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This year in review
  Zalfor, Dec 29 2010

Well, considering that I've just finished a really bad session @ nl200, I definitely don't feel too confident about my game. My HU game is great, but for some reason my 6 max game hasn't been faring too well. I think I need to nit up a little bit. Other than getting flush over flushed in a 3 bet pot today, most of my other plays were a bit aggressive, but not bad imo. I'm going to work on my game and hopefully get to nl400 sometime in the next year. Since tomorrow and Friday are basically days to relax and have fun, I'm basically done with poker for this year.

This year has been a great year in poker for me. I got a coach in the beginning of the year, I learned the basics of how to play poker. Ever since then, I haven't been playing that much poker at all. I played a little during the summer and then every now and again I play some poker at home when I get home from work. It's definitely been a fun ride, and this has been my best year of poker yet.

Results this year:
+15k not including rakeback
200k hands played
nl200 6m/HU

Did I meet my goals for last year? Hell no. But I've definitely had fun and I feel like I'm getting better. Plus, the older I get the less the money means to me, so that's good.

Cheers to a new years.

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Coaching offer update
  Zalfor, Nov 13 2010

The coaching offer is below.

I'm still accepting 2 more students. If you already got in contact with me, don't worry.

Currently on a life upswing, going to be taking shots at nl200 HU now and try to grind out some nl100 HU and nl200 6m

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Coaching offer for nl10-nl100 students
  Zalfor, Nov 07 2010

Hey Guys, I realized the last time I put up a coaching post it didn't get very many responses, so this time I'm going to give a year to date update and reoffer the coaching. I was watching my old nl25 vid that I made over a year ago and It really motivated me to get involved in the community a bit more.

So far, I've started full time work and I really want to still involve myself in the poker world. I think that by having motivated students, I can motivate myself to play as well.

I want to coach nl10-nl100 6M, HU, maybe FR if you trust that I have any edge in FR.

A little more about myself, I'm a nl100 HU / nl100 6m player. Been playing for almost 2 years now, and it has definitely been a great experience.

PM me or respond to this post if you're interested, we can work out details of it. Here are my graphs for this year.

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21 hour sesh
  Zalfor, Oct 31 2010

omg, I was stuck 20 BI yest morning so I ended up grinding 21 hours and 15k hands to get back to +8BI.

it was so sick... I felt like I was gonna puke halfway thru. Def. not going to do this again for a while.

Good thing though, is that I didn't go busto, haha.

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risk aversion
  Zalfor, Oct 04 2010

i think i'm becoming more risk averse, as it is messing with my poker play and i'm becoming spewy.

still at career highs, had a 2k month last month and played like 10k hands but I really need to start working on my game. PM me if you guys wanna talk about poker

today's sesh was just bad. I spewed off a little, and then lost KK vs JJ and then just stopped playing because I just didn't feel like it anymore. Maybe it's time to grow up.


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first sesh in a while
  Zalfor, Aug 02 2010

broke even for july, and played 1k hands today since i was bored and have been talking to mikeymoo about poker. Damn, i got a lot worse. I don't feel as crushing when i play against the nl100 regs. I need to get my ball sacks back and start playing better.

First 500 hands I played were pretty bad, but then I got better as I kept playing. It's all comin back to me now. Overall a solid sesh so nothing to be unhappy about.

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its not the arrow its the indian
  Zalfor, Jul 11 2010

trying to learn golf is consuming all my life.

i'm literally spending 24/7 learning golf, practicing and trying to improve my swing.

poker has been on haitus until i can reach a good golf routine, in fact i need a good life routine right now. I'm gonna update you all on how it goes, but right now it seems to be 100% golf.

gluck guys.

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lost 10 BI
  Zalfor, Jun 26 2010

at plo25 =| i think I'm going to stop playing now as I'm overall down 6 BI at PLO25...

but the good thing is that I'm doing well in nl200 and i'm up 10BI so far. =)

Coming back to america tomorrow so I'm going to have fun in america =)

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Coaching, Life Update
  Zalfor, Jun 24 2010

Cool thing is today is my birthday. =) So I'm going out for the next few days, but will try to put in a sesh in the morning or so.

[if ur interested in coaching, see last post]

Life has been good, got better, having fun in china, been going out a lot and having lots of fun with my gf and other friends. not playing too much pokers, maybe 1 or 2 2 hour seshs or so, and I'm winning decently at nl200 but super small sample size. I honestly just want to get to be good enough to play 5/10 or 10/20, but that's a long ways a way.

Hopefully I can get good enough to play 2/4 before I start work, that'd be cool!

I realized I'm nearing 1m hands played total, and in review my poker life has been really shitty being a RB pro for like the longest time. But learning and getting better is what drives me to play. =)

Hope everyone is doing well

gluck everyone

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Coaching nl5-nl50 Final
  Zalfor, Jun 20 2010

Hi everyone, I'm trying to formalize and set up a good coaching program for everyone's benefit.

I want to offer coaching for nl5-nl50, but mainly for nl25 and nl50 players struggling to win monies because they have been stuck at the rut where they become rakeback pros or just want to improve so that they can get the guidance they need to beat these games.

My background is that I started poker October 2008, and until January 2010, I never had a coach in poker. I achieved SN status in 2009 and played over 600k hands of poker. I just got my lifetime graph, and it seems that I earned $3000 in poker earnings before 2010 and $13000 in rakeback. So, in essence, before I received coaching, I was a rakeback pro who played 12-16 tables of 6 max and had huge swings and was literally getting nowhere. I would win at like 2 BB/100 for a while and then somehow go on tilt and/or DS and lose it all over and over. My redline was horrible.

I decided to enter a staking-coaching deal starting 2010 and I really wanted to step up my game. I restarted from nl50 and took the grind to go back up from there and my graphs and stats below show that it's been a positive experience. I want to share my experiences, the things I learned from all this and things I continue to learn from poker with my students.

Do you need coaching? Maybe, maybe not. The biggest thing I got from the coaching was not how to play, but rather how to think. I used to go over hands with mikeymoo and talk a lot about hands, but one of the most fundamental problems I had was I didn't approach poker in the right way. Coaching for me really helped me understand where I was approaching the game from the wrong perspectives and how to break down the problems and reach a logical conclusion.

For me, coaching was really helpful and I think it really opened my eyes to playing thinking the right way. As you can see from the results, it's been really effective and I think I can help my students with the same.

As for the charge, I remain adamant that $35/hr and $150/5 hours is a fair price. If you are interested in the coaching but have financial troubles, I guess PM me and we can work something out. I will be taking 4 students max, and if we get 4 students I think we can have group lessons (for much cheaper or free). We will also have a skype chat so we can talk about hands all the time.

The format of my lessons will consist of live-sweating and then hand review. Hand history reviews, database breakdowns and mock-play/live-play will also be included. (Given the needs of the student)

Given my history as a rakeback pro, and my improvement from coaching I think that I have a lot to offer the up and coming players. Also, this is not a jib, I mainly play and am not expecting to turn into a full time or even part time coach. I just want to teach the lessons I think are important to me and pass them down to those who could use it at a cheaper price (I paid a significant amount more than what I am offering).

So, if you are interested shoot me a PM and hopefully you can gain as much from coaching as I have. Thanks for reading through all of this =)

[edit] more hands from PS indicate that I was less of a rakeback pro than I thought, but still a rakeback pro

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