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exalted sky

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Went Busto, not a joke
  exalted, Dec 20 2007

Retarded, yes. Good explanation, no, not really.

I just wanted to unlock my Christmas FTP bonus, so I had to play, had to just get 200 points. Loaded up FTP, started playing NL200 6max, easy way to get points and safe, with 8.9k. I usually enjoy playing shortstacks HU at nl400 and nl600 as my main 'game', but I just wanted fast points, and lower variance - right?

Things were pretty calm, up 1 buyin, down 1 buyin, then I played poorly in a pot and lost 2 buyins - easy cure, just play some HU, right?! I didn't practice table selection, started playing some fullstacks at nl6, a couple coolers later, I'm down 3.5k and I'm furious.

I'm so miserable that at that point I just think, robusto or busto, and yeah. Some dude in NL5k swept away the rest. Of course, I regret it, obviously great timing with Christmas, etc, but this lesson should stay. I really don't find myself enjoying poker though, I had to push myself to play, just for this stupid bonus. Just bad mental state recently with school, girls, etc - not really fit to play poker.

Now I'm probably going to deposit some money and grind the lowlimits, but it'll take sooo long and a lot of time, T___T. Ugh.

On an upside, I'm holding a party in my room tonight. Guess I'll have to cut back a little on my estimated expenses...

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Swings Aint No-Thang
  exalted, Nov 06 2007

Today I had two midterms, in Financial Management and Statistics...I most likely bombed them, but whateves. Came back to the dorm to play some pokers, made a quick 3 hundo, but this would end up being one my more sick, degenerate nights...

Played 9 hours, here's the graph:

I did move from 1/2 to 2/4 to chase losses LDO.

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Biggest Loss Ever :(
  exalted, Oct 27 2007


that is all

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Blob Tournament WBCOOP
  exalted, Oct 11 2007

Hopefully I remember to play this one and not get blinded out!

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September Summary
  exalted, Sep 28 2007

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Playing in 250$ HU Tourney NOW
  exalted, Aug 18 2007

I'm about to go play in this dead money tournament


Lurker poker power go

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Quick Update
  exalted, Aug 09 2007

Today I near-bustoed my 400BR on Stars, I played a few 20$ HU SNGS, lost a few, then decided to play a 220turbo. Lost QK vs A4 for the win, then lost AK vs K9 when I had like 900 chips. Sucks. My br is like, 75 there so I will probably sit at a NL100 and move up limits and try to bring it up fast.

Besides that, I haven't been playing enough poker, I could definitely use the money but haven't had the motivation to do so. Been running below average, but nothing to complain about (just kills the urge to play).

I'm back in New Hampshire for the summer (instead of Taiwan), but a YMCA around here is having a badminton night in a few hours - hopefully that'll be fun with cute girls..

(How do I embed this video?)

Lastly, here is my NL100 video download link for those who missed the original thread:

****2 votes

Comments (9)

  exalted, Jul 30 2007

-2.7k in 815 hands

AA < AKs

all my bluffs were called, the one time i shoved ATs preflop villain had AA obv

oh well

**1 votes

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  exalted, Jul 30 2007

I'm playing a 4table session of NL4 right now and I'm down 2 buyins - its time for me to POWER UP

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NL200 HU Battle Report
  exalted, Jul 24 2007

The session started with a jolt and a quick slap to the face with this - I think the turn call is questionable but he was extremely aggressive in the early hands and I needed to take a stand:

Realizing that I was up against a crazy crazy player, I stabilized with this:

Then, I started to pound pound pound with the following two hands.

As I tried to seal the deal, fate intervened in his execution, requesting an extension on his pulverization:

Finally, I stabilized and gave him the one-two vulture-mass tank combo for the win.

He left, broke and spirit broken, after the intense 248 hand battle.

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