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Annoyed by DustySwedeDude, August 20

I've made a habit of knocking over my morning cup of coffee and getting it all over my keyboard and my pants. This annoys me. I'm probably out like 50 bux in keyboards just this year and in addition to that my favourite gym pants smells like Coffee.

I de-installed Dota 2 today. I got super tilted when I got owned mid by a pudge while my gf tried to talk to me. I never get "angry tilt" in poker anymore. I can't concentrate for shit when anyone talks to me, which annoys me a bit.

It's too bloody warm. Summer is nice and everything but my brain shuts down when it gets to hot. I can't concentrate on anything.

I looked at some houses online and noticed that anything decent in the areas I really want to live in is like 500k US or something like that. I do not currently have 500k. Unless gold hits 3000 USD or something I really need to figure out how to go about being a solid 10/20+ reg with work ethics and successful 25/50 shots. That or get SNE next year while maintaining a really good winrate. I'm not sure which one is harder, probably the 25/50 one. On the other side I'm kind of inconsistent with grinding so I'm not sure.

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I can hear my mouse. by Gnarly, August 20

I have a decent mouse that's super awesome because of the thumb/palm curvature is perfect. It's wireless, so I use a USB receiver that I plug in front of my computer. I have some cheap headphones that I usually plug in the back of my computer. I'm not sure why, but I moved them up front. Ever since I did that, I was able to hear static. At first, I thought it was just a bad port or whatever it's called, since I have to regularly push it in a little once in a while so both sides work. Yet, somehow, tonight, I was able to tell that it's actually the mouse signal, cause the static only happens when I move the mouse.

I am really stoned and it's like the coolest thing ever. I can hear my mouse.

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Warcraft III CD Key for 5 euros by Achoo, August 18

Hey, I'm bored, willing to pay 5 euros for a WarIII CD Key, can send money on (french site). Send PM.

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Share Training accounts by TalentedTom, August 17

I'm planning on getting a account which is $100/m, if anyone wants to split it or if someone has accounts on other sites and dosn't have one here and wants to share then give me a shout. Looking for the most economical way of doing it

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LF PStars for PP by PinoyWonder, August 17


Thank You,

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really enjoyable song? by mnj, August 17

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Vemma annoys the shit out of facebook by PplusAD, August 16

haven’t blogged since that funny MMA incident.

Some stuff about my current life (If you are not interested skip to the part that says Vemma...)

In the last months my life finally has gone pretty much the way parents always tell you how a life of an adult should look like when you are a kid

I currently work two enjoyable jobs part time

1.)I am selling office products (office chairs,computers, other electronics ,furniture etc. )for a big company to other companies who did ask for offers. I do that as a part time job 5-6h a day from monday to friday.
2.) I am working as a fitness and health coach 3times a week doing my own small business whenever I have free time.

Job 1 is more relaxed then your typical sales job since I get enough fixed money + some very small commission percentage. (opposed to small fixed money and big commission percentage in stressful sales jobs)
Also the fact that the company only sales quality products to other companies that did a request makes it a lot easier.

There is a giant difference between "annoying the shit out of potential customers -> persuading a 50year old women to buy shitty dog food for 40-60$ on the telephone" and trying to sell a product like a good office chair to a company that has called us 2 days ago and asked what we have to offer concerning office chairs since they need ~20 of them.

I haven’t been very active in MMA for almost 3 years now...
I still train occasionally

Have been living together with my Girlfriend for almost 2 1/2 years now
I am 28years of age.
So overall I am living a pretty enjoyable but non baller life right now.

go to bed 11pm
wake up 7am.
eat 3-4 healthy meals a day
Go to work ~ 42h a week
earn enough money to have a good time (nothing spectacular though)
Live together with the same girlfriend
Do Sports in my free time(but nothing excessive)

All my life I had that urge in me to be different.
To do stuff others don’t dare.
To play high risk and win big.
The urge to succeed big or die trying.

That’s why I did choose mostly extreme ways to spend my time in the past.
Doing drugs, making music , fighting MMA, playing Poker as main income for some time etc.
I felt like there is absolutely no way i can be happy living a normal life.
Either total failure or total success. No in between for me.

