It's zelda related. +EV and Zelda, that's combining some of my favorite things =)
Anyway, life is good. Played another 1k hands today and broke even. Pretty standard for me to have a break even session after a big winner like last night. Took a break and plan to get back online in a bit now that it's getting later and the drunks are coming home.
Pretty good weekend so far. Went out last night with my GF to our favorite local bar and they had an amazing acapella group named "Face" in there. Pretty impressive shit. Then today went on a hike in Boulder which was great. Now gotta do some more poker and hopefully pwn some noobs! I can't wait to hit 4k and start in on NL200, cause I feel like I can beat it now, especially with saki's coaching.
Oh I found a video of these guys we saw last night. They're funny lookin but super talented. Check it out!
I went to bed last night with 1 goal - have a monster Friday to make up for my spewy 7 BI loss on Wednesday. I can happily go to bed tonight saying that I achieved my goal thanks to lots of fish and a semi heater (mostly just ran normal which to me is a heater since I'm used to running like shit). Thank god for the weekends.
I played especially well while doing 8-18 tables. There were points in the night where I had so many awesome tables to choose from that I was on a lot of wait lists, and then I'd get sat on all of em at once. So I'd have a bunch of tables going and would have to slowly thin em out by closing the tighter ones and trying to get back to ~10.
I did run good vs the reg's which was a relief. My pair + FD held up vs 2 overs + bigger FD to stack a mega nit. I also had TT hold vs AQ AIPF. But overall I just played well and didn't get screwed over very often. God that makes poker so much more fun!
The other good news is that I cleared the $650 bonus. Yes, I got the smaller bonus cause right now I need money sooner rather than later. I was able to cash that out tonight and should get it near the end of the month, which is great so that I will be set in terms of bills and all of that jazz. But on top of clearing the bonus I was able to win 11 BI today! 2 in the morning during a coaching session with sakisaki, and 9 more tonight vs the fish.
My 2 biggest losing hands of the night were both sets that got sucked out on. Those were also the only times I lost a full stack. I lost a couple 70-80 BB hands though that I probably could have avoided and only lost 30-40 BB. But overall my losing hands were pretty well played.
This is probably going to be a rare occurrence. Seriously, I always hit these minor heaterish sessions and then get beaten to the pavement the next few days. I've been on a constant up and down journey btwn 2k and 3k. Right now I broke 3k and I really hope it holds.
Ok, enough bragging!
OMFG, almost forgot! Once I started hitting hands at the end (the point where the graph suddenly starts going up) I got all pumped and started doing my best rainkhan impression. It seemed to help me keep running good so I spent the last 800 hands or so screaming "ONNNNEEE TIMMMEEE" and "TTHHHAATTSSS HOOWWWW WEEE DOOO ITTTT!" and "Hoo haa hoo hooo haa" at my computer screen, occasionally typing "BULLLLDDDOOZZZERRRR" into the chat and overall annoying the shit outta my GF. But I only lost one AI while doing my Rainkhan impression, so maybe I need to do it more often??
omfg this is my new favorite show!!! They put these people through some horrible shit and they keep a scary vibe the entire time. There's no harnesses on high heights or helmets or any shit, and there's no clothing changes, but there are LOTS of snakes and spiders and extremely gross shit that they have to deal with. And the host is awesome cause he stays in character the entire time, which makes me laugh. I think I'd have a hard time with a lot of what they have people do, especially the really cramped places and sewers and so on.
Whoa, the new Star Trek trailer makes it look like this could be a pretty good movie, and I'm the type of guy who always found Star Trek to be pretty damn cheesy. They also got sylar from heroes playing spock, haha! The youtube version is just some bootleg shit, so I suggest clicking the link below the video to see the HD version.
WTF did I just do - lol. That's what happens when I drink. I came home with a few beers in me and a few more to drink so I sat down on NL50 (moved down 1 limit, smart!) and proceeded to 20-24 table for 7 hours. As I got going I decided I wanted to play 10k hands in 1 session cause I'd never done that before. I had to quit @ 9,200 cause I was spewing like crazy. I dumped about 4-5 buyins right at the end. Stacking off in 3bet pots for no good reason, plus shoving 150 bb deep with 2 pair on a board that wouldn't get called by worse. I just saw that he was a donk and decided I needed to maximize value, hahahaha. I sure did, but for him, not me.
I quit the session going "oh god how bad is the damage" cause I figured I was in the hole a couple buyins. Turns out I somehow was up 11 buyins at one point! I had no idea. If I'd known I woulda quit - fuck that 10k shit, 11 buyins is much better. Sadly I only came out with a 5 buyin win for the session due to my session closing spew.
I ran so fucking bad too - JJ on a AJR board in a 3bet pot ran into a backdoor boat for AK and more shit like that.
It's funny how many times you get AA/KK when 24 tabling. Even when you're playing like a nit you feel loose cause you're always playing hands nonstop cause you get premiums so often.
My head hurts very badly. I'm in the hungover state. I think that's what went wrong - I needed more beer to avoid feeling this pain and losing focus.
Lemme be clear, I think he's great and that he does a lot of amazing reporting, but sometimes he gets ridiculous and this video really captured all of those moments and amplified em, haha!
Found a funny halloween picture and don't wanna make a new post:
Tried to think of a title that explained my post would be about Keith Olbermann's special comment on the gay marriage ban in California. I wonder if that title worked?
Anyway, sometimes he's a blowhard but this time I think he was right on fucking point:
COLORADO: Obama flipped three swing counties Bush won in 2004 -- Arapahoe, Jefferson and Larimer -- and overperformed Kerry in every county in the state. Obama also flipped Ouray, which had gone 52%-47% for Bush, but went 53%-45% for Obama.
Jefferson county is where I worked over the last few months on the Obama campaign. Hellz yea we kicked some ass! Also CO had the best contact rate in terms of voters being asked to get out to vote: