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One week of play
  Laech, Oct 02 2007

So after a week of play I'm looking like this.. except there should be a small dip at the end....

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The step up
  Laech, Sep 29 2007

Howdy LP

Well.... lets start from the beginning. I'm Silver)Z('s little brother, to prove it ummmm... We both have the same PS user pic and we didn't have any contact when choosing it. Ok so its not proof but who cares.

Anyway, I have been playing play money poker on PS for a decent amount of time now. I can't say I'd studied the game as well as I could have but I managed to learn enough to build up to 1 Mil. After Id gotten board with play money and wasted alot on poor moves and giving half of my play-bankroll to a down on luck and skill friend I decided it was time to hit my brother up for a donation to the real world of poker. (Cheers)

I've just been playing by the book for now. Only playing the nuts and all that, after getting off to a bad start with a series of bad beats I eventually turned my game around. Iv now managed to double my bros deposit and I'm looking at bring more money to the 1c/2c tables

*Game plan*
1)Continue on current game play, Only playing nuts. (Try not to get cocky and bully tables with small stack.)
2)When I get $60 in bankroll I'll begin bringing $3 to the table instead of $2. At $80 BR I'll bring $4 and at $100 I'll bring $5 (bet you didn't see that coming)
3)When I hit $200 BR I will make the move to 2c/4c. If I drop to $150 I'll move back down.
*Pipe Dreams*
1)I'm looking at getting into playing 7 card stud when I reach $120 BR.
2)Maybe enter in some SnG's when I get to $150

Well thats more than enough, All comments, criticisms, flames and advice appreciated.

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