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June sarpong
  Robinson47, Jun 30 2008

June has been alright

Really struggled at 6 max nl100 probably because i 12 table and play like a robot, most of my winnings been at nl100 hu. lost 8 buy ins on nl200 6 max, wont try that again until i can beat nl100 comfortably at 4ptbb/100. Lost a bit on mtts played a couple of millions came nowhere, only managed to play one weekend this month been 2 hungover or busy so couldn't make the most of the weekend fish. going on holiday on saturday only for a week but my aim for next month is to cut down to 8 tables of nl100 6 max, clock more weekends and hopefully i should b able to have a 4ptbb/100 over a tasty sample and crack onto nl200 in the coming months. thanks for reading and gl to all the other microstakes grinders maybe you can get a decent score in tournament like nutshot.

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  Robinson47, May 27 2008

Thats been my last month and a bit past 6 days i just been playing cash, between 7k and 16k its was friday--->sunday, the weekends the time to gamble, spewed 500 dollars this morning, lost about $1k playing mtts they are a catastrophe for me, qualified for 3 sunday millions came 1092nd and like 1115th which is gay because 1080 pay, oh and i got like $3500 from united winning the league, bet $600 e/w when they were 3/1 so happy days.
I staked someone for $500 and got no return, so back to the grind i guess. So not a great month, played a lot got $4k in my stars account, was up to $5.5k, wanna make it about $10k by mid july when i go on holiday.
All you top players just from a quick look at my stats is there anything i should b trying to do to improve my winrate, i think i might b limping too much, cheers for any advice, also is there certain times for the day you find the games to b softer, like less regulars and more fish,
edit.... cant uplaod stats not sure how to get from pokertracker 3, it goes to a notebad and is unreadable, i copied screen and pasted to paint but file is too big any advice on how to get statistics from pokertracker 3 into a smaller file so i can post on here?

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Manchester United - CHAMPIONS
  Robinson47, May 21 2008

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beating sit n goes
  Robinson47, May 05 2008

my last post was me crying about how i couldnt beat sit n goes, it was evident i was losing a lot in $55+5 turbos. The general consensus was i wasnt good enough to play them so i knocked them on the head i also tightened up a little and it has seemed to work.

Maybe its just im running good.
I am thinking of going to Moscow to watch Man utd play Chelsea in the champions league final. Sooo much hastle getting there, travelling and hotel will cost me over £1000 and another £200 for ticket, Them sneaky Russians want me to pay £85 for Visa and to b honest i cant afford it.

Next week Eufa cup final is in Manchster and my mate is a Glasgow Rangers fan so i might just get ratted with him all day. We got A Bayern Munich fan on this site somewhere and he thought they were gunna make it to the final but they got done 4-0 in the semi-final. LOL

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Sit n Go help
  Robinson47, Apr 21 2008

Hi I thought id start a blog because i really cant seem to beat turbo sit n goes at the moment, is it possible ive just run bad because its over a sample of 50 games? My sharkscope says im down $1300 dollars over 300 games with a -10% ROI, which is really embarassing and depressing

the 20 dollar and 30 dollars are regulars, 15,25 and 55 dollars are turbos. All i wanna do is make my graph look pretty and make my sharkscope positive, but i seem to b digging myself deeper and deeper, is there any basic rules to play turbos by becaUse im really really struggling-HELP!!!

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