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Dont know how to play in middle fase of a trnmt...
  pazzini, Apr 21 2008

I'm preety unsatisfied with my performance in the tournament. The first four hours was just great. Didnt get great cards, couple Ak only, but still could make 50k from 10k starting chips with some awesome play. i must say im really good at building my stack in this faze of a tournament. im not hasty, not to tight, im always slowly but surly building my stack with no risk of being eliminated. this time made most of my stack in the third our with some preety great play and outplaying good and aggressive opponents. two key hands against though and very aggresive opponent, whit which i got some history:
1. 7 handed, blinds around 400-600 i got 88 in cut off and just call, the opp in bb raises to 2400. i smoothly call and the flop comes: 5 7 9, 2 clubs, he bets 3/4 the pot and i go all in, which is only a little over the pot size, he shows 7 and folds
2. 7 handed, blinds 300-600 the guy miniraises from late postion, i call in the bb with kt off, flop comes AT6 dd, i bet into the pot and he raises so i smoothly call with my Kd. the turn is Jc, and i check, and he check behind - after this check i knew i got the best hand, river is blank, and i made my favourite play, check to induce some bluff and he fires 9k, i think for a little while and raise his all in and he folds, sweet me. then i eliminated 2 guys and my chipstack was about 50k with the average about 19k. and then its started.....

i call in mp with 66 and shortstack raises, its folded to me and i start observe him. i felt extreme weakness, and my senses usually works great, especially when it comes to this guy, so i raise all in and he insta calls for additional 13k and shows TT
so i lost 1/3 of my stack on a stupid pair and from now on the things just started to go awfully. whenever i raised i got a reraise, i bet flop the come over the top, and so on and so on, i made it to the final table on the shortstack, and then got busted in the second hand when i thought guy was stealing, but he wasnt and his ak was better than my ats.

shit. i got so many leaks in my tournament play that i have to work hard and find out the way to fix it, especially in the late fase of the tournament - have to work on my patience... i was so convinced i will win this shit, i played amazing poker for the first hours, damn it
probably will read hoh once again,

dont know when i will play another tournament, im kinda busy with my studies and need to work out a bit, cause we played this one like 8 hours and im tired as shit, on wednesday got a date with the chick i met two weeks ago at a party, so i will give myself poker free week

se you

of course chic for the end to make this blog not so shitty:

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Live tournament No. 2
  pazzini, Apr 20 2008


All weekend been learning and i cant take it anymore. the good thing is that i got only two months left untill it all will be over ufff on saturday been at a party but the club sucked. plastic beaches and guys straight from the gym yuuk student club only from now on

Tommorow theres another live tournament im planning to participate at and win it. this will have around 40 pplz and bi about 25 $, its special cause its first bounty tournament, and theres plenty another awards for busting some of the players. i dont care about that shit, im just planning to win it, cause these guys plays so bad that i should win it with my eyes closed. planning to play tight as usual and dont get involved in any races with this suc,... So im kinda gonna play Phil Hellmuth style of poker. Wish me luck

Will post results as soon as ill get back, probably on tuesday morning.

See ya all

This time two chicks to bring me more luck

All poker players tend to have this yellow fever so here u are:

... and my teenage love:

P.s. Does anybody have POKER MINDSET as an e-book?? If so PM me or post a comment. i would love to read that book but none of my friend got it and i cant wait two months for the delivery from usa.

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suckers are all around...
  pazzini, Apr 17 2008

so i played this tournament and...

5/15, 3 in the money, fuck it

played great during the all tournament, except KK all the time i was card dead, but still managed to make 25k from 10 starting stack with awesome bluffs and great postflop play, the other guys are suckers, so i was sure i will win this thing altough i wasnt chipleader untill following hand came up:
5 handed, blinds 400-800, i was on the button, utg folds and co makes it 2700 to go. now few things about co. he is a fairly good online player, plays nl 200 on ongame, and won some online tournaments. in 3 previous hands he almost doubled up with aces and ace king and got about 45k. his typical internet player who raises a lot in position and try to steal blinds, this raise was made right after he won the pot with aces. i also know from previous tournaments that he got a lot of folding equity and will raise but not call with marginal hands,
i pick up AQo on the button, made a little talk and raised an additional 5500k (at the begining i had 26k so i got left 19k) he begins to study so i know im not getting insta call, as he goes into the tank and starts thinking i put him on jacks. finnally he announces raise allin. i insta call knowing i got coin flip and chance to double up become chipleader and from now on i would owe this tournament. so he shows TT - lol!!!!!!!!!! flop doesnt change anything and im eliminated he later wins it all

what a sucker play imo
he knew i got a hand, he commited only 2,7k, got over 40k left but still decided to risk it with tt, shit, what a stupid play imo, i overrated him before, giving him credit to be a much better player than he is, now i will adjust, anyway i playd really good, played great poker in couple of pots, i especially liked that one:
8 handed, i raised in mp with 97 got a call from late position, completely missed the flop and check, the guy makes a bet so i check raise him, and he makes what i excatly wanted him to do he insta raises, so i repop and he folds sweet
next monday theres another one and i probably will play in it, will see now i will hit the books to study, see ya

and the chick to make me a bit happier:

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Live tournament
  pazzini, Apr 17 2008

Yo guys

Going out to play a bit live poker. Its typicall weekly tournament with some good, but mostly bad players. BI around 30 $. There are usual about 20 -25 pplz.I hope to win this thing. I always played good live and since i havent played for a long time: THE SHARK IS HUNGRY. So wish me luck. Results when i come back...

