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My PS for your AP
  Neutral Milk, May 04 2009

need 60$ on AP, so I can buy Hmanager pro and pawn 100nl anyone wanna swap? pm me. I'll send first. reputable members only plz

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My very first blog
  Neutral Milk, May 01 2009

So I just had my biggest winning month (doubled my roll) and I needed a medium to show off my sexy graphs. I've been playing for like 1.5 years now but only started playing a lot more this semester and I feel like I've really improved my game these past months. Went from 8=> 6tabling and playing looser/taking lots of notes which at 50nl finally seems to be of much more use since I run into the same guys a lot more than I used to at 25 and 10nl. roll=2.8k atm, think I'll start taking shots at 100nl once I hit 3.5k

Yesterday I also had the weirdest thing happen to me. I watched the movie Elephant which is about a high-school shooting the night before and as I walked home last night I was thinking about the movie, I saw our car parked outside our house and was thinking how come none of these nutjobs who just want to kill as many people as possible hadn't thought of just taking a car and driving into a crowd which is 10x easier than trying to obtain weapons. Ten minutes later I watch the news and see this

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