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JonnyCosMo's Blog

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Celeb Crush: Shiri Appleby
  JonnyCosMo, Feb 10 2008

Had to post this before I went to sleep. I'm terribly sick right now, and am trying to get over this stupid fever so I can go surfing again. Anyways, I totally have a celebrity crush... her name is Shiri Appleby, the star of the not so hit sci-fi series Roswell (even thou it's one of my favorite series of all time). She is also in that pretty terribly made movie called Swimfan, the suspenseful triller based around...swimming? Ooooh scary! But please, lets not judge Shiri on her less than stellar acting skills, or the lack of fame from all the roles she has played which have ended sour ... Because when it comes down to it... she is fucking beautiful:

Clip from the ABC show "Six Degrees", she plays a side character named Anya

I can marry this woman. She is so hot to me and I really don't know why... Btw, can someone please find me a link to the torrent for this season of Six Degrees? I can't seem to find them... I can only get download links to individual episodes which are poorly seeded.

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Patriots CHOKE!!!!
  JonnyCosMo, Feb 04 2008

Basically Tom Brady can nominate himself as one of the biggest chokes in sports history. Eli Manning on the other hand...

Eli Manning is like... amazing. How clutch was that play during the Giant's winning drive on Sunday? Underdogs for the win! Anyways, speaking of football, my friend just sent me a link to this video:


1994 High School football game between Plano East and John Tyler (apparently high schools in Texas). With 3 minutes left in the game the score is 41-17 in favor of John Tyler. This video is... fucking hilarious from start to finish. A must watch if you love football! "God bless those kids... I am sick, I want to throw up"

0 votes

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Very random! But with pics so don't complain!
  JonnyCosMo, Feb 03 2008

Haven't updated the blog in a long while... so this is going to be random-->

Told you! I've had a retarded amount of free time on my hands in the past month and have been playing a lot of poker. For the first time since the summer time I played over 50,000 hands in one month and ended January up a lil over $11,000. I would screen shot my PT but there is something really wrong with my computer. Everytime I screen shot something and copy it to MS Paint... it turns out all black? Anyone know how to fix this? I'm told it's a Windows Vista gfx problem or something? Anyways, when I'm not playing poker down here I've been doing a lot of surfing. I'm still somewhat bad at it but it's just so great to be out at the beach everyday, especially because the weather down here has been absolutely amazing considering it's winter.

On to another news flash in my life: I'm now an uncle!

Meet my nephew Logan! He was born last Saturday at 5:40 in the afternoon, weighing in at 8 pounds 4 ounces. My mom says that he looks exactly like me when I was born with the exception of his deep blue eyes which you can somewhat see here:

Still a very cute baby, but I'm sure I was cuter . Obviously my little sister is really excited, and I'm going back home next weekend to visit. I was going to go back this weekend... but come on... It's Superbowl Sunday tomorrow. How can I miss that? My new nephew is going to have to take a backseat to that.

So I realized this semester that school kind of sucks. Plain and simple... when you're making 10k+ a month on a pretty consistent basis... your motivation to study for school kind of drops off in a big way. Especially since I'm a Communication major with an emphasis on journalism, which earns me a starting internship with salary of 35k/yr coming out of college. Big fucking whoop? I almost made that in one month over the summer. Recently I've seriously considered just dropping the whole thing and figuring out my poker career. I'll check back in on that. The only thing keeping me going to school are my friends who are totally awesome. Here are some pics from the past week:

Not very good quality obv, mainly caz my friends are donks at taking pictures, and my camera is dead. FPP store re-ship my new camera faster plz? Finally, check out my new love:

If you can't see the video click on the comments to view it - Dave Matthews Band is like... so good. I've always liked Dave Matthews, but recently I've really started to listen to all his CDs and wow... amazing? Especially this song, #41 where Victor Wooten comes in and plays the sickest Bass Guitar solo around 6:45 into the video. If your a fan of good music, this is def not a video to miss.

See? Told you this was going to be a random blog post.

0 votes

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Ket Is the Man!
  JonnyCosMo, Jan 27 2008

So last night I downloaded Ket's Party Poker Late Night episode to check out him in action. Sadly after watching it, I am forced to say it's really not worth the time to download nor the computer space. If you don't believe me, you can go and download it yourself here: For the rest of you guys who are going to take my advice, but are curious as to what went on, I have put together a quick recap of the episode (only the important parts ofcourse):

Here is the first hand, Ket raises this weird looking guy's open limp with KK. The limper calls, the flop comes ace high and they check it to the river...

Then they interview Ket... and he tells us how he got started in poker

And then finally Ket got short stacked... shoved A6 against a super nit and...


*****1 votes

Comments (18)

Awesome RaiNKhaN Vid
  JonnyCosMo, Jan 26 2008

For some reason you are going to have to click on my comments to view the embedded video. Not exactly sure how new these are... but they're freakin awesome

****5 votes

Comments (13)

  JonnyCosMo, Jan 26 2008

Scratch what I just posted in my last blog post...

