i have 48$ so i need to win 2 more hu, so its just a matter of time
so whats happend during the 2nd level?:
- set my personal record - 13 hu won in a row
- during the first 30 games i run extremly hot, won almost every coin flip and 60-40, played well and patient so the results are not surprised
-after the first 30 games i stucked between 40-46$, didnt run well, and didnt pay as much attention to my game as i wanted to, but still the wins come very easilly.

few thoughts about my game:
im actually preety happy and kinda dissapointed with my game at the same time.
Happy cause:
- i dont make any more mistakes i made in the past
- i control my game much more
- i know when to stop and when to play more
- i quit when im upset and tired
- my bankroll managament skills imroved a lot(i play all the time 2$hu, dont make shots on higher stakes)
-i really think that i understood some aspects of the game, like variance. after that heater i was ready variance to hit me so i wasnt dissapointed or angry when i lost 3 in a row later.
- i really think that this experiment and playing at such stakes made me a better player, now i realize the mistakes i used to make and dont make them no more

Dissapointed cause:
-after the exam i started playing too much. i play short sessions but sometimes 3 or 4 a day. that should change. its not like im addict but i should play less
- i should spend more time analysing my game, i promised myself that i will sacrifice at least so much time to analyze my game as i play but im not
- i dont learn much stuff about hu, wanted to read some articles but i didnt
- i played 2tables so my game is kinda automatic, when i start playing 5$ i will play one table only for a few hu and try to focus more on the game.
- i still make some mistakes during the play (like fancy playing, and disregarding obvious plays from my opp and paying them off )

After all so far im ok with the experiment and its results. But the progress isnt that big as i expected so i decided not to move higher for a few days. My game become kinda auto so i will play one table for a few days, i will play less and try to refresh my approach before 5$. I will proly move to 5$ when i will hit 60$.

Heres my SS graph (shows all my game at cdpoker, 2$ hu begins at 21 usd):

Heres my PT stats since i started playing 2$ hu:

So that would be all. If u guys got any thoughts about stats and my game hit me.

There was a few hands that was funny as hell, like i got AA and opp has 10 6 off. He call pf raise, hit nothing raise my cb on the flop, then call a huge reraise on the turn with 10high flush draw and hit it lolz, but pt2 is shitty and doesnt recognize me as a hero so i will not post hands untill i will get pt3.

2nd level
BR: 48,01$ (4,24 to go)

The next few days im gonna play less cause i have to study and today there is a huge live tournament i am planning to win. its actually a mini league with tournament of champions at the end. Wish me luck pplz.

se you at 3rd level

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2nd level :)
  pazzini, May 09 2008


i got plenty of time during last 2 days after my last exam so i played a bit. The results are okish, cause i made 21,81 so according to my plan i can start playing 2,1 hu now, but im still not happy with my game, make too many mistakes and i lack of patience, also noticed that i dont spend as much time learning as i should, so i will play less the next couple days and gonna work on some stuff:
-gotta master the sage finally
-chicago ry got some good articles on his blog about playing with mini betors, and about raising limpers, so i will study and think about it a bit
- also decided to make more posts in 2+2 hu forum, cause i read a lot, but i dont post much, and posting your thoughts and letting other people to criticizeagree with ur philosophy improves ur game a lot

im still gonna play two table cause pplz at 1 and 2$ are proly retarded, so abc is enough for them, some tough spots (my mistakes?) on level 1st:
great call pf, couldnt put him on a hand
great limp pf, wtf man?? i thought i got him totally crushed
this happens to me all the time
he must be a fuck... nostradamus, what a call pf and on a flop, lolz, i only made that allin cause that turn bet made me convinced that he is weak, proly should fold turn, this guys retarded so i should play easy football with them

my first idea when i created this blog was to put more hands to analyze, but im not gonna put here hands from 1, 2$ hu cause its worthless, if u want to analyze anything ur opp must think in the first place

so im starting to play 2 hu, wish me luck, i play till i will have 52,50, so i need to win 30,69 $ (+ 17 hu) wish me luck, i hope that by the end of the week i will be playing 5 $ hu.

2nd level
BR: 21,81$ (31$ to go)

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10 BI - big money experiment ...
  pazzini, May 07 2008


as i promised i will introduce you to my grat 10 bi bankroll management plan that i recently planned in details.

I The game
The game is HU SNG, at ipoker network. I start with around 12 usd at husng 1,05$. i play mostly 2 games at a time.

II Basic rules
1. I move up in stakes when i reach 10 bi for next level. so at ipoker it will look like that:
level-------play till----need to win------move down when got:
1st 1,05$ :------21,00-------9 -----------
2nd 2,10$ :-----52,50-------31,50-----------11,00
3rd 5,25$ :----105,00-------52,50-----------32,00
4th 10,50$:----210,00------105,00-----------55,00
5th 21,00$:----525,00------315,00-----------110,00
6th 52,50$

2. i made myself a little philosophy of the game, its some basic rules that i have to obey, like f.e. not play in the early morning, play 100 % focused on the game, no multitabling( i will play 2 tables only at these very low stakes), i dont play more than 1h in one session, whenever i lose 2 hu in a row i make brake etc...

III Why i do that?
Its kinda of eksperiment. Its main goals is training some basic skills connected with poker like discipline, patience, knowing when to stop playing, learning to get off the computer etc.
Besides i kinda feel good playing with 10 bi onetabling, the swings are not that crazy then.

My plan is to be at least + 2 bi on one day so i would spend less than one week at each level.

Its gonna be hard, especially at lower stakes, cause i think there are many very good players :

if i run good i plan to play a few hu at 52, and then move back to 21 and stay there to grind for real...
so wish me luck pplz

pic of a chicks to make this experiment succesful: ring a bell??