Ironic , that i now finally did find some inner peace by just being "normal" and "boring"

Which brings us to Vemma

Vemma currently seems to expand big towards Germany and my facebook is spammed big by all kind of different people who try to make money from their energy drink product Verve.
I must admit marketing wise Vemma has done a pretty good job.

They have tons of marketing videos that repeat key-sentences over and over again so that after watching them often enough it makes you want to buy their products.

It reminds me a lot of the pokerboom in 2007 where pokerstrategy ,cardrunners , Partypoker and pokerstars did tell you over and over again that everyone can make a shitload out of money from poker. 100$ as sustainable hourly income was reachable for everyone.
And after seeing enough people succeeding short-term (well you only saw the upswings and never saw the downswings ^^) everyone played poker trying to make thousands a month.

It’s kinda the same with Vemma.
They do sell an energy drink called Verve.
The idea is that you buy a Unit of X energy drinks from Vemma and then resell them to other people.
Since you won’t make a lot of money on that reselling part alone (if at all) Vemma does offer you additional bonus money in case you get other people to buying and reselling their energy drink, too
The more people you get into buying and reselling Verve energy drink the greater Bonus Vemma will give to you.
If u get enough guys into buying and reselling at one point they will offer you financial assistance in leasing a brand new BMW

Their main target audience are guys from 18-50 years of age who so far in life have failed in making a decent living.

To put it in a nutshell their main slogan is like:

You are broke as fuck , have failed in life and don’t know how to make any money ?
Now is your time to become filthy rich. We believe in you , you can do it ! Just go for it !
You don’t even have to succeed on your own. We will make you succeed !
And look at that nice car there ! It’s almost yours !

Well from a legal point of view their is not much you can argue.

Vemma is selling you energy drinks and you can resell them. Totally legal
They offer you bonus in case u get them new customers who also want to resell energy drinks. totally legal , too

The really filthy thing in this is that they play with losers dreams about finally not being a loser anymore.

I have watched a lot of their videos (since its spammed on my facebook) and what they repeat over and over again is

1.) You can do this and become rich ! Look at how rich these guys are who signed with us
2.) We will always help you so it can’t go wrong ! look at these guys who made it with our help.
3.) Our Products are so insanely good and healthy ! and look at that sick car they guy who sells them drives
4.) Sign with us and become a winner in life. And look at that brand new BMW that can be yours

Also it’s very important to spam your messages everywhere.

Get a Message out enough times and some idiot will believe it like religion


Well at least I get some good Ideas from their Videos how to do marketing right
Gonna need it in case I ever decide to expand on my fitness and health business ^^

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is PLO pure gambling? by Gnarly, August 15

i see a suck out almost every hand when i play plo, should it be called pot limit bingo? can anyone consistently make money?

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pretty cool baller by mnj, August 13

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World of Jenks DL? by Spitfiree, August 12

Anyone has an idea where can i find the show ? MTV blocked my country from viewing season 2 for some reason and i cant seem to find it anywhere. Probably the only quality reality work mtv has done ever

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Sickest dota game ever by DustySwedeDude, August 12

Big spoliers so don't click if you don't want to get spoiled as far as the International 3 goes. However, this is some cool stuff.

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WCOOP % by player999, August 11

I'll just put this up already since there's little action left to sell anyway

12k buy ins (the ones in the sheet and then some others tbd), 1.15 mark-up


5% - $690
1% - $138

GL everyone who's playing

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I'm not crying... by Mortensen8, August 11

It's just been raining, on my face.

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Americans by ugly, August 11

The problem with Americans is that none of them think they are poor, but rather temporarily embarrassed millionares

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hashtags gay? by whamm!, August 09

why are people living life like its some movie that they need to put episode titles in everything they say or do? i get so mad lol

who wants to bet on sc2 or bw sospa matches for less than 50usd pstars? made a 100 deposit again and lost to stupid sngs lol. post here if theres a coming ufc or sc2/broodwar event vs me so i can just bet this and not log in to stars ever again (throwing my rsa token lol)

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My life goals by JohnnyBologna, August 09

Hello Friends,

Since poker allows of freedom and downtime, one must set goals to accomplish to have purpose in life. Therefore, I picked things that most interested me and what I thought would also be somewhat meaningful/useful in life.

