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Currently pantless

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  True, Feb 04 2008

So i met my goal of 800 BR to transfer 600 to FTP and keep a smallish BR on stars today. Had some crappy sessions in the beginning of this month, 2 sessions where i had to stop because i met my 3 BI stop-rule, but i recovered neatly. Went back to NL10 to get my confidence back, made back some of the money, then went on to tournaments and got back the rest and some more. Even played in the Liquid poker tournament on sunday, but went out on third because Artanis kept giving me bad advice (;D). It wasn´t my fault, it was his. I blame you. He was liek ZOMG SHUV DAT QTs, and i said But my dear Starcraftian friend, i cannot, because i know he has me beat!, and DEN HE WAS LIEK LOLOLOL U R TEH NOOB SHUV DAT SHIT LOL.

Anyways, then i had this session today. Running goooot.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand the graph of pokerstars so far

Either i win big or lose big :|
See you at Fulltilt!

PS. If you think i was serious about the artanis part, you just may be stupid!

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You don´t want to read this
  True, Jan 25 2008

Moving to a different apartment this weekend so no internet or online poker for few weeks for me, so here´s my early end of january update on how things are going. (9.1 - 26.1). I´ll probably go try out on the small local 20+5 to 50+10 euro 10 man SNG tournaments here due to me being an addict and not surviving the two weeks it takes the slowpokes to flick a switch. I think the games are a bit expensive for someone at my level but i don´t think i can get live expirience for any cheaper.

So the plan to play LAG really didn´t work out too well... i usually get tired after an hour or so of play and tighten up a lot. Early session my VPIP hangs around 30 or so, afterwards drops to 10-15 :| . My stamina clearly isn´t too good here. Any additional comments regarding the stats would be welcome.

Erh i actually have no idea how to get those /hand graphics you people have, is that a pokertracker feature or an additional program? Here´s my session graph anyways. The second downswing was really, really bad. A mixture of bad luck and bad play hurt me bad. I lost pretty much every single coinflip i had there, and i made it worse by then starting to spew everywhere. I´m forcing myself to stop after losing 3 BI in a single session from now on to prevent those.
First leap in the end is from NL10, second from me giving NL25 a stab since i felt so good. The numbers don´t match since that was my second stab at NL25. Really small sessions both, about 500 hands.

Additionally i made something like 100 bucks from playing Omaha and small SNG tournaments. Lowstakes omaha players are really bad

BR now at 500$. Would you people suggest me moving to FTP when at 600 to get my hands on that 600 dollar bonus + rakeback?

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Improving my poker mentality
  True, Jan 20 2008

Having these long and boring trainrides can help sometimes. I had nothing and coudn´t sleep because this kid decided that it´d be fun to run from one end to the other screaming HELLO! to every passenger. While supressing the urge to strangle her, i began going through the several leaks i have in my play.

One of the major problems i seem to have, other than just poor and inefficient play, is tilting. Often during a session i start feeling anxious and frustrated for several reasons. It makes me play worse and i need to get rid of it. Oh, and i started stopping sessions after losing 3 BI after i lost 10 BI in a single, 2000 hand session. Major tilt there...

First problem is that i am a fish. I lack knowledge of the real odds of winning. For example, i look at, sayyyyy AK vs AQ. My first thought here is "YEEEAAAAAHHH FUCK YEAAAAHHHH no way i´ll lose this, he has to be REALLY lucky to win this!", and when that Q lands or whatever once in 4 times, i get angry. I way overestimate the odds for winning, and if i keep this up i´ll end up like one of those pathetic people claiming sites to be rigged against them :| I have to study the odds to know where i really stand.

Second, i´m too results oriented. Even if i play "perfect", get the money in in a situation where i´m ahead and then lose, i start regretting my play. WRONG! BAD! DONT DO THAT! Sooooo, major alteration to my thinking is required. I should be focusing on the decision to call or whatever, since that is the part that matters. When all the money goes in the middle with full stacks, and i´m 75 vs 25 favourite, i make 5 bucks (NL 10). That´s it. Statistically, i make 5 bucks from that play. I might as well look away since whatever happens after that play, it doesn´t matter. Win, or lose, i just made 5 bucks. Screw you cashier, you don´t know shit.
One addition the problem is that i get really tilted if i keep winning all those 1 BI vs 1 BI situations and lose the 3 BI vs 3 BI situations. I don´t want to believe in luck but god damnit it´s hard.

Third, i´m too greedy. This is somewhat linked to the second part of this blog, it´s all about the money made. Like this one hand where i fold pocket 5s PF when 3 people go all in with AK AK AQ, and none of them hit and i would have just made 5 buyins, i got agitated. Whyyyyy didn´t i callllllllllll arrrrrrrrrrggggggghhhhh. Again, wrong way of thinking. If i had called, i´d have lost money. I have no idea on how to get away from this, money is awesome...

Can the more expirienced players comment on these? Did you ever manage to get rid of these? Did they go away with just expirience or did you have to train yourself mentally?

Oh and stop god damn looking at that damn cashier. I know when i´ve lost roughly the 3 BI to stop playing for the session, nothing else matters.

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First week over
  True, Jan 14 2008

Well ok it wasn´t a complete week but whatever. Played roughly 5000 hands of NL10, up 15 buyins atm. Weekend was bad, i dropped 6 buyins while playing slightly drunk and angry after getting my bike stolen, but i made it all back today.

I´d like to keep better track at my progress and find any leaks, and i´ve been thinking about getting one of those programs you people keep flashin´ about here. Which program(s) is it? Does it cost money? Where do i get it?
Cheers for helping the ignorant.

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New beginning
  True, Jan 09 2008

I don´t like fullring. It prevents me from playing LAG, which i enjoy far more than just sitting there waiting for hands. So, i decided that i´ll move from Partypoker to Pokerstars since PP has no 6 max NL10. I consider this a new beginning, thus i decided that i´d start a blog to keep track of my own progress.

First impressions; Seems fine, took me a while to adjust the settings to suit me. I seem to have accidentally used some sort of cash cheat code since after my first session of only 500 hands i´m up 8 buyins :|

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