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Story of my life

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Team sumiyaka
  Nadeem, Aug 20 2009

A video me and some friends made 5 years ago, but just rediscovered it.
Let me know what u think


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I love misclicks
  Nadeem, Aug 18 2009

Submitted by : Nadeem

Full Tilt Poker Game #14112454325: $34,000 Guarantee (103800404), Table 120 - 20/40 - No Limit Hold'em - 14:25:04 ET - 2009/08/18
Seat 1: Sullydabully (4,410)
Seat 2: UhhMee (2,415)
Seat 3: pierrenl1 (2,995)
Seat 4: Blind Flying (3,580)
Seat 5: R3ISC11L (3,870)
Seat 6: Moscow1980 (1,110)
Seat 7: Hero (3,120)
Seat 8: Apollyon53 (2,675)
Seat 9: shadyJ10 (2,825)
Sullydabully posts the small blind of 20
UhhMee posts the big blind of 40
The button is in seat #9

Dealt to Hero4sTd
pierrenl1 folds
Blind Flying folds
R3ISC11L folds
Moscow1980 has 15 seconds left to act
Moscow1980 raises to 1,110, and is all in
Hero calls 1,110
Apollyon53 folds
shadyJ10 folds
Sullydabully has 15 seconds left to act
Sullydabully folds
UhhMee folds
Moscow1980 showsKhQc
Hero shows4sTd
Hero: omg

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $2,280.00)

Hero: i misclicked

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $2,280.00)


River (Pot : $2,280.00)

Moscow1980 shows a pair of Queens
Hero shows two pair, Tens and Fours
Hero wins the pot (2,280) with two pair, Tens and Fours
Moscow1980 stands up

Total pot 2,280 | Rake 0
Seat 1: Sullydabully (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: UhhMee (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: pierrenl1 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Blind Flying didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: R3ISC11L didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Moscow1980 showedKhQc and lost with a pair of Queens
Seat 7: Hero showed4sTd and won (2,280) with two pair, Tens and Fours
Seat 8: Apollyon53 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 9: shadyJ10 (button) didn't bet (folded)

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Comments (1)

Tired of poker
  Nadeem, Aug 13 2009

I never felt so bad pokerwise. Seriously, i just dont get it.

I'm sitting at the casino, playing 5/5( I normally dont play these stakes online, but i do sometimes IRL, since i found a job)

So i'm sitting there, 100 BB Deep.

I get QQ in the CO, with 2 limpers. I make it 25 and get 4 callers. The flop is 5d6c10c. UTG opens with 65, some lame freaking fat guy makes it 130. I shove, overbetting enormously. UTG thinks for a long time and folds, that fucking lame fat guy calls and show Jc7c. Turn is the 3 of clubs and i'm drawing dead....
I rebuy for 50 BB, and after 2 hand i get dealt KK UTG. I limp, UTG+1 makes it 30, some guy in MP makes its 90. I make it 180, UTG+1 folds and the MP guy pushes. I ovb call and he shows me AKss. Flop is KAJ, turn brings an ace, river is a jack.

I had enough to rebuy but i decided to quit and go home and play some online. Then sh*t like this and this keeps happening to me, like over and over again. No matter how hard I try to do my best, I always seem to lose when i'm like 80-20 favorite.
I never fel worse pokerwise and i really consider taking a 6 month or sth break, or even cashing out...
It has been months that i just cant seem to win..

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Comments (7)

I made it
  Nadeem, Jul 31 2009

After grindin 2 and 5 NL i'm finally rolled for 10NL.
I must say i feel much more confident playin within my BR and respecting it. I really feel I can beat these stakes.
I'll be back later with some numbers.

I also made the switch from PS to FTP, because stars really began to tilt me.
Their updates sucked like hell. The first time i updated my sound wasnt working. The second time i couldnt register for tournament.
Then, for no reason and without a warning they blocked my account cause my brother was playing on the same computer.
So i switched to FTP and i really like it. Suprisingly i find it softer then PS. There are fewer donks and the tourneys are less crowed.
So I really consider stayin on FPT.
Well, i'ma grind some 10NL again.
Wish me luck

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Comments (2)

Annoying guy
  Nadeem, Jul 27 2009

Funny as hell

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Comments (4)

Any help plz pokerstars tilt?
  Nadeem, Jul 27 2009

I have enough on my BR to play, wtf is this?

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Comments (7)

First session
  Nadeem, Jul 23 2009

So i played my first session respecting my BR.
I played a couple of hands on 2NL, and i found it boring so i decided to grind the 1.25 MTT sng over and over.
This worked well, i'm like in the money 70% of the times so thats pretty cool. I'll post figures later when i played some more.
Its hard to adapt to the microstakes though, i was used playing 25 and sometimes even 50 NL. Its both hard and easy.
People are so hard to read, many of them are like 50/15 or sth but you know.
I dont allow any fancy play either, i play ABC poker cause theres really no other way on these stakes.

My life has been pretty stupid this week but after all its not that bad.
I drove my dads new volkswagen against a post so that sucks. And my bike was stolen so that also sucks.
But me and my girlfriend are together 2 year today so thats pretty awesome. She hates poker though. Thats not awesome at all.

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Lets get it together
  Nadeem, Jul 20 2009

After reading all ur comments on my blog, i decided to get it together. I realized i really was playing a pathetic and fishy way of poker. So tomorrow i'll deposit my 50 bucks and start grinding 2NL.
If i have some troubles, i hope i can find some help here.
Thx for makin' me realize how bad i play.

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Comments (6)

Story of my life
  Nadeem, Jul 19 2009


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