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Letter to Santa / Downswing please stop.
  Trolala, Dec 05 2012

Dear Santa

I have been most likely a very good boy this year. I have written comments to lower limit folks, replied to my PM's, haven't really posted bad beat hands and tried to ask questions from those with stars of green.

My wish is for my current downswing to end. It hurts my nerves. Here is the pic. It is since November. NL100/200 (mostly 100). WWSF per hand is the same as during my best months. I didn't become a looser in a month, right? So, can you please make it stop. And I could run above EV for once. Give me some of those cookies you gave nanonoko a few years back? In numbers it's like 9k this year and 4k last year. But I cannot really complain, FTP was reborn and that was definitely over EV.


your biggest troll-fan

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Hello world of liquid poker
  Trolala, Aug 28 2012

In this blogpost:
1) Who am I?
2) Why start a blog
3) My poker journey & August results

1) Who am I?

Hello, my name is Oleg. Facebook. I am 23. I live in Tallinn, Estonia. I am interested in almost everything. I take online courses from US/UK universities. I have BS degree in Power Engineering. I also dance folklore dance.

2) Why start a blog?

I’m looking for poker friends. It would be nice to travel to other countries and play poker.
I also want to improve my game and move to mid stakes.

3) My poker journey & August results:

I started playing poker in December of 2010. I had 10$ and I moved from limit to limit pretty quickly reaching nl100-nl200 in June 2011. Looking back it’s probably 80% luckboxing and 20% skill.
When FTP crashed and I had to rebuild my roll from 1k$. :/ Luck turned against me and I weren’t that good so it proved quite hard. On the sidenote, at this time I got a habit of checking poker news. I wonder why.
I started posting hands to LP at the end of 2011. They immidiately recognized my amazing talent and treated my plays with a lot of kind words. (Sarcasm)
I owe to LP realization that in reality I suck. But I still have energy to play and hopefully improve. (I have found latter quite hard.)
I play mix of NL 100/200.

Here's August: (Hurray for rakeback)

Thank you for reading and take care.


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