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October 2012 results by Joe, October 31

I wanted to play a lot of poker in October, but instead played a lot of Civilization V and only so-so poker.

First half of the month I played mostly headsup, played very little but did quite well (was up about $3.6k after first 8k hands or so). Second half I played a mix of headsup and 6-max zoom, played a bit more and did quite poorly. Also ran not very good.

The result is pretty disappointing as I hoped to get at least the same like last month (+$5,4k real, +$7k ev).

I played only about 106 hours this month. I hope to play at least 130 hours next month and do much better. I wanted to start playing a bit of 2/4 by the end of this month, which didnt happen, but I will try hard to get to PLO 2/4 asap. Also would be nice if higher zoom plo started running regularly.

And looking forward to next tuesday when I will be able to withdraw my FTP money, finally!

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Re: longple by Ket, October 31

I wrote a reply here in longple's blog in answer to some requests I got ->¤tpage=last

Just making this post to draw attention to it for those it interests, since the longple blog is buried somewhere now

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PLO Graph with EV - plz dont hate me by VanDerMeyde, October 31

So, this is my first 100.000 hands PLO, 0.5-1 to 25plo...
Apparantly I ran very good :D

I really want to improve... the regs constantly complained about my luck on everest and laughed at some of my bad plays... ^^ They were probably right some : D

Any advice ? ^^

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Don't flop - rap battle by Mortensen8, October 29

Pretty funny

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The Newsroom, results and my annoyance of being by DustySwedeDude, October 29

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Played a live pub poker tournament by Rinny, October 28

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The Ultimate Fighter by NotSorry, October 27

So word around the back rooms is UFC is telling the larger camps to prep their teams for an all HW season of TUF after Jones/Sonnen wraps up. Dec 7th I will be moving back to California to resume training with Team Quest and get my ass ready to make a run at TUF. My goal is to get in 3-4 fights before the audition starts around Summer 2013. Anyways the point of the post is I could really use some sponsors to supplement my income so I can train full-time rather than having to pick up a part-time job on top of coaching and private lessons. I will be printing up t-shirts with sponsorship logos or whatever they want me to put on them, selling spots on my fight banners, t-shirts (both walk out and training) and shorts. Also thinking of doing a video doc on it with interviews from the rest of the team and trainers.

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EOM Oct by Siro, October 27

Didn't get a chance to play at all the first week of the month and have to stop the month early to catch up on uni study/assignments. Played barely any 5/10+ this month and just did a big cashout to try and buy a house (offer pending atm) so I won't be playing 5/10+ anytime soon until I rebuild my BR.. Think I'll do a blog on house buying if we end up getting it+I want to blog about a charity event for a close friend who passed away .

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Paypal $ for PS $ by ilbh, October 26

55 my Paypal for 50 on Pokerstars


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TT by spets1, October 26

hope im not spammin too much

job starting this monday after almost a year break... gonan get back into it , build up sydney railways.
project is 1500VDC feeders for 7u4 feeder in sydney city from argyle to art gallery substations.

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new ronald jenkees - SIIICK by Svenman87, October 26

Finally came back to youtube to upload this sick song
I have purchased his past few cd's looking forward to this one - gonna be sick if there are more like this

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Cannabis Cures Cancer by k2o4, October 25

The evidence continues to roll in, the latest being a biochemist cancer researcher who cured his own stage-4 prostate cancer with cannabis oil. Social stigma continues to block widespread knowledge of this cure, but attitudes are changing and initiatives like Amendment 64 here in CO (Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol) are leading us into a new view on cannabis. Y'all get to live through some exciting times!

Biochemist who cured his stage 4 prostate cancer with Cannabis Oil explains how it works

  Biochemist Dennis Hill graduated from the University of Houston and did his Graduate Work at Baylor Medical School. Dennis worked as a Cancer Researcher at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. When Dennis was diagnosed with advanced stage prostate cancer, which had metastasized to other parts of his body, he started researching. Since Dennis has a family history of prostate cancer, and he often witnessed ineffective results while working in cancer research, he felt a new approach was in order.

