Swap % in Supernova freeroll
Siro, Nov 04 2011
Looking to swap 20% in 5% blocks with people, please post or PM and I'll confirm (also PM your SN so I can follow~)
FR coaching.
Siro, Jun 28 2011
I'm a 2/4 FR winning regular. In my afternoons, 2/4+ games die and I have free time to be able to coach.
I've only coached friends before but have been through 2 large profit-share setups online to know how to get the best out of it (from student's perspective).
Most recently with AndrewSong (baller~) who I'm sure will vouch for me.
I'm looking to do single hours at $100/hour of Full Ring only. If it's mutually beneficial, then we can discuss longer term deals.
Please PM if interested.
need $215 stars, have ftp.
Siro, Mar 05 2011
to play the million obv, PM me.
send first if I don't know you etc
vino, dont read
Siro, Jan 04 2011
24bi, shooting for 1bi per 1k hands. Wish me luck! (reverse psychology one time)

Euro Trip 2010 (pics)
Siro, Jul 25 2010
Recently returned from my first overseas trip, decided to tag along on a tour that my friend had already booked. I may aswell post about it, because I like looking back through my old blog posts 
Paris to Venice 

Paris, only had one full day to explore.. Obligatory Eiffel Tower shot (walked up).
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Bruges fucking owned, sick small city. 400 different beers to choose from, canal rides.. and a fries museum..? wat
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Amsterdam = sin city. Stayed backing onto the red light district. Awesome actual city too, seems very livable to me. Looking 17 ways to cross the road so I don't get hit by bikes takes getting used to... more canals.
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Was in Berlin to watch Germany crush England in the WC, was very awesome watching whole street/bars erupt when they scored/won. Real nightlife starts verry late.
Krakow = Trip to Auschwitz (wasn't nearly as bad as I expected) and a drink called Krupnik - which I am trying to find a way to import! Most attractive women of all the cities imo.
Prague = amazing castle. City looks great at night, was at a huge beer garden by the river overlooking the city (if people have been to Prague they probably know which one I'm talking about)
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Cesky Krumlov (also Czech Repulic) was the NUTS. Slow raft down the river on 35+ degree day, drinking beers all the way down.. that and a bear moat, cool.
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Vienna was a beautiful city, very livable aswell. Had the option of going to a quality concert (Opera season was closed however) or to the amusement park.. my cultured self went on some crazy high chair ride -.- Also had the most ridiculous ride I've seen called the Ecstasy. Bought a nice wallet from Ballys (how do you pronounce this brand zzz) Standard climb high tower shot.
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Budapest, first impressions sucked. Stayed in a dodgy part of town, inner city is quite nice.. didn't even make it to Buda side =/ Went to thermal baths.
Bled (Slovenia) was awesome, just a huge lake and water activities. Went white water rafting. Whole place is a postcard.
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Finish in Venice, what a shit place to navigate around. Stayed at the Hilton (overrated) to finish. Good women, good food/wine, good views.
Gondola Ride, and yes a pic with me in it - and some of the people I was traveling with 
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Whole trip was wild, staying at most 3 days (Berlin), usually two. Caught public transport everywhere including an overnight train hah. Weather was fantastic after the first few days, always 30+. Next travels will feel like a breeze I'm sure.
Also bought myself one of + Show Spoiler + [these]
in January after a nearly 25k month at 1/2.
Back to the grind now, need to get some more money online and start really working towards owning a home.
Diablo2 CD Key anyone?
Siro, Jun 11 2010
Feel like playing this with a friend and we lost the case but have the disks -.-
Anyone have any laying around? Will only use them for like a week I'd guess..
Can probably throw a few bucks if really needed. Need 1 LoD/1 Normal!
Tested my grind
Siro, Nov 02 2009
Last night I said fuck it, going to put in a monster session to start the month off.. I'd never played a session longer than say 4-5 hours before this.
Well, monster indeed.. 20.5hrs worth. 8pm - 5pm. I should really sleep soon.

It's all 1/2 except for like 20 hands trying to chase a fish around.
Add 1k from 5/10 earlier in the day and rakeback.. and it's a pretty solid 4.5k first day of the month, my biggest day (iirc)
Friends thinking I'm a bit insane, but I enjoyed it and played at a relatively high level all things considered imo.
Oh and I had a $2700 stack on a 1/2 deep ante table, that was fun.
Siro, Oct 31 2008
-10k+ august at 2/4 FR
-downswing at 2/4 in sep
-cash out all but roll for 1/2 (saving to move out)
-10k+ oct at 1/2
Got a new computer/ordered new monitor a week or so ago so I don't have 100% of my hands, but this is probably 75% of them.

That's in ptbb, and that rate is kept up for whole month (going by account balance its been a 10k++ month)
Should really move back to 2/4 and push on to 5/10, but this is very easy money atm..
I'll post setup when new monitor arrives (dell ran out of stock.. due in a few days now-_-).
August Wrap-Up.. (meh)
Siro, Aug 30 2008
I'm pretty disappointed with how it turned out, I was on track for something really nice and just got raped at the end of the month.
Can't complain too much, this was my first real month of 2/4 and have also mixed in some 3/6. Coaching seems to be working 
I'll make a blog/forum post soon about whether I should quit working or not fully but don't feel like it right now!

PT stats;


BBV: New Car~
Siro, Jul 25 2008
New car 
'04 Mazda 6 Luxury Sports
70,000 km's, awesome condition.. good price.

Financed alot of it 
Didn't touch my BR.
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