favor needed
Remod, Feb 12 2009
I'm buying HEM but don't have a way to pay for it, so if anyone is willing to pay 55$ via some of this methods and I'll send you money on pokerstars.
Party Poker, Absolute, Ultimate Bet
Only known posters, and I send first, tnx.
Remod, Feb 11 2009

PT3 or HEM??
Remod, Feb 07 2009
whic one would you suggested??
I used trial version of PT3 but its hud sucked large, but I dont know does that have smtng to do with it being just a trial version...
Remod, Feb 06 2009
I just cant get to run good for more than an hour.... every session I start good I end up breakeven or worst.
last session:

couple of hands at the end of session:
feelin so tilted right now, a bit better thou after whining about it 
now I have a cousin coming over to watch some movies and probably bringin some weed so that'll fix my mindset 
also if u havent watched "In Bruges" and "Be kind rewind" they're must see!!
Remod, Jan 31 2009
so my first month of nl25 is over, I grinded a lot last two days because I needed 1200FPPs more to got goldstar. It went smoothly but unfortunately masstabling (16-18) and robot play reduced my winrate alot, so I'm not really happy with winnings but it'll be better 
so here's january grapf (first 7k hands or so are nl10) and stats (only for nl25):

I have exams coming through whole february so my goal is simply to maintain goldstar, watch some videos and win atleast 500$ (smtng like 2.5bb/100).
nl25 2nd day
Remod, Jan 23 2009
I justa came to my dorm after a cash game with some of my friends (where I took about 30$, nothing big but sweet ), and decided to take my 2nd session at nl25

I havent really slept last few days and I'm stoned as hell so decided to quit while I'm ahead and call it for today! 
Remod, Jan 23 2009
I finally took shot at nl25, I pulled an allnighter, 6.5 hours, 4k hands.

its seems much easyer than nl10 and a hell of a lot more interesting.
any advice/critic/comment on graph and stats is appreciated!
btw. anyone watches world handball championship?? thoughts, predictions? france or croatia? 
Remod, Dec 17 2008

-25 BIs in 25k hands, sustainable?? 
 NL10 , NL5 
Remod, Sep 30 2008
after a big (atleast for me) downswing where I lost about 120$ (nl10) in about 15k hands, today i finally had a good session, earned about 65$ in 2100 hands, so I'm again at 300$ (had about 350 before things got bad).
before downswing I ran pretty good, from 250$ to 350$ in about 10k hands, dont know for sure cause my pt3 trial ended, thats why I dont have any stats either. 
anyway I think I'm playing better and better, mostly because of Cro)Deadman whos been sweting me while a was at home, but thing is that whenever I start session good, after some time (about 1k hands) I lose it all, return to breakeven and then start winning again. I dont even know is this only coincidence because I dont see any diference in my game through session but it happens too often just to be coinciddence.
anyway I'm planning to graind preety intensive next few months and I hope soon I'll move to nl25. 
Remod, Aug 10 2008
So, my first blog, had nothing to blog about till today, finally reached 200$ 
I'm quite new here, been playing seriously for only couple of months now, and I think I'm getting better with every hand played.
I'm not playing too much lately, it's too hot to stay inside, but here's my graph and stats of last few weeks:

any advice or critic is apreciated! 
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