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  RaiZ, Jan 02 2010

Was ridiculous.

I'll let you guess against whose i'm losing the most.
Obviously fishes because they'd never fold, just call even their 3rd or 4th pair...
Really need to stop spewing money against those donks cauz i'm even more stupid when i make like pot sized bet on river with nothing.
Hope this January i'll wait for good hands and move up to nl25 asap... Then see if my read and bluffs are better...


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Whine. (don't read)
  RaiZ, Dec 31 2009

Already -8bi below EV in 3k hands today. Fuk this end of year !
Almost went back to the stone age. Need to fucking work my leaks and stop spewing even though you know you're beat and wanted to be right. Too much money wasted.
2010 here i come you cheap bastard better get me 1 mirrion or i'm gonna be fkin angry @ u world.

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Can teach you how to make you redline up !
  RaiZ, Dec 23 2009

For a very very great deal ! 1$ only !
Proof :


Thank for the cheer up though @ evilsky and svenman87 :>

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Worst day ever.
  RaiZ, Dec 23 2009

That was just ridiculous.

-20bi because i moved down to nl5 and still getting beats everywhere.

First started with bad beats such as QQ vs AQ allin pf 2 pairs vs straight on river set vs overset and flush vs boats, i said okay np, shit happens, but after that it went downhill. The donks were just getting good cards everytime and they went like crazy while betting with absolutely retarded cards.
Then tilted a bit...

But please, why am I the only one to give money to losing donks with like 60/5ish stats and that appears to be full losing players according to table ratings ?


Fuk this shit. Hope it'll be better tomorrow. Wanted to taste nl25 before the new eve, but seems like i won't be doing it...

#@%$ !

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December... rofl (part 2)
  RaiZ, Dec 22 2009

Went down to nl5 in the 4k5ish hands before moving up again at 5kish.

My showdown has been better. Still too swingy for my tastes.

Need to push fold a little more and it'd be perfect !

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Today session...
  RaiZ, Dec 16 2009

Pretty frustrating...

Lose like 5bi to the same guy that keep getting good cards. He had like 60/15 stats and i couldn't get a single fucking money.

So i had to move down to nl5 pwning it badly and came back to nl10 pretty fast but still have some money to recover...

nl5 is way easier than nl2 and nl10, but i want to win on this limit cauz i don't see any point grinding nl5 forever.

Hope it will be better tomorrow...

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December... rofl
  RaiZ, Dec 14 2009

Wonder if that's the first time you're seeing this...
This is mostly nl10

Definitely need to work my showdown, i know that i tend to call too much 3bet postflop or goes allin with only tptk which is clearly -EV. Except obviously against fishes, which i think is why i'm somewhat breakeven !

Peace !

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  RaiZ, Dec 07 2009


-4 bi because of him.

What's worse is him spreading money to everybody after that.


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Now rolled for nl10 !
  RaiZ, Dec 03 2009

Any advices ? I'm currently sitting with 265 and decided to move down when i get like 240 or something.
Just want to take a shot and see what it feels like, but any additionnals advices are really welcome !

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Novembre !
  RaiZ, Dec 02 2009

This is for my mother... Thank you and farewell...

I know, this $EV stats is really retarded, it seems buggy because i'm pretty sure i shouldn't be that low. I guess it's because it can't handle multiway allin pots which i've been doing pretty often the last few hands ? Dunno really, but i DO know i'm much more positive.
Dunno what really changed in my game... Just read the baluga whale book a friend gave it to me, maybe that's how it changed my betting pattern on some situations ? I'm not following his advices thoroughly because there were some parts which made me confused. Most of them did make sense though and so i applied it. Not everything thouh, because on their book their lowest limits for their standard was nl25... They were talking about image and such, which i believe wouldn't really work on nl5 so i kept it for later.

Now December is going pretty good too. Just got a heater i guess (some monkey spewiness tilt + good odds > big hands)

Now rolled for nl10 lol ~ But i prefer to play a little more untill i get 250$ ! Will take 2-3 shots and if my br goes down to 225 i'll move down !
Feel free to ask if you want more stats or want to discuss !

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Ok that's enough !

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