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AP $
  hoylemj, Jun 20 2010

I have $25 left in my AP account. I can't transfer any more of it. If someone can help me move ~$20 I'll throw in a $2 vig.


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money trade
  hoylemj, Jun 16 2010

I'm t trying to move $80 off of FT and $50 off of AP.

move to preference 1. PS 2. FT

if you need to trade or if any ballers out there can help out, thx.

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50AP&FT for PS
  hoylemj, Jun 15 2010

have 50 on AP and FT each.
need trade for stars.

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$50 My Ap your PS
  hoylemj, Jun 13 2010

need $50 PS
have $50 AP

Also looking to trade $50 FT for $50 PS.

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HEM filters
  hoylemj, May 25 2010

Which HEM filters do you guys recommend to analyze your game?

What would be same ways to find certain combo draws on the flop?

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Cash-out Curse revisited
  hoylemj, May 07 2010


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auditory goodness
  hoylemj, Apr 22 2010

Poker playlists

I'm always finding lots of good music here on LP, so please fire away with any and every suggestion.
Let's see how these turn out...

Music for Thought:

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

Poker Mix - take 12:

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

90s Alternative Hodgepodge:

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

Tilt tilt stay away:

Get a playlist! Standalone player

Just some stuff I put together recently. The music-for-thought list, which I'm always adding to, really helps me stay focused and less effected by crap at zee tables.

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  hoylemj, Apr 22 2010

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Makin' Veedayos
  hoylemj, Apr 21 2010

If you're interested in creating poker videos, showing how cool your desktop looks, or whatever, check out Screencast-O-Matic (if you're not using software like CamTasia already which can be a little resource intensive).

You can directly upload vids on their website, export them, or directly upload to YouTube in HD. Accounts are free. If you want to make a video that is longer than 15 minutes and get other Pro account features (not sure what those are), you can pay a one time fee of $5.

At Youtube of course, unless you're Martin Scorsese, they'll limit your uploads to 10 min. So for longer videos or, any video for that matter, sevenload seems to work best. The only limit there is 2.5GB and I'm pretty sure they are tossing out free ShamWows on the side, for a limited time only. They also do HD and have some good options for embedding.

If you have any other suggestions please let me know, thanks.

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Cool story, bros.
  hoylemj, Apr 12 2010

for those of you can't get enough details on the financial meltdown this story sheds more light on how companies waged bets, exploited the markets, and 'got there' while taxpayers and investors ultimately ended up providing stakes to banks who accepted the odds or got slow rolled in the end.

'Inside Job'
The Story

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