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Saints of Los Angeles
  EXCELED, Mar 11 2009

Just got back from the Motley Crue concert! It was fuckin dope. Those guys really did kill it and they still got it.

The show was at Cops Collesium in Hamilton. Hinder and Theory of a Deadman opened for them... both pretty shitty bands imo but when the Crue got up there they made up for it.

The start of the show they had the curtain all around the stage when all of the sudden there was a silhouette of an angel walking around. Then it dissapeared and this red devil silhouette rises up with a trident, waves it around a little bit then turns to the side. Sure enough the angel is back and is giving the devil a blow job ahahah it was fucking hilarious.

They played all there hits which was great and hardly any of there new stuff which is pretty weak minus maybe 2 or 3 of there songs. They opened up playing Kickstart my heart then right into Wildside. There was a pretty good guitar solo by Mick Mars. He mixed it up and played some crazy Jimmy Hendrix shit then just went nuts on his guitar doing some pretty crazy stuff with it.

Tommy Lee didnt do a drum solo which was pretty disapointing... BUT he did talk to the crowd and it was pretty jokes. That guy is just the fuckin man lol. He comes down from his drums and starts getting the crowd going and BOOM instant titties everywhere! Brods just throwin there shirts on stage hahaha. I wish I had that skill lol. He is an animal man lol.

They closed playing Girls, Girls, Girls and then Dr. Feelgood which are my two favorite songs by them. They came back out for an Encore and played Home Sweet Home. Pretty cool seeing Tommy Lee rock it out on a piano lol.

Really good show.. Id give it about an 8.5/10. They didnt sell out the place which was a bit surprising but still I had a blast and Im glaf I got to see them.


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Tough day
  EXCELED, Mar 10 2009

I was just writing a blog as I finished up my session saying how I had a rough day and lost about 4 buy ins when I hit a sick run of cards and ended just a little bit above even so I am reaaaaaalllly happy with how that ended.

I was getting fucked around today hard. I was just in a lot o ftough spots where I had to fold which sucked and I was not winning any flips at all. I had a massive fish at one of my tables who was just hitting left and right on me. I think I dumped close to 3 buyins to him. I will certainly be searching for himin games from now on though because he just spews so muchhhhhh.

Ive been running pretty shitty Id say so far this month but Im managing some how. Fuck I got class at 8am and Im gonna be zonked for it.


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$100 UB for $100 Stars
  EXCELED, Mar 07 2009

Im looking for $100 on UB and Ill give money on Stars. PM ME.

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I cant sleep!
  EXCELED, Mar 07 2009

Last night I went out with a bunch of my buddies to the bar in St. Catharines. It was a pretty good time as usual. I got reaaaally drunk... $10 pitchers are just trouble. Went down like water.

Anyways when we got back to my buddies place he pulls out a huge bag of mushrooms. 3 of us ended up doing them and man I was tripping the fuck out but I had a blast. I ended up going on a 2 hour walk outside.... what an adventure. I got back to the house around 5am and all I wanted to do was to go to sleep. Didnt happen. I couldnt fall asleep if my life depended on it man. I laid there for about 30 minutes and the stuff that was going through my mind was just crazy... damn shrooms. I decided that I didnt want to be laying down here thinking about crzy shit so Iwent upstairs and my buddies who did the mushrooms wre still up too lol. We chilled and before I knew it it was 9am.

So right now its 930pm and I still have not slept! WTF! All I want to do is go to sleep but I cant. Fuckin shrooms. Looks like Im going to be a complete write off tomorrow and end up sleeping all day. I was hoping to get in a ton of hands tomorrow but I also have to go back to London tomorrow sometime too. Shrooms were a lot of fun but Im not doing them again for a while.

Wednesday night Im going to see Motley Crue in concert at the Copps Colliseum in Hamilton. Should be pretty sick and loud as fuck. I think Theory of a Deadman is opening for them too. Im not big Theory fan but Im sure they will be decent with a 12 pack in me. Gonna be puffin J's the whole time. Should be a shit load of cougars at the show too lol. Im gonna try and wheel me a mommy.

Last night my buddy Jay showed me a video of this homeless beatboxer guy named GFunk or Red. Hes really got some talent and I Guess now hes got a record deal. I thought it was pretty cool man. Here are two videos of him:

Anywyas... I guess Im gonna try and get to sleep.

Pz guys,

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we settled it
  EXCELED, Mar 06 2009

So I was railing my friend who thinks he is the next big thing becaue hes had a few nice scores... aka 3 and there not mosnter scores or anything. He tells girls that hes a poker player when were out at the bar lololol. Lately Ive been watching him and I just dont know how. He tilts like crazy when he loses, cant resist trying to steal and plays way to many hands. Sounds to me like he is a bit of a fish.

Anyways he played this hand soooo bad for his whole stack. Called an all in from a guy how had him totally covered with 10 high. He had 109 which was two overs and I think he had a gutter with it lol. Anyways the guy shows QQ and hes rocked gg. So I started talking with him and said it wasnt a good call by any means and he starts freaking out.

"Shouldice lets play headsup right now for whatever you want Ill rock you"

So I said "Lets do it and dont ask for your money back after we play"

We played $5 Sit n goes and right now Ive won 6 and he has only won 1. Apparently I run like god though according to him. Hmm. If he only knew. lol.

Anyways that felt pretty good hahaha. I think I might have knocked his ego down about 3. He just left to go get a pack of smokes he said and that he wants to play later. So of course I will accept.


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Slow day but ends well.
  EXCELED, Mar 06 2009

Today I had a pretty slow day for the first bit. I woke up and fired up some tables but it was just a shitty time and I couldnt get ahead if I tried. I ended up taking a break and going out to play a pretty sick game of road hockey with a bunch of my buddies until around dinner time.

I came home, made some food and then tried out the tables again. It was a lot of the same garbage just breaking even again. I have been break even for about 5k hands so it was getting boring lol. I ended up taking another break and going out and buurning a ew joints with some bddies. My buddies tha tI went out with all play poker so we talked a lot about cards and I was itching to play by the time I got home. Things went really well and I managed to make a +3 BI day.

Here is the graph:

Heres a few hands from today:
This was the biggest winner of the day but I had some troubles on the river here. So I get called preflop by 1 guy. I was putting him on a small broadway hand like KQ, QJ, KJ or maybe even AQ, AJ. No monster hand like AA, KK, or QQ here because for this guy that is a for sure 3bet. Im pretty happy with the flop. Big hand on a big flop. So I bet out and get flat called. Now on the turn I get raised even though the turn is a brick. The only hands I can see him playing like this are maybe AK but I dont think he has that, AQ, AJ, QJ. The hands with the Jx in them are much less likely since I have the J. Then the river brings a K which hits his range of hands a bit too. KQ, KJ. All of these hands I have rocked so far. A hand like A10 just wouldnt be played that was so it made no sence for him to be holding that and if he was it was a total cooler. So I make the call and Im happy buddy is just a total retard. Ship.
Obviously I really like my hand Preflop but I do not like how I get so many callers. I made a pretty big raise preflop... I honestly cant remember why I made it that much I think it was a rediculous raise lol and with 3 callers Im not happy. So the pot is huge on the flop and my Cbet size would be pretty much putting all 3 players all in so I make the bet. Sure enough Im well ahead and take it down.
The guy in this hand had a crappy beat laid on him the hand before. I was really hoping he would be steaming because of that hand. I raised him and he instantly shoved so I decided to call hoping I would be in a flip with the guy or have him rocked. I had him rocked and we can clearly see that his guy just was on a monster tilt. *NOTED*
The player in this hand was a pretty fishy character. It felt to me like a lot of the time he was trying to push guys off hands with his stack and it had been working for him. This hand I decided to take the passive route on him to see if I was right. Im curious if maybe a 3 bet would be alright vs this type of player because I am for sure ahead of his range and I have position. What would you guys have done? Anyways I checked the flop and he checked back so I was pretty sure he was weak or really scared of that A so I felt like my hand was good here. I checked hoping he would bet into me and he did jus that. I called and a 10 hits the river. This is I guess a good scare card but again I really thought he was just trying to push me off hands and the big bet on the river after a checked flop felt exactly like that. So I just wanted to look him up incase I was wrong but that wasnt the case.
This one stung a bit. I was hoping he had KJ, KQ here. Not so much. QJ makes a lot of sense just the way he played it but Im good here enough to stick it in.
This one was another race against a guy on mega-tilt. Didnt win it
Definitly thought I would have got 3 bet with him holding KK here but maybe he thought he was slowrolling me. Nice flop for him and we get it in. My AA are shattered
This one I was almost sure I was beat but I cant fold it and I think I played it fine. I hate sticking it in with JJ pre because its in tough shape almost always. I even called it out in my head "Hes got QQ." Nice to be right but sucks to have the losing hand here.

Its nice to see that a lot of my hands that Ive lost are pretty standard shit. Its not like Im getting seriously outplayed or making terribly spewy calls so Im really happy with how I played today even though it was a struggle for a while.

Its fucking late right now, almost 4am so today Im going to be sleeping in for a while... not likely to get up anytime before 12:00 lol. Im going out to St. Catharines for the night to party with a bunch of my buddies. Should be a total shit show and I cant wait. Havent been up there partying with those guys in a while. Before though Im going to put in some hands and hopefully crush so I can go out with a good feeling about the day lol.

Later guys,


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Perfect Timing!
  EXCELED, Mar 04 2009

Today I took down a satellite into a SCOOP event. I decided to take the money for the seat because I could use the $320 right now. It couldnt have come at a better time.

Im going to see Motley Crue next Wednesay so I can finally give my buddy the money for the ticket lol. This is also beer money for that night too lol. I kept some online though so I wouldnt have to drop back down to shit $5NL because Im such a BR nit. Now I can stay at 10NL full time and Im actually really close to moving up to NL25. Hopefully things can go really well for the rest of the month and I can move up at the end.

My hockey team got beat out of the playoffs tonight too. I can honestly say I wasnt upset at all. Its been fun but its also beena pain in the ass going back and forth from London on the weekends. Now my weekends are totally free which is going to be nice.

Things poker wise are looking really great and I can wait to see where it goes.

Later guys,


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What can I do with $W?
  EXCELED, Mar 04 2009

LOL I just shipped a satellite into the 1.5M Garuntee SCOOP event. I dont really have the urge to play in it right now. I won $W so if there is any way I can sell these etc. please tell me how.

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Cooling off.
  EXCELED, Mar 03 2009

Ive been crushing lately but things have slowed down for me today. Im not playing bad but Im having to make a lot of big folds which is tough and very irritating. It gets to the point where I feel like Im getting pushed around but Im running into big hands a lot today. Its hard to get some momentum going when this is happening but hey thats variance right?

Heres todays graph so far:

Couple shitty hands I had today:
Not much a guy can do here.
I knew it but I had to see it.

Take those hands away and Im in the + for the day but its alright. Im for sure not done for the day though. Im going to just take a little break to get my mind straight. Probably make some dinner then watch a movie or something. Hopefully I can get back in the + later tonight.


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Pretty nice day.
  EXCELED, Mar 02 2009

I didnt end up playing at all on the weekend. Decided to take a break and look over a lot of my hands I played in the month and also watch a few Deucescracked videos. What are some of the really good videos on DC? I really like Krantz videos but Im sure theres loads more great videos so leave a comment telling me which ones you like.

So anyways I was planning on going to the gym this morning but I messed up my shoulder last night at hockey. I went into the boards pretty weird last night and thought I was alright but this morning It wasnt feeling that great. SO instead of going to the gym I decided to fire up some tables. The games at the start were pretty bad. A lot of the regs were in line for the games so I just opted to play some super good NL5 games for a bit until the NL10 games got a bit better which they eventually did.

So It was just a small session but It went well. There was also a rediculous NL25 game going on that I could not resist so I jumped in it. Thing swere pretty slow and I wasnt getting any hands for a long time. I ended up winning about one buy in though just winning a lot of small pots here and there. I only had one big hand and I think I played it pretty bad actually.... maybe a little scared.
Villan was pretty tight and solid from what Ive seen but sometimes cant fold his hands. I wasnt really wanting to get into pots with him but this hand occured. I think I played it pretty bad actually but atleast I got value off all streets so w/e

Im not going to be taking any shots at NL25 anymore no matter how good the games are until I make around $150 more then Ill be taking shots here and there. I want to have around $500 in my roll before I move up there for good. Im fine with just grinding out NL5 and NL10 for a while its such easy money.

Hand of the day:
This was one of the last hands of the session. Villan was a pretty big fish and just played this hand so face up. I was 90% sure he had a K after he flat called me on the flop so I checked back the turn. It just smelt like a small blind special to me. Anyways I end up hitting the jackpot on the river and sure enough he over bets hoping Ill think hes on a steal. I decided that for sure he would stack off with me holding a K so I opted to just shove and boom. Ship Ship.

Highstakes Poker Season 5 started off yesterday. I found the episode on POKERTUBE and watched it last night. Pretty good line up. Lots of Live pros and Internet pros too. Should be lots of great action and Im really looking forward to watching.

Ill probably end up playing a bit more later tonight if the games are good. For now though Im just probably going to go smoke a J and watch a movie or something. Might actualyl go play a home game at my buddies place since Im back here in Cambridge. There always down for a game and Im sure Ill end up going over there with my buddy atleast once this week to smoke some buds and play cards. Who knows. I got nothing but time to kill this week lol.

Later guys.

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