After researching possible alternatives Dennis ran across information about Rick Simpson using cannabis concentrate, which is an extract of the essential oil which is extracted from marijuana and contains cannabinoids. Simpson was using the oil to treat a wide variety of illness, including cancer. The more Dennis researched, the more he understood how cannabis worked on cancer. He has included 2 papers for the review of anyone interested that go into the science of how cannabis kills cancer. He was determined to give it a try, and decided to tell his doctor that he would be using cannabis concentrate alone for his treatment. He did not want to risk more damage to his body from chemo, so he chose to start the cannabis oil regime without any other treatment.

Dennis is educated, with a sound background in science, and a background in the cancer industry. He stated that the Cannabis Oil killed the cancer, and he is now cancer free. He never underwent any of the standard treatment ie chemo, or radiation. He maintained a healthy diet, and exercise as part of his healing and after care. Dennis worked two jobs while he was treating himself, and never experienced any of the side effects typically associated with standard cancer treatments. He administered 1 tiny dose of the cannabis oil in the AM, and 1 tiny dose of the cannabis oil in the pm, just as Rick Simpson suggests.

Here, Dennis Hill explains the inner workings of cancer death-by-Cannabinoids:

+ Show Spoiler +

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Why to Switch. Cg's from MTT by NeillyJQ, October 25


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document editing help by tooker, October 25

I have a page on the internet that I need to print off, but I first need to edit out 2 lines of text to make it look like they were never there. Can anyone tell me how to the a page into word? Or is there another way I can edit out the text?

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Cashgames by NeillyJQ, October 25


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jesus sc2 cmon by Arirang, October 25

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"I need help rant", stake by longple, October 24

Oh boy, where should i start?

I havent blogged on LP since May where i basically wrote that ive been loseing most of my roll going on adventures on 25/50 and 50/100$ wich ended badly (lost almost 200k$ from peak that month only).

Since then i went to thailand for a month to cool off and get my mind off poker, i ended up playing some there and lost even more and when i got back home, spending alot on the trip itself i continued grinding 5/10 ish stakes and voila nothing worked for me, i ran bad, probably played alittle bad and ended up loseing alot more.

in July i was left with not much money at all, wich ive been liveing on since then as i contacted a few LPrs personally for a stake to kind of get out of my panicmode and secure the money that i had so that i could live my life and pay rent and bills and stuff without a problem for the rest of the year. I ended up getting staked by our very own Ket.

things looked good in the start, i won alot on midstakes and playing SH Ket gave me alot of freeroom to take 10/20 shots aswell as takeing HU variancegames if i felt i had an edge (with my pokerego thats basically every1 except sauce and kanu)

i ended up loseing a ton while playing HU and winning alot playing SH

these were the results from the time playing with Ket as a backer:

I lost another 10k on Ongame and since Ket pretty much stopped playing poker and dosnt have any money online anymore, we decided to quit the stake since he didnt have enough to keep me going on 2/4-5/10 / didnt want to risk loseing more, wich is 100% understandable

Playing around with HEM filters

Those results dosnt look to sexy, but imo there is more to it than just that, and there is some good things to look at from these hands i played for Ket. alot of my losses have come from HU deep matches that ended badly, for example i lost 35k$ to a very compitent reg on 5/10 in a single session.

these are my ringgame results filtering out 3 players and more:

as u can see i didnt do to well in my HU matches loseing 50k$ on 2/4-5/10 HU in about 30k hands.

HU variance is pretty brutal and loseing 40 buy ins or something in a HU match is something ive done multiple multiple times in a day, and normally i shake it off pretty fast (when being rolled for it)

My HU graph lifetime would prettymuch be 100 buy in ups and 100 buy in downs in pretty small samples, and its pretty standard when faceing the type of people who wants to play me headsup on HS.

anyways, i feel like i really fucked up with Ket, not really handeling the situation im in to well, i mean, playing HU against the best guys on the limit is probably not the way to go with those type of swings when being on stake, where the % of winnings are reduced u should really just look for lower variance bigger edge kind of spots. longple gonna longple i guess.

im not really trying to scew this to trick a (possible) future staker on this whole thing, u cant just look at the winning days or winning limits, then i would have even sexier graphs then ive been posting here the last couple of years, overall results says that im a breakeven bb/100 player over 200k hands lately, wich isnt to much to brag about. But im just trying to sell myself as the winning player i know that i am, and looking at it from the positive angle (wich is filtering out the HU matches) where u can really see a pretty solid edge.

