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Melbourne tomorrow.
  purrryadog, Jun 03 2008

Last night i played live 2/3 and was completely card dead.

I ended -$119. The fish are unbelievable. One guy stacked off w/ A6 on a board A T 6. He was up against AA, and it was about a $700 pot. The guy who had AA is the nittiest player alive, he led out $75 into $80 and said "I just wanted to take it down there, I was scared of the bflush draw".

On another note, i played just over 200 hands online when i got home and was up $157. Then I went to sleep.

Woke up at 1.30pm today. Not ideal. Feel pretty lazy and scum.

I am off to melbourne tomorrow to play some live games at crown and also to see my one of my best friends. Will be good to go out to restaurants and catch up with friends, and hopefully win some juicy pots.

I need to buy a new on-board luggage suitcase today, so will do that after i finish this quick session.

I just started playing, will be 3 tabling 100nl as the connection has been capped. Had some troubles last night with connection at important moments.


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100NL Shit Session
  purrryadog, Jun 03 2008

Today I had a good day. Went out for lunch, caught up with an old friend and relaxed.

Was feeling good then played some poker.

Started off slow as usual. And i noticed one player was playing tilty and more aggressive than normal. I looked him up and sat on 4 of his tables.

Here are a few hands.
In this one the guy i was targeting sucks a 3 outer on the river. Pretty god damn sick. I was ok with it and got on with the game.

Here I have KQ, I really felt confident i was ahead here, and on the turn i felt even more comfortable.

In this hand, i get stacked by a set. I had just stacked this guy all in PF my JJ vs AQ which is very loose, but i lost a standard hand before that when the guy i was targeting made a gutshot which have me 2 pr.

Here i get out flushed. I had a gutsa straight flush draw. I get it in and what do you know, he has nuts

Here i have 59o/suit and 3x bet looking for the btn to fold. I am on tilt from the above out flushing experience.... Anyways I hit 2 pair with it, and end up stacking QQ. Me and a good friend of mine call this hand Royce, after rapper royce the 59.
Thanks, royce,

Anyway i think the internet just got capped and I was getting so frustrated at the delay of playing on FTP so that was pissing me off a lot. I made a full house and raised on the river and lost connection. I think he called because my stack increased which is cool. But it really frustrated me.

I didn't finish 1000 hands session, played about 960 and LOST $176. Not happy.

Very annoyed at the moment. Going to have a break and hopefully get back to playing well again, later tonight or whatever,

Going out for dinner, gl.

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100NL Great Session
  purrryadog, Jun 02 2008

I just had dinner and played some guitar hero and came back for another 500 hands.

The games were really juicy and i was hitting flops which was really nice. I think the games are juicy because it is lunch time in Europe? Who knows, wierd for a Monday.

Anyways, in the previous session i made $168 in 1500 hands.

This session i made $333 in 500 hands which is obviously running sick.

Two key hands that i feel are showing my development as a player.

This lay down, felt tough at the time, but i am sure i did the right thing:

Here I stack AA when i flop a set of 999. I really had no doubt i was good here. But I ruled out QQ as WimmerPuh flat called the raise PF, then he shows AA. Anyways 99 holds and i get a good pot.

Thats enough for tonight. I didn't end up going to the home game. I am pretty bored and have watched all the DVDs i have...

Considering this is my first night off of work. It feels like i have just worked playing poker... Ah well it is way more entertaining and fun.

GL. Take it easy. Mike

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100NL - Grinding (cont'd)
  purrryadog, Jun 02 2008

Ok today I had my second session. I wasn't a great session.

I finished ok after 1500 hands at +$168. Not really ideal, but it was ok considering i was down -$232 at one stage, so it is a good swing around.

I found that in the first part of the session i had played 967 hands and was down $131.
I then came back for the final 500 hands and obviously finished +$168 as i said, so thats a good final leg.

I think I played 'average'. Some good plays, but some obvious mistakes as i did in the previous session i posted about earlier.

