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1st time SNE

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My sickest and longest session ever.
  UnitedAs1, Jan 12 2012

So I wake around 8am watch a bit of tv and eat something. Then around 9-10am i start the grind, I played 1 session didn't go that well ran kinda bad but who cares about that I finished like $800 down. I take a break and go play the playstation and get something to eat.

Then around 5pm I get back on it to try and at least break even, well things went really bad. I managed to lose another 2.2k making a total of 3k after 10k hands or so. Now being me I don't like losing a dime in any session so I continue to grind. I felt pretty good I wasn't tilted and so I decided to play some HUPLO (this is where I think I play my best game) as I was way ahead of VPP pace now,

Anyway I get some tables up, 2 people 2 tabling me and they both ran like the sun I think I dropped another 2k making a total of 5k. 1 of them just hit and ran me and the other stayed and that's when things started to turn around. I won about 1k off the guy who stayed with me and won another 1.5k off other people.

Then me and this other guy played about 650 hands and I managed to win 2.5k off him making me get back to even/small winner. The thing is I didn't even know I was 5k down at 1 point if I knew that I would of probably stopped and gone on life tilt :D.

So now I’m ahead of pace currently at 43vpps and I’m probably going to take tomorrow (well it’s actually today) and Saturday off and come back refreshed for a Sunday grind. I wish I could get SNE just through HUPLO would be so much better but I don’t fancy playing super long sessions like today because I don’t think I earn enough VPPs.

That is all for now good luck at the tables all.

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Still going :D
  UnitedAs1, Jan 11 2012

So 11 days into the SNE grind and still on pace, I haven't yet dropped the ball and fell behind yet so lets hope I can keep that going. This week has been really busy played 7 games of football in a week and played a couple of rounds of golf and done my a couple of driving lessons. I wish I never played that many football matches cause my back is killing me now .

Anyway today was a stupid day I was doing really good then happy hour came on stars and managed to drop a lot of buyins, I was just happy to come out of the session 1 buyin up. I do feel reasonably confident with my PLO game at the moment, 1 thing I would say is that I too loose in the blinds which is costing me.

Here is the graph...Guess when happy hour came? :D

I've decided that I'm going to wake up earlier and split the sessions so if I want to I can avoid happy hour.

Here is my monthly graph so far.

VPP count 33k

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meh crappy few days
  UnitedAs1, Jan 07 2012

So 7 days into this and my head is all over the place...Swings are crazy went from being 4k up this month to $300 up ... swings got so much I even gave NLH a go but that sucked people are so nitty and as I'm 16 tabling I don't get really many options to table select. I really don't know how joey did this in 2 months it's pretty sick how he did.
I'm back playing PLO I just played some and finished 1k up. I was planning to take today off as I'm a few days ahead of pace now, glad I didn't but I only played a hour because I have a footy match in a bit (1st 11 a side game since before xmas. I'm gunna be so unfit when we start playing).

Here is my month so far :S

As said I'm ahead on pace I should be at like 21kvpps by the end of day instead I am 25,444vpps So at least the pace is going well.

That's all for now

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Little update
  UnitedAs1, Jan 03 2012

Woke up real tired yesterday had little sleep managed to grind out what I needed to do, was a real swingy day managed to win around $400 so not like the 1st day bit I will take it . Think I played like 6k hands making the vpp count at the end of the day like 8k, which puts me a little ahead.

Played today and played pretty good played 4k hands which was pretty good as I had a driving lesson and a footy match so was kinda busy, finished $800 up and putting the vpp count at just under 11k.

Super motivated at the moment with everything not just poker, football, golf basically anything I do. Sucks my football team aren't the same and don't put 100% in, I need to find a better team anyway. I'm pretty sure that I play at a much better level then most of the players on my team.

If your lacking inspiration/motivation watch this saw it from someone else on 2+2 you have probs seen it before but this is my first time watching it enjoy....

run good people

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1st day going for SNE and Intro
  UnitedAs1, Jan 02 2012

Hey all,

Little about myself, Name is Simon I'm 22 from the UK and have been playing poker as a small stakes grinder for about 4 years seriously now. I have mostly played NLH 6 max cash and PLO 6 max cash and HU, all ranging from 50nl - 400nl and 50plo - 400plo.

My problem over the last few years has been volume so I thought this year I would take the plunge and go for SNE although recently I have been playing some really long HU sessions. To achieve this I am starting off playing 1/2 PLO averaging like 3k vpps a day 16 tabling, as I play golf and football/soccer a lot I'm trying to get ahead of pace when I can as I know these activities are going to get in the way at some point. I do plan to move up to 2/4, 3/6 and 5/10 but we will see how we go 1st.

I think that's it for now so for the 1st day I played which was yesterday.

Well it went really well tbh I thought it was going to be a lot tougher, I normally play tiled and about 10 tables, so for me to stack and play 16 tables I thought was going to be difficult. Anyway pretty good day here are the results. VPP COUNT: 3.1K

I will try and keep this updated as much as I can as this is going to be a long year.

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