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Swap % in Supernova freeroll
  Siro, Nov 04 2011

Looking to swap 20% in 5% blocks with people, please post or PM and I'll confirm (also PM your SN so I can follow~)


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FR coaching.
  Siro, Jun 28 2011

I'm a 2/4 FR winning regular. In my afternoons, 2/4+ games die and I have free time to be able to coach.

I've only coached friends before but have been through 2 large profit-share setups online to know how to get the best out of it (from student's perspective).

Most recently with AndrewSong (baller~) who I'm sure will vouch for me.

I'm looking to do single hours at $100/hour of Full Ring only. If it's mutually beneficial, then we can discuss longer term deals.

Please PM if interested.

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need $215 stars, have ftp.
  Siro, Mar 05 2011

to play the million obv, PM me.

send first if I don't know you etc

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vino, dont read
  Siro, Jan 04 2011

24bi, shooting for 1bi per 1k hands. Wish me luck! (reverse psychology one time)

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Euro Trip 2010 (pics)
  Siro, Jul 25 2010

Recently returned from my first overseas trip, decided to tag along on a tour that my friend had already booked. I may aswell post about it, because I like looking back through my old blog posts

Paris to Venice

Paris, only had one full day to explore.. Obligatory Eiffel Tower shot (walked up).
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Bruges fucking owned, sick small city. 400 different beers to choose from, canal rides.. and a fries museum..? wat
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Amsterdam = sin city. Stayed backing onto the red light district. Awesome actual city too, seems very livable to me. Looking 17 ways to cross the road so I don't get hit by bikes takes getting used to... more canals.
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Was in Berlin to watch Germany crush England in the WC, was very awesome watching whole street/bars erupt when they scored/won. Real nightlife starts verry late.

Krakow = Trip to Auschwitz (wasn't nearly as bad as I expected) and a drink called Krupnik - which I am trying to find a way to import! Most attractive women of all the cities imo.

Prague = amazing castle. City looks great at night, was at a huge beer garden by the river overlooking the city (if people have been to Prague they probably know which one I'm talking about)
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Cesky Krumlov (also Czech Repulic) was the NUTS. Slow raft down the river on 35+ degree day, drinking beers all the way down.. that and a bear moat, cool.
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Vienna was a beautiful city, very livable aswell. Had the option of going to a quality concert (Opera season was closed however) or to the amusement park.. my cultured self went on some crazy high chair ride -.- Also had the most ridiculous ride I've seen called the Ecstasy. Bought a nice wallet from Ballys (how do you pronounce this brand zzz) Standard climb high tower shot.
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Budapest, first impressions sucked. Stayed in a dodgy part of town, inner city is quite nice.. didn't even make it to Buda side =/ Went to thermal baths.

Bled (Slovenia) was awesome, just a huge lake and water activities. Went white water rafting. Whole place is a postcard.
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Finish in Venice, what a shit place to navigate around. Stayed at the Hilton (overrated) to finish. Good women, good food/wine, good views.
Gondola Ride, and yes a pic with me in it - and some of the people I was traveling with
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Whole trip was wild, staying at most 3 days (Berlin), usually two. Caught public transport everywhere including an overnight train hah. Weather was fantastic after the first few days, always 30+. Next travels will feel like a breeze I'm sure.

Also bought myself one of + Show Spoiler + [these]

in January after a nearly 25k month at 1/2.

Back to the grind now, need to get some more money online and start really working towards owning a home.

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Diablo2 CD Key anyone?
  Siro, Jun 11 2010

Feel like playing this with a friend and we lost the case but have the disks -.-

Anyone have any laying around? Will only use them for like a week I'd guess..

Can probably throw a few bucks if really needed. Need 1 LoD/1 Normal!

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Tested my grind
  Siro, Nov 02 2009

Last night I said fuck it, going to put in a monster session to start the month off.. I'd never played a session longer than say 4-5 hours before this.

Well, monster indeed.. 20.5hrs worth. 8pm - 5pm. I should really sleep soon.

It's all 1/2 except for like 20 hands trying to chase a fish around.

Add 1k from 5/10 earlier in the day and rakeback.. and it's a pretty solid 4.5k first day of the month, my biggest day (iirc)

Friends thinking I'm a bit insane, but I enjoyed it and played at a relatively high level all things considered imo.

Oh and I had a $2700 stack on a 1/2 deep ante table, that was fun.

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Comments (7)

  Siro, Oct 31 2008

-10k+ august at 2/4 FR
-downswing at 2/4 in sep
-cash out all but roll for 1/2 (saving to move out)
-10k+ oct at 1/2

Got a new computer/ordered new monitor a week or so ago so I don't have 100% of my hands, but this is probably 75% of them.

That's in ptbb, and that rate is kept up for whole month (going by account balance its been a 10k++ month)

Should really move back to 2/4 and push on to 5/10, but this is very easy money atm..

I'll post setup when new monitor arrives (dell ran out of stock.. due in a few days now-_-).

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August Wrap-Up.. (meh)
  Siro, Aug 30 2008

I'm pretty disappointed with how it turned out, I was on track for something really nice and just got raped at the end of the month.

Can't complain too much, this was my first real month of 2/4 and have also mixed in some 3/6. Coaching seems to be working

I'll make a blog/forum post soon about whether I should quit working or not fully but don't feel like it right now!


PT stats;


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BBV: New Car~
  Siro, Jul 25 2008


New car

'04 Mazda 6 Luxury Sports
70,000 km's, awesome condition.. good price.


Financed alot of it


Didn't touch my BR.

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