Played some in the past few days and won a few buyins at 100NL. Then out of nowhere I ran pretty bad and started almost monkey tilting because nothing would hit, opponents caught cards and air was getting snapped off hard. Halfway through the hour long session I thought "okay, I am able to collect myself no problems. Play my B game" but that didn't work out. Thank god I've got good ego control and am able to log off whenever I recognise I'm not playing my A game. But still that was a pretty tilty session I've had. Decided to grind up those losses at 50NL to regain momentum.
-350 tiltsssss!
+200 at 50NL
Rejoining 100NL at 3500
I've got absolutely no reason to rush through this and if I'm gonna do this right, 5th times the charm. Cheers
Now that the smokes gone
And the air is all clear
Those who were right there
Got a new kind of fear
Youd fight and you were right
But they were just to strong
Theyd stick it in your face
And let you smell what they consider wrong
Thats why I say hey man shot
Grinded NL50 to a working 3k bankroll, no bonuses, no rakeback...pure sweat blood and tears. Stay tuned~ ~ ~ ~ ~
So after running bad the last week I kind of got back on my heels these past few days. Wake up this morning to play a short session before heading to school. Lo and behold the sickest 176 hand session ever...
I'm actually -4 buyins but whatever. Skipped breakfast for this shit
Well since my last blog post got bumped down in a matter of minutes by other shit blog posts I'd like to continue off on that note. Not only did I have to move back down to NL50 but running ass horrible here as well...man this is one of the worst experiences I've ever had this year. Its times like these that make me glad theres a way to learn and play better, but if the cashier shows my bankroll dwindling with every click theres little that can cheer me up...
Hoping to weather the storm to see a sunnier future. out
Long time no see. well since my last blog post I've managed a roll for 100NL and have been playing in the game for the past week or so. It was my 3rd attempt at the limit This time I got my ass handed to me on a platter. The opponents seem to outplay me backwards and forward on all angles as I fail to make the correct decisions as the deck fucks me over. I made a little headway in the beginning but am now forced to go back to 50NL.
Jesus christ I don't know what is going on... I feel like my focus, concentration, and willingness to play poker has been waning and its been leading me to make really poor decisions that in retrospect would look ass stupid to anybody. Here are some hands...
Looking back at those hands makes me want to punch 10 holes in the fucking wall. Some of the RAAAAGE comes from the continual string of bad beats but most of it stems from the horrendous plays I made. I'm not afraid to share these with y'all. The problem is I didn't even play close to how ass horrible I am today at 50NL. If you could stop by and comment on all the non-superobvious hands with advice that would be of tremendous help to me. I think for now I should switch my focus from practice to theory by reading more/watching vids.
Thanks all... oh and f this game to high heaven die die die you 52layered devilspawn from heck
To recap I moved to 100NL for the 3rd time at the beginning of August, right on schedule. Ran up 5 buy-ins then dropped to a point where I had to move back down to NL50 again. No biggie, because I now know its possible to actually win at poker. It seems like the higher I go the tougher I have to be, mentally and physically.
So basically I ended the month of august at around the 20th and didn't really play much after that. Why? Because I was busy moving out of my home for the first time, from Honolulu to Seattle. I'm off to live with my brother and his wife in a guest room at their suburban neighborhood for school. In fact, I have to get up in 6 hours to get ready and be on my flight. Sweet.
Obvious brag: Bought a refurbished dell XPS 1530 from the dell outlet store. It looks pretty awesome, and I made sure that the specs were good enough to run SCII. Theres something about an 8600 nvidia gforce graphics card in there so must be nice. I wonder how it will operate with poker...hmm.
I feel like I've lost a lot of poker momentum at the end of august and hope to pick up the pace in September. There will be no school for me until the 22nd so it should be a nice rebound period.
Finally, the best of news is that I am 26bb away from being rolled at 100NL again. Fails? I think not.
I plan to include pics in my next blog post on my new set up. Shout out to the sMi krew - k2o4, failsafe, crownnoobasauroyal, arcology, and other no name hotshots to be.
So I played a 3v3 bgh game that lasted like, 1 hour today because my allies sucked and I had to nuke noobies and bark orders at the same time. By the time that game was over my eyes were on the cusp of bleeding so I had to compensate by resting and playing a 1100 hand session.