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High hopes
  pazzini, Apr 15 2008


Still learning and fixing my leaks in hu sng. found a bunch of hu sn blogs, reading articles, watching some videos and reading as many 2+2 hu articles and posts as possible. i hope that will bring much to my game.

also working a bit on roll. just gathered 1/5 amount of needed deposit
today downloaded poker tracker 3 beta to find out or will it be usful for my game (never ever used it before)but this shit makes me crazy: i auto imported hh from the file but it shows all my games as lost ;(, on stars when i watch the table as observer theres no hud stats, on full ring the hud stats appears but they fucked up all over tha table and i cant make it normal and so on so on.. becoming a pro isnt a piece of cake
(btw. can anybody give me some links where i can found out about the ace hud stats? i once found such article on pocketfives i think but cant find it now, would appreciate any help)

but i found something that makes me believe that i can overcome my weakness and become winning player. today ive read this thread on 2+2 by MasterLJ and he wrote the history of how he began to play poker, got busted a milion times but still managed to fight with his bad habits and become a winnin player:

+ Show Spoiler +

so as you can see theres hope for me..

as to the non poker related stuff some great news: I HAVE QUIT MY JOB and i feel grat about it. now i will have more time to focus on really important things. when i walked down the street as i left the office i worked at i just felt like a new born man, preety fuckin amazin feelin SHIP IT!! this week my and my friends going out to celebrate me becoming unemployed student!! SHIP IT x2

wanted posted some hands to hear some discussion about it but i didnt have pt earlier so i couldnt find the hh, nevermind i will post many very soon.

s0o i think thats all by far, poker online break continues, but i hope to play a bit live next week, and life poker thats my thing, i owe those suckers (johny cosmo would say: i tottaly rape those bitches!!) just as i seat down the table but sadly didnt have much time to play lately but thats about to change

title of this entry comes obv from Pink Floyd song, the lyrics maybe doesnt apply to my situation, but its still great song

And for the end pic of some cheerleadrs of boston celtics, now im starting to get why pplz love this game:

See ya

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Scio me nihil scire
  pazzini, Apr 12 2008

ok so as i said the playing poker break continues but the poker learning time is on.
i found quite a few blogs of hu sng players from different stakes, start to analysing my game, reading the 2+2 forum hu section and stuff....
... and the only thing i can say so far is that: i have no clue about hu sng.
yeah i played about 4k games, reached in some point 33 sng at ongame, crushed people on 10 $ hu on stars 2 and 4 man, people take my advices on how to play hu sng but i still dont know shit about it. during reading some blogs i faced so many aspects of the game i didnt know about that now i realized how many leaks are in my game and that i have to fix this shit or my hu sng adventure will look still the same (busto and busto).
so if anyone can give me some advices, place some links to interesting blogs, point out some interesting articles and stuff about hu sng - would appreciate it a lot. when i finally crush 110's and 230's i will buy u a beer or we can work out a little Jack Daniels 0,7

thinking about watching some videos also, but ive read that neither cardrunners nor stoxpoker got many videos on hu sng so i think about it. any advices??

still colecting money to deposit the big roll but its gonna be harder since im quitting a job next tuesday and i just cant help myself going out twice a week to a party. no discipline ; ) but i guess it pays off, i met nice chick week ago, will see how will it develop...

so thats all now, im still learning to exams and working a lot on improving my game.
btw. i ve seen wsop main event 2007 once again and dont you think kenny tran is gonna be a huge star in years to come?? i especially liked that scene with kenny tran, jerry yang and daniel alei - "nothing funny"??? hilarious

...and as i promised a pic of some nice chick, this time Rihanna, after Beyonce's wedding she is the last hot still avalaible chocolate...

edit: wtf i posted the movie in window, and after i edited the post the movie dissapeared so i had to place just a link to you tube
anybody know how to fix it??

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Got broke again... $@#%&*%&#
  pazzini, Apr 10 2008


My first post and already about money. I play on Full Tilt, nick Broken Dude, sometimes on PS under a different nick. I play HU S&G low stakes and sometimes PLO and some low BI tournaments. And just hour ago... GOT BROKE again. Must be 17th time or so...Its like a fuckin nightmare. Whenever i deposit i play well and then, build solid roll, go up and then... go busto.

I guess its time to stop messing around and start taking things seriously. So heres the plan:
- take a brake from poker for a while (exams at the uni ;( )
- gather solid amount of money and deposit like 50 BI on my stakes
- start playing according to BM with no crazy ideas and trying to avoid fancy plays
- move up when reached +50 bi to higher stakes.

I think that collecting that amount of money will take a bit so i give myself one month. Untill then i will learn to pass the exams and try to improve psychological site of my game, cause i think i really crash the game at 5 and 10 $ hu sng on stars and full tilt but somehow i cant to manage the money and lose it all in the end.
If got any ideas, advices, previous esperiences - go ahead and post it. Any advices appreciated.

As i said it will last a bit but i will be posting some things in between.
English isnt my fluent language so if u see any mistakes go ahead and tell me about it.

Well I think its all. I hope i will find the time and will update this blog often.
So see ya and wish me luck in collecting some money.

Btw. any ideas about the money?? i want to start some savings and borrow a little from my bro. Any gambling tips ?

And one more thing. Theres gonna be some rules about this blog.
# Rule No. 1. Every post will end with a picture of some really hot chick (I heard that poker players should post pics of cats to bring luck but cmon pplz...

So for good start wery well known and beeeeeautiful poker player from my country JO JO. SHIP IT !!

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