Submitted by : JonnyCosMo

POKERSTARS GAME #14830868658: HOLD'EM NO LIMIT ($2/$4) - 2008/01/26 - 05:32:58 (ET)
Table 'Renzia' 6-max Seat #4 is the button
Seat 1: Flupkees ($400 in chips)
Seat 2: JonnyCosMo ($474.20 in chips)
Seat 3: natedawg2211 ($1201.40 in chips)
Seat 4: Maden2k ($117 in chips)
Seat 5: m_reed05 ($734.10 in chips)
Seat 6: sniderstyle ($464.20 in chips)
m_reed05: posts small blind $2
sniderstyle: posts big blind $4

Dealt to JonnyCosMo KdKh
Flupkees: folds
JonnyCosMo : raises $8 to $12
natedawg2211: calls $12
Maden2k: folds
m_reed05: raises $40 to $52
sniderstyle: folds
JonnyCosMo : raises $84 to $136
natedawg2211: calls $124
m_reed05: folds

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $328.00)

JonnyCosMo : bets $338.20 and is all-in
natedawg2211: calls $338.20

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $1,004.40)


River (Pot : $1,004.40)


JonnyCosMo : shows KdKh (a pair of Kings)
natedawg2211: shows Th7h (two pair, Tens and Sevens)
natedawg2211 collected $1001.40 from pot

Total pot $1004.40 | Rake $3
Board  Qh8sTs7sJh
Seat 1: Flupkees folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 2: JonnyCosMo showed KdKh and lost with a pair of Kings
Seat 3: natedawg2211 showed Th7h and won ($1001.40) with two pair, Tens and Sevens
Seat 4: Maden2k (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: m_reed05 (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 6: sniderstyle (big blind) folded before Flop

This game never ceases to amaze me. LOL...

*****1 votes

Comments (1)

There is a HUGE Difference!
  JonnyCosMo, Jan 25 2008

Recently I've been getting a little too out of line and lost a lot of my basics from trying to think too hard, too many levels into certain hands. Some of you guys might have seen the funky AJ hand I posted in the mid stakes forums asking whether I should call with AJ high on the river. NOT GOOD! So to fix this, I've decided to implement a new rule into my sessions: I will have to play an hour of 8-table NL200 for each and every big mistake I make at NL400 or NL600. This past week I've played a total of 7 hours of NL200, and let me be the first to inform you guys who still play NL200 or lower... The jump between NL200 & NL400 is HUGE. I cannot believe some of the stuff that goes on at NL200, and some of the fish that play those games. It's absolute amazing. Hands like this: NEVER happens at NL400 no matter how bad the fish are. Plus, every regular at NL200 plays the same 19/16/3 ABC Tight-Aggro game which is horribly transparent and very easy to exploit. No doubt, these players probably destroy NL200 for a good sum of money, but they are in for a very rude awakening when they move up.

In other news, I'm getting much better at surfing. My friend has a water camera so I'll try and get pictures the next time I'm out there. Oh yea... and my little sister is having a baby on Saturday so I'm going to be Uncle Jonny soon! Yes, I know my little sister is only 20, and yes I find it really weird, but at the same time it going to be exciting to see the new addition to the fam. :D

*****1 votes

Comments (10)

[x] Swongs
  JonnyCosMo, Jan 20 2008

Ok, after this blog entry I swear to god I will never use another lame 2+2 phrase to title my blog posts, but this is just too fitting...

This is my January so far. Look's pretty fun eh? Anyone like that +15k upswing in the middle? I liked it! First 10k hands of the month I ran like death of shit. Then the next 15k hands I ran like God. Then I hit another little slump towards the end. To be honest, the past couple days I've been sloppy and not playing my best game. Pretty disappointed in myself for that, but I'm definitely going to get more focused in this upcoming week. There is still over a week left in January so I hope I can rebound from this little downswing.

Pretty sweet swings for the most part. I love this game lol...

*****1 votes

Comments (6)

I'm In Love Again...
  JonnyCosMo, Jan 19 2008

I have a new love, and it's not ape smashing bitches at NL400 on stars. It would be a girl, but I have a new years resolution to keep-up so it can't be that! My new love started last Saturday when I went to a local Surf shop and finally got myself a fin for my 9 foot longboard. Strapped my board onto the top of my car and took the 10 min drive out to La Jolla Shores beach at around noon. Everyday since Saturday I've been out to La Jolla Shores surfing and wow... it's a fucking blast. At first I was pretty terrible, but now I can get up a ride a few of the smaller waves pretty well. My goal... even though it might be impossible... and a bit suicidal... is to be like this guy:

[Click Comments to View Videos] Laird Hamilton is easily the sickest man alive.

***2 votes

Comments (9)

My NL100 Video @
  JonnyCosMo, Jan 17 2008

For those of you who haven't seen it yet, I made a NL100 video on Basically the video showcases what I would do normally while I play. If you're a standard ABC tight/aggressive player that is struggling to move up from NL100 (or NL200 for that matter) this is probably a must view. Lyric (creator of the donkeytest for those of you who didn't know) also put up a cute little profile for me:

I made a few mistakes in the video that I thought I'd point out. Mistake #1 comes early in the vid where I have 7h6h and I flop the nuts. For some reason I could swear I had 8h7h instead, so when I'm saying "I think I have the best hand here..." and the board reads 8-5-4, and your looking at the 76 and asking yourself "O RLY? It's the nuts?" keep in mind that I thought I had 8h7h. Mistake #2 --> The K9 hand vs the dumb fish, don't value bet the river. I didn't really look at his stack size too much so I folded to the check-raise, but that should of been a call if I value bet the river. Other than that I think the vid is pretty straight forward. It's my first real video, so give me a little slack. No I don't plan on making any videos above NL200 let alone the stakes I currently play now... that would be retarded. And finally, YES I REALIZE I AM VERY BAD AT EXPLAINING THINGS.

You can find the video here:

For those that don't know, Max Steinberg = redgrape, Marshall28 = ... duh? Lyric = God. Ok that's all! Hope you enjoy.

***2 votes

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