ok, new goal
straate, Aug 07 2006
my new goal will be to get a br of 50k+ by saturday the 12th. i need 12k by saturday. this shouldn't be too hard, but will require a lot of playing...but not as hard as the last goal.
straate, Aug 08 2006
I'm +4k as of 3pm on Tuesday. 8k more to go, plenty of time to do it in. I'm happy with everything so far, except a few bad calls I made, but otherwise I think I'm playing pretty well.
ew bad run
straate, Aug 09 2006
ok just another update...last night i lost like 2.5k in 1k hands it was a horrrrrrible run
anyways today i log on and made that back and then some in an hour so now im happy :D
+6k, 6k to go
straate, Aug 10 2006
less than 3k to go...basically 2 'half days' to do it
also, here is a pic of my Pt stats since the 30th of july
sorry this is blurry as hell...idk how to fix it

my worst run ever
straate, Aug 11 2006
so much for my 12k goal... i was like 2.5k away then all of a sudden things went to hell. in 4 hours i lost almost 6k. most unbelieveable hands back to back to back, and losing every coinflip imaginable. i lost mid set to top set on the flop 2 times, got 2 outted 3 times, and also lost KK on a AKJ board vs A4os allin on the flop...for a full buyin....he caught runner runner full house
anyways im taking a break. this is just unbelievable. im proud of myself for not tilting tho and for stopping, I just wish i could have stopped sooner.
anyways, im still at a healthy br of 42k+. When i get back from vacation hopefully i can get back to 50k. on vacation im going to keep reading and learning this game.
sorry i didn't make my goal, this is just the worst run ever. theres only ONE other time ive ever had a run liek this, it was on 1/2 full ring....I lost literally 8k+ worth of pots in only a few days...each time i was 70%+ favorite
i hate bad beat stories, but honestly, this is just insane.
i think its funny i set out to make like 2.5 and ended up 8k away from my goal LOL
straate, Aug 11 2006
fucking wierd...anyways started 1 tabling 5/10 just for the hell of it. then i was doing ok so i was like ok ill 4 table. ended up making all my money back that i lost today :D
still didn't hit my goal, but im only like 2k short
im happy, now im really really comfortable with 5/10 and not intimidated the least bit
wat a wierdass day LOL
sorry blogggggg
straate, Aug 30 2006
havent posted in like 2 weeks....went on 2 vacations, ended up hitting my 50k goal a few days after i left on the first one, but i have to cash 20k now for school and other expenses, so anyways, my goal will just be to stay at my 50k by sept 1st and get that 20k cashed
someone posted a comment about me not posting hands, im really lazy with this blog sorry
if you want to see some hands just go to liquidpoker.net under hands and search me
straate, Jul 02 2006
good day today. i played a lot ended up 2k. restored my confidence. monday i will start doing half 1/2 half 2/4. im thinking about just 6 tabling at first to adjust to 2/4 and the new regs. yesterday was crazy i made 1k b4 noon, then lost it all in an hour. well today made up for that, and im happy i can finally go to 2/4 =D
straate, Jul 02 2006
wow what a rollercoaster. only played 1k hands 4-6 tabled. just wanted to check it out. lost 2 set over sets, 1 for 800 1 for 1k+. was up 200, then down 700, then up 700 then even. ended up even, w/my 2 setups so im not too upset about it. anyways ive been talking to a few 2/4 regs and i think im going to just stay at 2/4. my new home =D
its thurrrrsday
straate, Jul 05 2006
basically was even on 2/4 til yesterday...i also played a lot today. made like 2.5k between today and wed. 2/4 is a lot diff. than 1/2...and i actually like it a lot. i think its really going to help me as i get to higher limits, because i see a ton of different situations. anyways, im hoping to play some 3/6 6max next week, if this wkend continues to go well.
stars got new software and also u can 12 table now =D
im really happy about this. they also added a 5k NL limit !!!
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