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exalted sky

New to LiquidPoker? Register here for free!
  exalted, Oct 13 2010

Real pleased obviously, sick to go from that valley and shoryuken back up. Finally puts me in the green this month. Had a couple of disappointingly close but no cigar runs in tournaments (Lamborghini grand final, WCOOP, 750k Guarantee) so it's nice to heater for sure.

Have been playing a lot of Super Street Fighter 4 on the Xbox. Have had 0 desire to play Starcraft 2 so SSF4 has become my latest gaming vice. I thought I would pick it up quickly having a fast WPM / piano fingers but solid execution is really difficult and there is a real steep learning curve. Doesn't help that I am in Asia and have to play tough Asian grinders (as opposed to American 10 y/o scrubs) otherwise it will lag. Of course it's great to play good players but it's majorly tilting to lose 10-11 matches in a row.

Also was happy with this purchase on ebay:

Altogether, I have been putting a lot more volume (thanks to black card marketing) and really look forward to what will happen before year's end!

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August Results
  exalted, Aug 30 2010

Feeling pretty good (although just finished a bad session). Not satisfied with my current play - there are some spots where I give up too often, and other spots where I am too stationy/aggressive. I don't deal well with aggression from solid regulars, and honestly, after incorrectly calling river bets by regulars and getting burned, maybe fold too much. My handreading is solid but I have such a strong aversion to being bluffed / folding the best hand. That emotional conflict is a huge leak, combined with the fact that I am tilt-prone and emotionally influenced by my results.

There are some hands (tournament and cash) that leave me a little puzzled, so I'll post them in the forums.

The month probably comes to 4k (+ rakeback) (- donkament buyins.)

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Good Deal on IPhone 3, should I snap it?
  exalted, Aug 11 2010

Hey Smartphoners,

Been thinking about upgrading to a smartphone for a while. Friend can help directly buy an unlocked iphone 3 from the factory for 250$ - should I snap this deal? Would have to wait a month or two in order to be able to buy the iphone 4, and is it that much better than the 3 anyway?

Also have been contemplating HTC, but the best model they have here is the Desire, and that's 545 dollars.


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Cmon, Stop Alreadyyyy
  exalted, Jul 10 2010


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June '10 is treating me really poorly
  exalted, Jun 20 2010

GF annasky also had a 25 buyin downswing at nl100. Pretty fucking annoying to have the 'family' collectively losing badly.

Calculus 2 final also coming up in a few days, ugh. Definitely bad times right now, but hopefully things will look up soon.

Moving pretty soon, going from Taipei back to Hsinchu, which could turn out for the win, as it's a much larger apartment and we're planning to buy a lot of stuff etc.

Mandatory badminton vid:!v=JCPbMdmkOmQ

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Pokerstars Client randomly popping up?
  exalted, Jun 02 2010

On my gf's computer, her PS will sometimes randomly pop up, even when the software is closed (basically seems to trigger pokerstars.exe opening). Has anybody else experienced this issue? Is this normal....?

She has one of the security tokens so she isn't really worried about being hacked, but it definitely seems like a weird occurrence and could easily be malicious keylogging software. Any information about this would be great!

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Coaching Deal: 2hr for 110!
  exalted, May 06 2010

After reading myth's thread on coaching, it gave me the urge to start coaching again. I haven't done it in a while but my game has also continuously improved and I should have _a lot_ to offer any nl50/100 reg.

As reference, I taught my gf (annasky on this site) to play, and she now beats nl50 for a pretty nice clip.

One hour isn't really enough to look at another person's game, so I'm doing a 2hr/110 deal. I hope to learn a bit myself hence the discounted rate for now.

Honestly, if you're debating about getting coaching, you should just go ahead and do it. I thought I was the shit at poker 2 years ago when I was playing NL200 and "winning" - wake up call came after the games "died", so yeah, a pretty huge mistake to be misinformed at that time.

So yeah, PM for questions/booking!

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Two Beta Keys, $7 Ea
  exalted, Apr 30 2010


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February Results [not good]
  exalted, Feb 28 2010


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Selling FTOPS HU %
  exalted, Feb 11 2010

Last bump, 10% for $65! PM if interested.

Happy Chinese New Year to all that are celebrating, gotta spend the next two days with some family, then MONSTERRR

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