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Online Casinos wtf?
  Stim_Abuser, Feb 24 2012

So I got some stuff in the mail for free online casino money from

Why the fuck is there about 6 online casinos for US customers where you can put real money online and play casino games... yet like 2 actual poker sites that cater to US players?

With that question asked... which casino game should I gamble away this free money on?

It's like video poker, black jack, baccarat, craps, pretty much all casino games other than poker.

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How to format HM2 hands into LP?
  Stim_Abuser, Jan 17 2012

Anyone know how to format the HM2 HH's to be able to post them on LP?

I think I tried the majority of their formats and it didn't work.

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How does merge's BBJ work?
  Stim_Abuser, Jan 06 2012

I've looked it up and a few of the sites say you need to be dealt in the hand, as in at the table to receive a peice.

But they also go on to say thats how it worked on UB. When in fact on UB you got a piece of it just for being at the same limit as the jackpot.

That's pretty much what I'm wondering, on merge to you get a piece for just being at the same limit when it hits? Or do you need to be at the table that it hits on?

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Recommend me some BFP vids :)
  Stim_Abuser, Dec 15 2011

Heard about Gandolf leaving BFP and got a subscription to watch some videos before it goes to shit.

Would like some recommendations for 6max

Thankee sai

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  Stim_Abuser, Oct 27 2011


45 buyins under ev in 75k hands. Also running bad in cooler spots. I think I've gotten KK vs AA about 20+ times in this sample and AA vs KK once or twice. Dunno how to check it on HEM to confirm though.

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Roll building no bueno
  Stim_Abuser, Sep 13 2011

So I put a lil money online recently to try and build up a roll and for some entertainment post black friday.

Was going pretty well. Then I moved up to NL50 at 1k.

The being being way under EV isn't even the extent of the run bad. Running really terrible in a lot of spots. Had KK vs AA about 7 times and 0 AA vs KK. A bunch of AK vs KK in really good spots where I'm just coolered. Board running out really awful. Getting two paired on the turn in 3bet pots. A lot of stuff that doesn't show up in all in EV.

Still up 500ish after RB and everything. Don't really feel like regrinding nl25 so probably just gonna cash out and stick to just playing live where I've been doing pretty decent at 2/5

Meh such is poker.

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(Music) Some Dubstep for you nubs!
  Stim_Abuser, Nov 30 2010

Well I've recently got into a relatively new genre of music called Dubstep. Shits amazing and definitely needs to be played at high volumes. Thought I'd share a little with you guys. It's definently not for everyone but if you like to dance and get funky in general you'll probably love it.

theres a little sample of some. if there are enough people interested then i'll make another post with some more.

enjoy and get funky ^___^

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Quick Computer review?
  Stim_Abuser, Nov 25 2010

Well since im far to lazy to build a computer and i figured there'd be good deals right about now i thought id look for a new computer since mine is getting a little old.

was curious as to what people think of this computer? probably wanting to play some games ( not competitive games where i'll need 100fps or w/e ) just some of the newish single player games to play about when high/bored and dont feel like pokering. will this type of machine run them decently smooth?


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boardwalk empire
  Stim_Abuser, Oct 16 2010

new show on hbo thats pretty awesome. it takes place in atlantic city right when prohibition takes effect. it centers around atlantic city and a super corrupt politician played by steve buscemi. its pretty good so far.

best part about it is....


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destruction of mad1337nes
  Stim_Abuser, Sep 23 2010

mad1337nes1 7:32 pm
so, im going to start wearing bowling shoes everywhere i go
stimabuser 7:32 pm
to go with your bowl cut?
mad1337nes1 7:32 pm
stimabuser 7:32 pm
i literally just laughed out loud
mad1337nes1 7:32 pm
pretty sick imo
stimabuser 7:32 pm
god that was pretty awesome
mad1337nes1 7:32 pm
but no nigga
because i ball till i fall
and bowling shoes help u not fall
stimabuser 7:33 pm
nothing you could say could be cool after that absolute crushing
mad1337nes1 7:33 pm
was pretty sick ;(

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