cashout cursed
nicksson, Aug 10 2009
dropped 13 buyins in 1k hands at 6max first session after cashout, this seriously happens every time from now on im gonna play micro stakes first session after every cashout /end rant
ps,pp or ftp for cake
nicksson, Jun 29 2009
Anyone wan't some cake money for either pokerstars, partypoker or full tilt money, pm me
ps for cake
nicksson, Jun 21 2009
anyone wan't to help me, I need 215$ on ps for 215$ on cake asap
nicksson, Dec 11 2008
Must see thread(hilarious)
nicksson, Nov 01 2008
I don't want anyone to miss this thread, without a doubt top3 most hilarious threads I've read, delivers from the first comment.
yet another STAKING opportunity
nicksson, Oct 31 2008
Im looking for a stake to play NL50 or higher, add me if interrested to discuss details.
This weeks results
nicksson, Apr 06 2008
Since I've had my money stuck on Rednines for quite some time now and haven't had any money to play with elsewhere I had to ask for a stake, and got one for NL100.
So far results have been OK, but something is obviously wrong with my 6-Max game. My 6-Max game has always been way stronger than my HU game. Hopefully it's just a bad run and I can start win again.

I'll try to update every week, but I'll probably be to lazy
another STAKING opportunity
nicksson, Apr 01 2008
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