Dancing - I remember going to the club with a group of friends about 2 years ago and was dancing on my own having a good time being buzzed and these black girls told my friends that I couldn't dance. I didn't give a fck and keep dancing anyways. It must have been embaressing for my friends but i got no shame.
Anywho, the plan is to use my X-Box kinect and play Dance central/Justdance and unlock all the levels. Next time there is a social gathering or party at least I will be able to bust some moves and show people whats up.

Learning a new language - My wife is Vietnamese so that will be the most convenient and best language for me to learn. Right now she still speaks to me in English all the time but I am slowly persuading her to speak to me in vietnamese even tho she gets annoyed at me sometimes. Her parents are also living with us to help take care our 10 month year old son and they only speak vietnamese so they help out once in a while. Vietnamese will eventually come to me in maybe 2-3 years? who knows depends on how movitvated i am. After that I want to learn another language like spanish/chinese but I have no idea how I will do that. Rosetta stone maybe? one step at a time anyways.
Being able to speak another language is one of the best assets you can have in life whether it be traveling, doing business, or just being able to communicate with others i believe.

Learn Piano - I love the way this shit sounds. So many songs played on piano sound just so fcking beautiful and elegant. Learning to play this shit would help me not only with achieving one of my goals in life, but mentally sooth / therapy for soul in a sense.. so to speak. I also hear girls wet themselves over guys who can play instruments so that a bonus.
Gameplan for this is there is a guy on youtube named lypur. Watch and learn all his videos until i can learn sheet music then basically just spend hours and hours of alone time practicing playing this wonderful instrument. Will need to buy an electric keyboard or something for like 500 bucks I think is the right price range for a quality one.

Peace out yall.


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Update! by player999, August 09

Last few months have been quite interesting, lots of ups and downs. Since February I had moved to $200s and was doing quite well.

In April I went to the US for ~2 weeks, first time in California, had a great time with the gf, and when I came back even though I lost a bunch in the end, was still a pretty solid month for such a small volume
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May was my best month @ online poker, solid sng results and a great SCOOP with one FT and a deep run in the ME-mid, both could've easily ended in the 6 digits but still were good scores
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Then came June, which was a disaster. My first losing month, first I had the great idea to play 1000 games HU4rollz vs a guy I had a clear edge, but he got coached and maybe ghosted, and even with that I still played better and EV-wise it was really close but he godmoded and I lost 10k. At least I did learn a lot and improved my reg x reg game immensely. So I continued losing by running terrible @ $100s and $200s and after a ~130bi freefall I decided to drop the $200s to print some money variance-free
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And then in July money was printed variance-free. Played some BSOP events and didn't score shit but it's all good
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Looking forward for the WCOOPs next month, the Main Event is on my birthday which is a pretty obvious sign I'm gonna win. Gonna make another post later in the month to sell some action.

GL all

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moving back up by AndrewSong, August 07


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when does downswing stop? by Gnarly, August 05

plz, downswing, go away. this is getting ridiculous.


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Bootcamp by LemOn[5thF], August 03

So I took advice of some of you and as my job ended, my roomate moved out of the flat in the UK I packed my bags, entire setup apart from speakers and flew to Cxech Republic.

44KG of bags on plane, my desktop and 2 24'' screens in them along with all my things - needless to say it ws an adventure. Regrettably I have to say that en route somehow the letter to the left of x on my keyboard got lost.

I parked myself in my sister's bungalow as she is away for 18 days and after that will stay in upstair flat where in my Grandma's house in my hometown. Hello expense free life, well virtually.

And what will I do for money? Well gamble of course
I have been playing quite a bit, but when you crush NL16-NL25 but then have to withdraw half your BR just to pay rent it gets a bit discouraging, knowing you pretty much can't move up safely just sucks.

But now I have a schedule, already arranged for floorball training next thursday and all my and most my family is here so I have no doubt about this being the very best conditions to give it one more shot (besides, working in Cxech Republic sucks, if I do fail I will with poker move out again but shht to my family xD)

I already have a group of microstakes players where I post regularly, if there is interest of making one for LP only let me know - it would be only known folk mostly from LP.Net, not one with randoms.

This Weekend im stting myself up, just playing free for all but plan is to have 1 day off for family stuff, one day pure studying/sweats and play only if I really want and on playing days have a target of 7 hours+ more if I feel like it.
MOrning is always breakfast and excercise, and I will try not to eat much after 6 and keep a schedule around +-1hr constant every day

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