I feel really bad
ZenMagick, Feb 14 2009
Ok so I have an IRL friend who plays poker and he started the day out with a 220$ roll and then went on to win a 4$ 180 man tourney and basically double that. He then played a 6 table session of 25nl and got stacked like 2 times. Then he went on tilt playing 5/10 and 10/20 fixed limit was down to his last 80$ then bluffed someone with T4 off and ended running it up to 700+. Then he started talking trash and challenged me to heads up 50nl. So I sat down and told him to search me. He did and I took 3 buyins off him. Then he told me its all my fault and that he was going to go busto and how im not a real friend. He went to 10/20 fixed and busted his account. Should I feel bad about this? I mean if he had beat me he would have talked mad shit and never let me live it down.. and probably never offered me a rematch. I talked to some other people and they think it was bad manner to play a friend for significant stakes HU when they are on tilt. What do u think? I mean tough love right? (he wont answer phone or respond to ims so I think he is really mad)
GG25nl Next 50nl!
ZenMagick, Feb 13 2009
Alright so I have obliterated 25nl in about a week. I feel like an unstoppable force of nature. 50nl shall bow before me or face my wrath!
Rampage continues
ZenMagick, Feb 11 2009
So the annihilation of 25nl continues. I will say that after my last post I had a 2 buyin downswing just as people had foreshadowed. But the next day things were back to normal. 50nl is definitely in the near future for me. I look forward to destroying it.
And the graph...
25nl is ez
ZenMagick, Feb 09 2009
Im having a lot of fun owning people at 25nl. They are really easy to tilt.. regulars and donks alike. I usually drop around a buyin doing a lot of 3betting light and bluff raising and then people start going nuts and paying me off everytime. I also have started chat needling certain people. The prideful maniac type who takes everything personally. They get enraged and start overbet open raising and 4bet jamming everytime u 3bet. I would never needle a donkey who sucks out though, in fact I try to be really nice so they stick around. Anyways I have definitely found that 4 tables is optimal for me, any more than that and I dont think I play particularly well. I just seem to get in the autopilot mode. By 4 tabling I really get into the heads of the players and take good notes about how they play their hands.. as well as their emotional states and the game flow.
Decent Session
ZenMagick, Feb 08 2009
So I made around 1.5 buyins at 10PLO today and did pretty good at 25nl. I got on some aggro loose tables and had to adjust my 3bets since they were getting multiple callers. I misplayed one hand pretty bad and had to fold as a result but I know what I did wrong and dont plan on repeating it in the future.
Thats the hand I jacked up.. shoulda been betting bigger on flop and turn but I had been barrelling a lot with similar sized bets and for whatever reason decided to play the hand the same way. I bet half pot on river and got raised 3x and didnt think he was capable of raising worse but I was clearly wrong as he said he had QJ. This is just a good example of why it sucks ass being out of position. Other than that I think I played really well.
Anyways here is an updated graph.
Just moved up to 25nl
ZenMagick, Feb 07 2009
Been playing 2-4 tables on stars this week and have been killing it rather nicely running at around 30ptbb/100. Decided to go for 25nl with 16 buyins and it appears to have worked out quite well. Im playing a pretty aggro 22/20 style with 10% 3bet and 4 agg factor. It really seems to be destroying the games. I didnt think micro players would ever fold a hand but they do actually seem to give respect and play back at the worst possible times. I have decided to give up mass tabling because I cant do it without going on autopilot and I think my winrate is so much better on 2-4 tables that it cant be made up for. And I really just play so much better and stay focused on 2-4. (Also I had a 2buyin misclick last week where I thought a shortstack pushed for 20 cents but it was 20 dollars that sucked)
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