Early on i was missing all my flops with AK, and cont bets weren't working. I think I lost about $60 in the first 100 hands by this happening. I then got 99 on the button and was 3x bet with the BB, i 4x bet my 99 and he shoved. I had seen him shove with AK before and thought he had AK, and i was right, but lost the flip. King on flop. SO i was down $160 just from a shitty start...

Here are some other hands:

Here i turn King high flush against one of the most solid 100nl players for May on FTP, maybe a check would have been better?

Here I overplay AJ, i thought by the size of his pot bet i might have him beat, but he showed queens - nh

Right after that hand i got one back in a blind war. It worked out nice.

This blind raise is ok, considering i wasnt 3 bet, i think i played it pretty good. I dont mind getting it in here at all, but his hand held up

This was the worst moment of the session. I am oop and open, then i call a 3x bet with a marginal hand OOP. Then i get a marginal flop. My gut says, pot control OR fold. But my figers click away and i call. It is so bad, this really made me angry, I didn't tilt but i was just hugely annoyed with myself.

This here is a standard set vs top pr good kicker, He said after he could have folded, but obv not

Here i get lucky calling a 3x bet and flopping nuts. This was a nice way to finish session.

I dont feel too great. It took me 4 hrs to get 1500 hands in, 4 and 5 tabling. I havent done anything besides poker today and it is nearly 7pm. Some local guys are having a home game but i dont know if i can be bothered going even tho the value is good.

I might play some guitar hero and do some weights.

Someone is helping me set tracker up for the mac which is cool..

My goal for the month is to be one of the biggest winners on 100nl on FTP. I'm up 4 buyins so its a good start so far... But gotta play better and keep at it. I though today id do better :S shrug.

2500 hands, +400. I don't know if i can keep playing such structured sessions without tracker, it is draining.

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100NL - It begins
  purrryadog, Jun 01 2008

Ok i will be playing for 2 months full time - 100nl at fulltilt.

Normally play 4 or 5 tables. I think forums and blogs are a good way to get feedback and learn. I aim to be actively commenting on other ppl's hands too.

Todays first session was 1000hands. I am not running Poker Tracker as I don't know how to make it work on MAC so cant give specific stats. I think i played at around 14/12

Today being first session i played tighter than normal

Early on I was up +$170, then dropped down to even. I then finished well in last 250 hands. Finished +$232.

Here I was pretty confident that I was ahead, mainly because he had been 3x betting me very light, especially if it were folded around to my BTN.

Here I play a middle set on a drawy board.. What do you think of the turn bet?

Here I 3x bet to isolate, or get them to fold. I thought he had 88 or TT. Should I just check the flop and give up? Or should i cont bet smaller and fold to a shove? Or so I do what i did and accept that I got it in a slight favourite??

Here I have AK. I basically rule out flush when i am faced with his river shove because he chk min raised the turn. I was scared of a bigger full, but think he shows up with AQ-AT here more often than not, do you think i am right?

Here I am against a fishy player. Very drawy board. Instead of flatting, i went with my gut and shoved. Thankfully he folded. But i think i am good here if he calls?

Ok this JJ is a big problem in my game. I know i played this terribly. I should have 3x bet. I should have led out, or chk raised the flop big, folded to shove? BUT what i do is WEAK and WRONG. I know this is sick bad play, but i coudnt help it. On the river, i dont even know how i called. How can i get rid of this bullshit play?

Here I feel like i am being 3x bet light. I should have bet earlier. I dont like this play at all. JUST fold the hand PF, even tho he is 3x bettin me light. This and the above JJ are real bad plays.... I had a gutter, and then i bet when i missed... I though he would fold.. but he made a good call. I am posting the bad, as i want opinions and just advice. I do not wish to be berated for the above play, but it was shitty

Dont know if i put this one in already (im tired) But it is standard. I sucked out and never fold here.

SO in summary, 1000 hands - + $232. 2 really bad plays. costing me about $150.

Its 4am and im tired. Will play tomorrow.

Good luck, and looking forward to chatting / discussing and reviewing hands with u all.


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