WCG-Ben86 drama
ClouD87, Sep 04 2016
Best month so far
ClouD87, Aug 31 2016
16.250€ with RB and live
never 20k BabyRage FeelsBadMan :gun:

Living in Thailand
ClouD87, Jul 10 2016
I'm 90% decided to go live in Thailand and play poker from there. Seems like a sweet paradise. I'll also most likely have a trip to Bangkok first in a couple weeks to check things out. Anyone is currently there and would like to meet?
I am also looking for other poker players to live there with. At the moment the plan is going alone but I love nightlife and chilling with friends so being there with another poker pro would be great fun.
Had my first 10k month
ClouD87, Dec 19 2015
Pretty sweet right? Just 15 months ago I started playing cashgame from scratch and now I'm about to go for midstakes! :D
The following is my last month of play. I still have too many leaks and the worst is that I look at HM2 too frequently, sometimes even during sessions. Been putting lots of hard work and it's paying off

I know the big blind winrate is pretty bad and small blind not exceptional aswell. I'm working on blinds a lot and actually 2 weeks ago big blind was at -45 and I definitely want something higher than -30 in the future.
Road to 100k, a brand new start
ClouD87, Oct 28 2014
Hey guys, it's ClouD, many of you already know me from Starcraft. I'm making this blog because I decided I will earn 100k by the end of next year by any means necessary. And I'm going to do it.
For the guys who have read my previous post a year ago, I started playing SNG with an italian poker school. They turned out to be big scammers, I wasted lots of time and wasn't given resources to study properly and improve. I made some money but not as much as expected and it was overall a big delusion. They actually impaired my progress and kept me ignorant as much as they could so they could keep a hamster on a wheel farming rakeback without too many questions. In the end a month ago some friends of mine made me realize what was going on, made me switch to cash and the nightmare finally ended. Trust me, it was tough, but I was still alive and I really wanted to prove myself once again I'm capable of great things if I put my heart into it :D
Some of you heard already of BestPokerCoaching and HansTheGreat (the guy who started at NL2 with 50$ and made 100k in 9 months of hard, hard work). I just applied for their coaching for profit program and he will be my coach from now on. I believe in his ability and I will try to follow his steps in my new journey. I'm going to play and study poker with all my passion and might and I will run towards my goal at the cost of killing myself. I just don't care anymore about RL, games, stupid shit and free time, all I desire at the moment is achieving the success I deserve and prove everyone I'm capable of great things at poker aswell.
I love teamliquid so this is the first place where I wrote my blog. I'll keep you guys updated, and I might also make a thread on 2+2, who knows. Cheer for me or hate me, I'll show everyone how a man will put everything he has on the line to achieve his dream!
I will be happy to talk with you guys about my experience and I will also read every post on this thread. First thing I will do is play 100k hands in 2 weeks on Pokerstars.it at NL10 zoom (I am Supernova already). I am starting today and I am super excited for my next months. Let's see how far my dedication will take me!
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