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Neilly Strikes Again rofl
  NighTLesS15, Mar 29 2011

Some idiots just don't learn haha

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Sunday 5mln
  NighTLesS15, Mar 06 2011

Lookin to play the sunday mil if anyone looking for some extra horses.

EDIT: Well i bink'd First Sat i played

Selling Action if any takers

50% Booked done, thnx

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  NighTLesS15, Mar 05 2011

It is amazing how quickly life can change. In the blink of an eye it can go from good to bad, and bad to good as well. I was fairly nervous about moving to school, but as of right now I can not wait to get away. I will be attending Humboldt State this fall so if anyone on here goes there or is going there maybe we can kick it have a beer when i move up there. I do not really know how what to do with these next five months, but one thing I can say for sure right now is that I am glad I have the opportunity to get away. Also Trying to turn into an optimist as opposed to the permanent realist i have been. So lets go school? .. weird

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Another day
  NighTLesS15, Feb 02 2011

So i got accepted to all schools i applied for (wish i had applied for better schools now) But was really unsure where my GPA would get in. I highly overrated how schools judged College Transfer GPA, and due to my first 35 units of college being 2.3'ish cause i was miserable doing it, took me quite a lot to bring it up. but 3.17 overall transfer gpa is pretty solid considering the 2.3 35unit start haha.

Anywho for those of you who know a little about California colleges where would you choose

Poll: Where to go to School
(Vote): Humboldt State
(Vote): Sonoma State
(Vote): San Marcos State

Didn't bother applying to any UC's as i'm to poor to afford CSU's lol so i wouldn't be able to attend for financial reasons alone.

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your cake for my ftp
  NighTLesS15, Jul 27 2010

750$ or so reputable members only please

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1st blog in forever hah~
  NighTLesS15, May 23 2010

haven't blogged in some time not much of a blogger and nothing really note worthy but figured this could go up

Big ups to Gitm.Ace

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Some fun ahead
  NighTLesS15, Oct 22 2009

Well, been playing 50nl hu this month and it's been going good so far

Looking forward to the weekend. Going to be rollin out to Vegas Fri-Sun it's obv gonna be entertaining, and hopefully get a nice poker lesson, get some drunk fun, and get some live poker in. Which for a weekend sounds pretty awesome haha.

So far school still got 4.0 this semester, Got 2 A's on my econ midterm and my history midterm last week so pretty stoked, now time to vent Obv Vegas ftw

I'm also looking to give the PCA qualifiers a whirl, any advice on best route to take to qualify?? see if i can't lucksack a free bad ass vaca

Edit: Hah~ love this pic

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Poker can be fun
  NighTLesS15, Oct 18 2009

Well i have been running really good, which i'm completely stoked about, always nice to have a good heater backing you, only downside is i haven't been able to play as much as i would have liked this past week, due to school, the girl, and friends been rather hectic, but graph 10/7-Now, is the main bulk, probably 2k hands or so are from prior to 10/7

Two hands from the sesh:
took a note from Pooruser and his soul reading abilities on this hand
its nice to run well

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october so far
  NighTLesS15, Oct 15 2009

october cash results so far this month

heaters are fun

Edit: due outside factors, i started 10/7

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life in general
  NighTLesS15, Aug 24 2009

well... lately life have thrown a few curve balls... i broke up with my g/f not to long ago, and because i'm an idiot and didn't take a summer course i have been bored out of my mind, so i have been going out and recklessly partying with friends all the time (thank god some of them like me enough to help with the money for that haha.. although it's more of returning the favor for when i provided for them). Which is usually not my style i was always more of a weekend warrior. Currently i'm a full time college student (fall starts in 1 week) which i won't change because i'm aware getting a degree is the best possible choice for any person.

Note: I cashed out my roll a few months back for financial reasons with family.

Now thanks to gitm.ace aka mike, who gave me 50$ on 8/22 to play a little poker for entertainment purposes because he's just a pimp like that. With some luck I managed to get it up to a little over 200$ Although i'm clearly aware i'm not one of the select few who is going to make a career out of this, i would like to use it as a part time job to finance college and the few meager bills i do have to pay. I have dabbled all over in the poker world with tournaments//cash//sng/hu and had moments in each. What would be the best route to try to accomplish this as a part time job be in your opinions?

Poll: Which should i try?
(Vote): Cash
(Vote): Tournaments
(Vote): Sng
(Vote): HU

anyone who votes i would appreciate a short explanation of why.

When i stopped playing i was beating 25nl and taking 3bi stop loss shots at 50nl

Tournaments i won 1 of note worth slightly over 2k, then took down some smaller stuff as well

Sng played 3.40's and 6.50's 9/10mans to build my roll initially

HU just fun although with its ridiculous variance i doubt anyone would choose it

Thanks in advance to everyone

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