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American Experience
  TenBagger, Nov 11 2008

So I just finished watching every episode of the PBS documenatary "The American Experience" and their collection of biographies on US Presidents. I feel compelled to make this blog post because in light of the recent groundbreaking presidential election, I felt quite humbled after watching this series. I considered myself to be an educated person who was knowledgeable about politics and history. After watching this series, I realized how much I didn't know.

During the presidential election, most Americans voiced their opinions so confidently, myself included. But to gain insights into the future and to grasp the present, we must understand our past. Sure I learned about these presidents in history class. I got straight A's in history in what can be considered an elite educational environment. But I truly feel that I learned more in an hour watching this series than I did in a whole semester in high school. I completely agree with the phrase "Ignorance is the root of all evil" and I felt ashamed at my arrogance. I believe the world would be a much better place if people were more aware, and on that note, I will start regularly posting blog entries on this series starting with the following:

George H.W. Bush

He is better known amongst our generation for fathering the devil, but he was quite an extraordinary figure in his own right. He was probably one of the most experienced and qualified presidents since he could boast the following on his resume by the time he took office:

- congressman
- ambassador to the UN
- diplomatic envoy to china
- director of CIA
- vice president

During his presidency, he oversaw one of the most important events of our generation, the end of the cold war, including the end of the Soviet Union and the fall of the Berlin Wall. He was vice president to Ronald Reagan who ushered an era of conservatism and whose legacy lives on to this very day. And while Reagan and his son were both staunch right wing conservative republicans, George HW Bush was in fact much more moderate. Despite his campaign promises and his reputation, he chose to raise taxes, and spend government money to aid the poor, and serve the greater good.

Bush signed a number of major laws in his presidency, including the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990; this was one of the most pro-civil rights bills in decades. He worked to increase federal spending for education, childcare, and advanced technology research. In dealing with the environment, Bush reauthorized the Clean Air Act, requiring cleaner burning fuels.

As a result of these efforts, he lost the right wing conservative vote, and combined with an economic downturn, led to his defeat to Bill Clinton in the election of 1992. His son, George W. Bush, saw his father's presidency as a failure and vowed to learn from his "mistakes" and has acted opposite to what his father would have done on many issues. And while this did lead to his popularity with the right wing conservatives and won him re-election, it also doomed his presidency as the worst in American history.

The story of George HW Bush covers 4 generations of privileged politicians and some of the most important events of our generation. I strongly urge everyone to take an hour out of their day and watch this amazing story. You can see it here:

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Choice 2008
  TenBagger, Oct 16 2008

must see for anyone interested in this presidential election

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successss!!! and Stocks
  TenBagger, Oct 15 2008

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September Results
  TenBagger, Sep 30 2008

I think September has been my best month ever, both in terms of volume and winnings

$7550 + $1300 in rakeback = a net profit of $8850 for the month. I was up over 10K a couple days ago but had a -12 BI downswing to end the month. I never thought I could make that kind of money playing NL100 part time. I think I've improved my game a bit but I still want another month of beating NL100 at better than 10bb/100 (5ptbb/100) before moving up.

So I saw a nice apartment on the 26th of September and I decided to just go for it and I signed the lease on Saturday and moved in yesterday. Since I have other sources of income, I just treat poker money as a nice bonus so I figured I should treat myself to nice new apartment. The rent is $2500 a month for a small 1 bedroom, but it has floor to ceiling windows, central a/c and heat, new stainless steel appliances, a washer/dryer, and a private keyed elevator entrance. Considering a was paying $1800 a month for a crappy shithole, I think it's a good value... But only in NY.

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McCain's speech
  TenBagger, Sep 04 2008

I'm sure that K204 will make his usual excellent blog entry about his speech. But I feel compelled to share with everyone one quick excerpt from McCain's speech that he just gave:

"Russia's leaders, rich with oil wealth and corrupt with power, have rejected democratic ideals and the obligations of a responsible power. They invaded a small, democratic neighbor to gain more control over the world's oil supply, intimidate other neighbors, and further their ambitions of reassembling the Russian empire."

"But we can't turn a blind eye to aggression and international lawlessness that threatens the peace and stability of the world and the security of the American people."

Obligations of a responsible power? Gain control over the world's oil supply? Aggression and international lawlessness? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

This following clip was posted on TL as well but I think everyone on LP should see this as well. The republican propoganda machine in full effect:

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Looking for a coach
  TenBagger, Aug 26 2008

I'm looking for a coach to help me improve my game.

I've been playing NL100 for like forever now. Lifetime, I'm running at a little under 6bb/100 or 3ptbb/100 which is pretty pathetic considering how long I've been playing at this limit. It's been good enough for me to cash out 2k+ a month consistently but I realize that I could be making so much more if I plug some leaks and work on my game.

I'm looking for a long term deal where the coach gets a sizable percentage of my winnings above my current winrate over a specified period of hands. I'm open to paying a small upfront fee but I prefer a system where the coach has a huge incentive to see me improve. I play about 50K+ hands a month. I'll be committed to putting in the effort to improve, meaning that I'll stop watching starcraft vods while I 8 table, etc. and I think that I have enough natural intelligence to greatly increase my winrate if I just get out of the mode of playing the same way that I've been playing.

If the coach can help me get to 6ptbb/100 @ 200NL which I think is a very reasonable and attainable goal, then with the way I envision the profit sharing formula to work, they will be receiving thousands of dollars a month from me. I think there are a bunch of forum regs who can vouch for my integrity to pay up to such a deal. In fact, I want to see my coach earn tens of thousands of dollars from me because that also means that I'm making that much more. And I believe that such an incentive system will attract the most capable coaches and also to motivate the coach to help me improve to the best of their ability, which is ultimately what I'm looking for.

I can also barter advice on financial planning and opening/running a restaurant if anyone potential coaches are interested. As for my credentials in offering advice on those topics, I had experience as a broker, banker and financial planner, licensed series 7, 65 and CFP. I currently own and run a 50 seat restaurant that grosses 1.5 million annually.

So if anyone is interested or knows someone that may be interested, please either respond here or shoot me a PM. Thanks!

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