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A hand i should never forget
  Sheitan, Sep 29 2007

Final table of a 180, second in chips, first hand against the chip leader.

10th for 8 dollars. I should never forget this hand, i had no history on villain and i thought he was pushing me around with his large stack, dunno why i called this.

This is so sick, i could have sit out and still make a nice place, instead i bust in 10th being second in stack size... would like comments for this hand, is it marginal to call here even if i suspect a steal ?

Besides, i make more and more final table so im satisfied with my mtts results, i think next month my learning process will be finished and i will start to cash some moneys out of these mtts...hopefully.

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First mtt win
  Sheitan, Sep 20 2007

im wet.

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Time to GTFO Pokerstars
  Sheitan, Aug 05 2007

I can't handle this shit anymore, FTP here i come ! i will subscribe through to support the site since its teh shit.

I won't whine here on how much i've been sucked out on and how river is rigged on PS and BOOHOO OOOO /cry/cry/cry T.T whining done, cya !

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Comments (6)

  Sheitan, Jul 12 2007

Regular july day with its regular coolers/suck out. Can i play these hands differently ? Shortstack. nuff said ? pretty horrible player, thought TPTK was good here. lalala ! lala ! la ! 3 hands later, against same player. mooh. Knew he was on tilt and would play back at me with basically anything, but no he did hit his set for the 5 th times (he stacked 2 other guys within 20 hands).

12 days str8, maybe i need to skip this month and come back fresh for august ?
Dear Fugly month of July, can u plz blow my hairy dick.


Tourneys fun:

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  Sheitan, Jul 08 2007

Submitted by : Sheitan

POKERSTARS GAME #10841368331: HOLD'EM NO LIMIT ($0.10/$0.25) - 2007/07/08 - 22:32:45 (ET)
Table 'Klymene III' 6-max Seat #5 is the button
Seat 1: mark9097 ($25 in chips)
Seat 2: slyte ($27.75 in chips)
Seat 3: jerkspasm ($5.90 in chips)
Seat 4: aidz12 ($28.45 in chips)
Seat 5: Tiurin ($38.90 in chips)
Seat 6: KIMBO Grrr ($33.80 in chips)
KIMBO Grrr : posts small blind $0.10
mark9097: posts big blind $0.25

Dealt to KIMBO Grrr 7c7h
slyte: folds
jerkspasm: folds
aidz12: raises $0.55 to $0.80
Tiurin: folds
KIMBO Grrr : calls $0.70
mark9097: folds

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $1.85)

KIMBO Grrr : checks
aidz12 is disconnected
aidz12 is connected
aidz12: bets $1.80
KIMBO Grrr : raises $2.70 to $4.50
aidz12: raises $6.30 to $10.80
KIMBO Grrr : raises $22.20 to $33 and is all-in
aidz12: calls $16.85 and is all-in

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $57.15)


River (Pot : $57.15)


KIMBO Grrr : shows 7c7h (a flush, Ten high)
aidz12: shows 8cJd (a flush, Ten high - Eight higher)
aidz12 collected $54.30 from pot

Total pot $57.15 | Rake $2.85
Board  7dTc9c6c3c
Seat 1: mark9097 (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 2: slyte folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 3: jerkspasm folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 4: aidz12 showed 8cJd and won ($54.30) with a flush, Ten high
Seat 5: Tiurin (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 6: KIMBO Grrr (small blind) showed 7c7h and lost with a flush, Ten high

I think i've lost like 15-20 bis in 3 days thx to coolers like this. Dunno how u guys can handle this shit, playing tons of hands and all the profit is gone in coolers/suck outs in a heart beat. I think i expected too much in poker results for this month so from now i'll only focus on putting massive hands before the month ends and see where iam at...

Here's the suck out galore ive been through in 3 days:

/rant off

Ok so now my goal is no more 2k$ for this month but 60k hands at least, im 6 tabling now and i feel confortable so i may add a couple in the next days. Good luck at the tables guys.

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Comments (6)

June results
  Sheitan, Jun 28 2007

I went to the conclusion i fucking HATE FR, it's sooo boring, basically you wait for the nuts then try to trap a fish, repeat all day long, you don't even have to think at NL10. It's pure grinding, it's as painful as a shitty job like flippin burgers at Mc donalds. The real fun my friends is at 6 max ! I was so bored i thought fuck that let's try sum 6 max and throw in like 10k hands.

It was a blast, i think i'll never go back to FR, since im moving in 2 days my month stops now so here's the graph:

I'm definitly a 6 max player, im well rolled for NL25 so i plan to grind this level till i hit 1.5k or 2k BR then move to the next one and see what happens. I heard NL50 is rigged at Pokerstars, plus i hate to see how much rakeback i lose playing there, makes me sick to my stomach when i see PTracker and it says i could have won like 200-300$ just in rakeback. Im a greedy sob so i'll prolly switch to an other site when i can move to NL50 and get an awesome rakeback + bonus.
I'll look to sign up through since i think i owe this site a shit load of free knowledge and would like to contribute as much as i can.

Ptracker stats:

Besides poker we move to the new house this saturday and since im a lazy bastard, i paid a company to bring my shit over there. So no more Intarwebz and no more Poker for the next 3 days at least, badbeat. Now new house has a nice swimming pool and i will prolly BBQ like crazy in the next days, heater.

