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Taking a poll
  Cooper83, Jun 11 2009

I went to a Brewer game on Memorial day and there was a prize giveaway to win tickets to the World Series so we all filled out the handout quickly and just assumed we'd lose and not hear a thing. This morning I received a call from some random women telling me I was selected to win a free cruise/airfare/all other expenses except alcohol if I'd just come to there office for an appointment to "hear about there company". Apparently they believe strongly in word of mouth advertising. Anyway to the point, I'm pretty apprehensive since this seems like utter bullshit, however, I'm curious what LP thinks. So here goes bullshit or not?

Poll: Does this seem like bullshit to you?
(Vote): Yes, and your a fucking idiot for making this.
(Vote): No, take the trip!

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Ok day
  Cooper83, Jun 09 2009

Ran pretty well, attempted to move up and proceeded to play like crap. Back down to 25nl and the grind session. On the upside I made back everything I lost and then some after I moved back down so. I'll give it another good soon enough, from the life standpoint things are just peachy. My brother's getting married Saturday so I'm keeping busy helping him make sure everything is in order. I also took the time today to fill out my cobra election and move my 401k into an IRA while I work on finding a job that doesn't involve selling insurance.....I think that may be a difficult task until the Acuity thing opens up. I got another offer to sell the shit today, but seriously who wants to sell insurance....

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Life and stuff
  Cooper83, Jun 08 2009

Played some 25nl today, went pretty well. Actually focused a bit which is nice. Anyway on to more important stuff aka life. So I posed my resume on career builder and a few other sites, however, no luck so far. I've been offered 5 sales positions, but I'd rather continue with the path I'm taking rather then selling insurance. I'm just not interested in a sales position at the moment. On the upside I should be getting a call in a month or two about an underwriting position at a really good company, so hopefully that works out. Anyway golf, camping, hanging with the girlfriend. This should be a good summer.

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Golfing and what not
  Cooper83, May 29 2009

The last couple days have been awesome outside so my best friend and I decided to go golfing yesterday. Were not exactly great golfers, ok he's flat out comical. He lost 14 balls on the first 9 yesterday. Needless to say it's rather entertaining, we ended up spending more on drinks then golf. Were going out again today so this should be fun............yeah I could get used to this unemployed thing.

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Bouncing back
  Cooper83, May 28 2009

Phone interview tomorrow, references/resume in order. Got a couple other things in the works, life is good atm. This could actually work out real well if things go as I hope. Anyway I'm off to finish watching the first two seasons of house.

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  Cooper83, May 20 2009

I'm sure many of you are wondering what that word actually means. I myself was curious and being the luckbox I am I had the awesome opportunity to learn on Monday. The day started off well, went to work did that whole thing and then around 2pm things started going more poorly at a very rapid rate. I get a call from my manager requesting a meeting(*note at this point I know I'm getting shit canned). In the meeting they don't use the word fired or laid off, no my friends I was "excessed". Apparently it's the new rage, still fucking sucks regardless. Awesome economy strikes again, on the upside I got some relevant work experience and my boss and the director are going to write me letters of recommendation. There was four of us that ended up getting "excessed" in the department and probalby 50-100 company wide. The only part that is really irritating is it was based 100% off senority and 0% off performance. There is one person in particular who is utterly worthless and everyone knows it including the manager. The women's on a work plan which basically means if she does not improve she's getting fired in 3 months, but since she's been there longer she still has a job. Now I can follow my true dream of being a 25nl grinder that has very little ambition to play mass hands......LOL yeah I think this will work out nicely.

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