BR: 12$ ( 9 to go)

non poker stuff;
- passed the last exam yesterday, but still a few things to do at my uni
- tommorow got next date with the chic i met at the club almost two months ago, didnt get much time to think about it during the exams, but now we can get down to bussiness

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calling bastard...
  pazzini, May 04 2008

so i made a shot at 2 hu (sounds really tough, doesnt it?? :D)
and i have to play guy that hit everything, 2 examples:

2. final hand


edit: fixed
im really pissed at myself for making that shot. i should be grinding at 1 hu, damn it, still lack of the discipline

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though opponents...
  pazzini, May 02 2008


took a little brake from books. to relaks myself played two hu sng. competition on ipoker nl 1 $ is really though:

1.i always wonder, why they expect to hit on the flop after such call..

2.this guy played this hu with me for 19 minutes, all that to call allin with 23 with full stack, and catch runner runner flush on final hand, wow

anyway, i found that my game has improved a bit since the "busto", but i still lack of patience and concentration, so after exams im gonna play on this fuckin level bit longer untill i get it right, or at least minimalize my fancy play syndrome, if i have to learn i will achieve the knowledge and skills with minimum $.

i also prepared this plan 10 bi in moving toward higher stakes, but will post it when i get time to play bit more

see ya

p.s. wish me luck with the exam
p.s. i just saw grindhouse, both parts, tarantino is one fucked up dude

Br: 8,36 $

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few thoughts on husng
  pazzini, Apr 30 2008


as you know im studying to exams and also studying hu sng theory. also play a bit on cd poker with the 0,55 usd i won in a freroll. i have like 8 usd now. im playing 1.05 hu sng normal speed.
i must say that the last busto was probably the best thing that has ever happened to me. because of that i decided to study the game a lot harder than i used to and i discovered so many things i wasnt aware earlier that affected my game that i wonder no more why i kept going broke. f.e.:
- position play - i was aware of such factors like position, but when i realise how it is important to raise the button, and dont get involved in big pots oop, play certain types of hands differently when in position etc. (did ya know that winning players raise oop maximally 5% of the time, and they almost always raise the button?)
- effective stacks - and their importance, esp. in late phase of the tournament (SAGE)
- changing the way of play when reached bigger blinds
- game selection - chicago ry says this factor is crucial in lon term along with bm (i have to register on sharkscope) and many more...

the main source of my knowledge so far is 2+2 hu subforum and blogs of husng players. currently im reading chicag ry's blog. he is now mod on 2+2 and very smart player.

i also play 2 or 3 games a day on nl 1$. it may sounds fun but i think its a great opportunity to learn the basic things about playing poker - and i dont mean its the way to improve your game, cause y know the level of the players there. i mean about learning the basic concepts conected with poker like: patience, discipline, tilt controll, keeping ur game at the same level, bankroll managament and so ...
i always remember i was getting little frisky when i got over 30 bi. i started to play looser in hu, didnt focused much on the game and it affected my winrate. now when i play i try to be as concentrated as i can, i dont make fancy plays, i stop when i think im not playing my a game or when im starting to make stupid moves. cause when u start playing bad with a roll like 8 $ u start to notice of importance of every each decision u make in hu (after winning like a 6 in a row i started to fancy playing and those bastards beat me for hole 3 usd). and believe me, almost every one can change the course of the game.
i never before playd lower than 5$ cause i found myself way too good to sit down with suckers, but now i think that every good player should experience such thing. i firmly believe that it will make me a better player.

also started to use pokertracker and i wonder why i havent earlier. its god damn great fuckin tool. i always found game analysis boring but poker tracker makes it fun and lately i started to analyse my game even more than i play...

so thats all for now, im currently not playing poker to win, but to learn some basic things and improve some others but i will write at end of every post my br on cdpoker(like chicago ry), i think that when im done with the umi i will post much more hands.

BR: 8,11 $

chic for the end:
thats miley cyrus, shes became quite famous nowadays, how the hell can she be 15 years old???

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my first pt stats :)
  pazzini, Apr 27 2008


i found some time to play few hu and i am up to 6.71$. So i almost doubled up since last session sweet. Heres my PT stats after few game, im so happy like a kid, pt makes so much fun.


few questions:
1) how u people make this pt screens? ur looks so good and i have to work on it on paint to be able to paste it? any advises to beginning blogger??
2) anybody know how to deal with ipoker hh? this one in the lobby sucks, the one in file is somehow crypted or what, and the one in pt is fuc... up and when i upload it it shows my opp as me. sucks.


she is some english chic, she supposed to made a sex tape with her ex and its somewher on the web, what ya think?

se ya soon

btw. i come with this idea of a progressive bankroll, i will post it later. the main idea is to make this 6 usd into few k of $ playing with 10 bi only,

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one hour session and x6 bankroll :)
  pazzini, Apr 26 2008


im sick as hell and tired from all the learning so i had a beer (not good with the drugs - dont try it) and played freeroll at cd poker for fun, cause like u know i got some brake from poker. so i won 0,55 $ and made 3 $ out of it on sng and hu sng. sweet
thats the final hand from my last hu:

what do u think? i put him on a flush draw so i called,
usually dont play like that but was tired, that was the fifth hand of the game. im done for now, get back to sleep and tomorrow i will hit the books again.

p.s. ive read on chicago ry's blog about some funny challenge he had, he got 100 $ from someone and play hu sng with br like 3bi, i didnt finish to read it but he was playing 220's on ps during the challenge, so maybe when i will have a bit of free time i ll give this plan a try,
no chicks this time, im too tired to look for a good picture


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