Im very surprised by the results of members at Wsop, i mean wow just amazing. We got some very talented players around here and i can't believe they share their knowledge with us, thanks guy and i hope u guys keep crushing the wsop this year. Speciale cassededi a Cuts, j'espere que tu vas remporter un bracelet cette annee vieux.


P.S: ROFL second one is gold haha

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Comments (14)

June 14 - Poker is tough
  Sheitan, Jun 14 2007

Got a shitload of bad beats/coolers today and i was about to tilt so i left and went back 1H later after cooling a lil bit. Second session was fine and i made 3 bis overall, not fantastic but im pleased with that result.

Just bought this beauty:

Full options, V8 engine 340 HP i'm in fucking love with it. My wife and i also move to the new house at the end of this month so basically, life is good. Cheers lpers.

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Comments (5)

fuck dat shit
  Sheitan, Jun 09 2007

Yesterday i got run over by the deck with insane suck outs/coolers/set over set/flush over flush. Dropped 4 bis then decided to quit since all my base are belong to the amazing tilting monkey.

Today went back and managed to win 2 bis in 1k hands when this happen:

POKERSTARS GAME #10355197728: HOLD'EM NO LIMIT ($0.05/$0.10) - 2007/06/09 - 19:19:45 (ET)
Table 'Reticulum' 9-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: dennisa ($6.40 in chips)
Seat 2: DERUY ($19.60 in chips)
Seat 3: Tono2007 ($12.35 in chips)
Seat 4: hns1179 ($12.05 in chips)
Seat 5: Écureuilmort ($11.50 in chips)
Seat 6: ypsik ($6.05 in chips)
Seat 7: Risiko101167 ($8.65 in chips)
Seat 8: KIMBO Grrr ($17.90 in chips)
Seat 9: bbenvie ($10.30 in chips)
DERUY: posts small blind $0.05
Tono2007: posts big blind $0.10
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to KIMBO Grrr [Qd Qs]
hns1179: calls $0.10
Écureuilmort: folds
ypsik: calls $0.10
Risiko101167: folds
KIMBO Grrr: raises $0.50 to $0.60
bbenvie: folds
dennisa: folds
DERUY: folds
Tono2007: calls $0.50
hns1179: folds
ypsik: calls $0.50
*** FLOP *** [Qh 2s Ks]
Tono2007: bets $1
ypsik: folds
KIMBO Grrr: raises $1 to $2
Tono2007: raises $1 to $3
KIMBO Grrr: raises $3 to $6
Tono2007: raises $3 to $9
KIMBO Grrr: raises $8.30 to $17.30 and is all-in
Tono2007: calls $2.75 and is all-in
*** TURN *** [Qh 2s Ks] Jc
*** RIVER *** [Qh 2s Ks Jc] Kh
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Tono2007: shows [Kc 2c] (a full house, Kings full of Deuces)
bbenvie leaves the table
KIMBO Grrr: shows [Qd Qs] (a full house, Queens full of Kings)
Tono2007 collected $24.20 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $25.45 | Rake $1.25
Board [Qh 2s Ks Jc Kh]
Seat 1: dennisa (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 2: DERUY (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 3: Tono2007 (big blind) showed [Kc 2c] and won ($24.20) with a full house, Kings full of Deuces
Seat 4: hns1179 folded before Flop
Seat 5: Écureuilmort folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 6: ypsik folded on the Flop
Seat 7: Risiko101167 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 8: KIMBO Grrr showed [Qd Qs] and lost with a full house, Queens full of Kings
Seat 9: bbenvie folded before Flop (didn't bet)

This game is so sick sometimes, so fucking sick i mean i have been waiting for hours to stack that fucking fish and he managed to 2 outs me on the river. Now i feel the urge to either jump from my window or behead a kitty.

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Comments (6)

June 6th - 6th sens
  Sheitan, Jun 06 2007

Here is the graph for June so far:

Discipline, Dedication, Desire. If i had to sum it up today, it would be these 3 words. I think my game improved a lot and i can finally say i beat NL10, took me a month so i think i may be a terrible poker player but heh, i don't want to be the next Jamie Gold anyway (lols). My goal is: beat all limits till i reach my owns, i love competition and it has been a long time since i didn't play such a challenging game.

This site is awesome, and i love u all guys, some of you are retards but the vast majority is nice people that don't mind sharing their knowledge with beginners and for that, i thank you all.

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June 4th - starting the agression
  Sheitan, Jun 04 2007

I've been more agressive lately on my tables, and looks like it makes wonders. But the line is thin between being a good agressive player and a maniac, sometimes i just make dumb plays like the session this morning where i think i was semi-tilting due to one of the first hands i play.

I didn't bet turn and get sucked out on river, when i lead a pot and the guy just call, i always think he's setting a trap or he's far ahead and let me bet for him so he can extract more value off me. So i give him infinite odds to draw his hands and get outdrawn on river, wow i hate playing oop.

Here's something i'd like you guys take time to explain if u don't mind:

These are stats from yesterday session, can u guys explain it to me ? PF AF ? Vol put in pot ? folded SB to steal ? Won WSF ? Appreciate it.

update: second session was nice, i basically broke even after 1.5k hands and went on a heater and called it a night since ive been playing 8 tables for 2.5 hours:

Feels good when u know your game is improving, hope i can maintain 10-15bb/100 hands during june. I can reach a solid br for NL50 at the end of this month hopefully.

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