Your Month/Our Month
DarkDevildog, Jun 28 2009
So instead of having alot of End of the Month blogs, i think it would be better if we just had one because im always interested in how other LPers are doing. Post here if you want.
This month i started playing differently, instead of roboting 18 tables i thought it would be better to 4 table.
Results are below. Plan to do this for another month or 2 before taking any more stabs at 200nl. Unless im watching a movie and 1 tabling it.
woop woop!
DarkDevildog, Jun 11 2009
Past week has been awesome!
Life is awesome, i get out of 29 palms(military base in middle of nowhere) in a few weeks since i'm finishing up my schooling there and going to Camp Pendleton (Southern California) which is about an hour away from my house. Ship ship.
Poker wise is also equally as amazing. I reread a few poker books, and dropped down to 4 tables to learn the game better/faster so i wouldn't just robot and get nowhere. Right now playing 100nl. Gonna do prob 25-30k hands of 4tabling(which will take forever) before moving up.
Progress so far. I should be up 1.5 more bi's but suckouts happen. oh well. I also realize this winrate isn't sustainable.
hf & gl everybody!
run goodaments
DarkDevildog, May 12 2009
feels good
Months Graph so far, 20k more hands and i shall move up to 25nl
gl every1!
For your entertainment
DarkDevildog, Apr 19 2009
My Cisco/Windows Server Cert Instructor showed me this little jewel.
My job hopefully after the Marine Corps
Enjoy. If you have any other videos that are similar to this and just as funny post it here :D
My FTP >> PS
DarkDevildog, Feb 26 2009
I'll send first if they are trusted members, have $612 for your $600 on ps, poast here.
fuck ftp they froze an account i was using because i didn't know my log-in/password for the original account i had made with them over a year ago. In the process of trying to get them to give me the money on that account... <--- backstory on why i'm moving and probably not going back.
Another January Blog :D
DarkDevildog, Feb 01 2009
So this month was only 3 days for me :/ but those 3 days were good. I deposited 200, then got staked 500, wanted to play HU but didn't have the roll so i got another 600. So far i'm glad with my progress.
I love HU so much, A LOT funner to play than FR imo.
i plan to make 2k on top of the 500 i got staked for(next 500 i make is going directly back to my buddy who staked me)
i think 14 bb/100 is easily sustainable, especially for HU. I guess we'll see in a month
can you bank xfer $$ to ftp in us?
DarkDevildog, Jan 26 2009
Just curious to know if you can do that, I know with pokerstars you can deposit $$ on ps directly from your bank account if you give them your routing number and act number and maybe ssn.
Reason I want to play on ftp is rakeback, is it harder to multitable there? I get internet in my room on wednesday (right now I'm using my phone) and don't know if I should regrind from ftp or stars, any suggestions?
Satellite Connection
DarkDevildog, Dec 02 2008
Is pretty bad-ass. My mom is driving me down to Camp Pendelton(Marine Corps Base) for 3 weeks of training as i type. Hypothetically i could play Poker anywhere in the world, lag free(i've even used this satellite connection on the airplane to Maui. Anyways i'll be gone for 3 weeks for some combat training(shooting M249 SAW, throwing grenades, etc).
Another pointless blog, but it passes time while on the road. HF GL GG.
hello lp
DarkDevildog, Nov 20 2008
seeing as how i made a going away thread, i shall reintroduce me.
Basically im back. With avengence. part IV. episode 5. season 40.67. so sick.
this is sirracksalot btw
Goodbye LP
DarkDevildog, Aug 17 2008
Tomorrow(monday) at 4 in the morning i get picked up recruiter and go to boot camp(according to some i'm going to become a murderer, lawl).
If i get delayed, i'll post a comment on this blog, if not, see you all in 13 weeks!
GL everybody.
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