More tricks up my sleeve + what am I looking for?

Since what im looking for now is really just a stake to play SH mainly 5/10 and stay away from both HU and 10/20 until im back on my feet again and have a big roll, because these past 6 months have been really fucking hard on me and i really need some help because i have alot of energy and freetime obviously and im eager to play and get out of this hole that ive put myself in.

To scew the angle alittlebit more, (i feel like its somewhat relevant) filtering out the 10/20 results this is how my graph looks like dureing these past months playing for Ket. (wich is the results for the stakes that i want a stake for)

With that 20k$ dip in the end putting the nail on the whole thing (i stopped played HU after talking it over with Ket the last couple of weeks, things looked great but the big loseing day put me about 30k$ in the Red for the whole stake, wich was where we decided to end it.

All im trying to show from all these filtered results is that there is some relevans to it, since what im looking for is a 2/4-5/10 ONLY SHORTHANDED stake.

Feels kind of crappy to putmyself out like this as a broke degenerate that hasnt been winning for the past 7 months, but i dont really care how i will look after posting this. Ive fucked up bigtime, loseing alot of money this year on stupipidity basically. I have to bite in the sour apple now if i even wanna keep playing poker, wich is what i wanna do for atleast 1-2 more years since i feel like there is still alot of money to be made, and i still have a decently big edge in the games. not as big as 1 year ago maybe, but still a pretty big edge.

Im not sure if posting it this way will either shoot me in the leg or end up being a winner since i feel like i somewhat are talking around facts by showing different filters in HEM, and i probably have enough trust and faith from the LP community as a winning player that i dont need to show these filtered results. But im really tired of messing around like this, these last months ive been thinking alot about poker and life and yadda yadda and im tired of doing this now, i just wanna bumhunt for a while and get back on my feet, cuz my head hurts, i havent won anything this year and just gone on stupid rollercoasters takeing the thoughest HU and 3 handed games my whole carrer. I dont want that anymore, im getting old

im desperate for help since the only option i have other then getting a stake, is falling back on 0.5/1$ or something and spend 100s of hours grinding my way back up. I really think investing those 100s of hours playing my maingames even if not getting 100% of the winnings (possible winnings i guess) is a better way to go.

any1 interested? cuz im all out of personal contacts to ask for help.

if so, hit me up with a PM and we'll excange skypes and talk more there.

Alot of earlier results and information about me can be found earlier in this blog, im also pretty sure that there are some "big name" LPrs that are willing to vouch for me aswell if some1 wants that

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Everquest - Again (Fuuu) by Svenman87, October 24

Well I ended up getting EQ the other day after hearing it was free to play - didn't really remember dick about how to play my ranger so I started over with a mage.

fast forward to now, I have a level 30 Magician on Cazic Thule and have a full sub for EQ (cap is currently 95, moving up to 100 in a month). The nostalgia level is fucking huge, and the leveling is a breeze so far with the new merc addition.

Let me know if anyone would be interested in joining me - I really enjoyed end game raiding in EQ back in the day. I hear they also have progression servers (basically they start the server off as vanilla 1999 EQ, and through community votes they progress to the next expansion pack - really cool idea imo so i might just transfer over. Although you cant transfer off once on. is the guide i'm using - seems to be working very well xD

Anyways I should pass out for a few hours before work - night lp

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Best ongame skin? by YoMeR, October 23

What is the best ongame skin? or is there even a "best"?

any feedback appreciated


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5 reasons to love Longple by DustySwedeDude, October 23

1. He's a lot like Pinball. Pinball was cool as hell. They both do thaiboxing, own up NL and tends to be happy. I seriously get confused sometimes when I talk to Longple and try to call him Pinball. I'm not very good with names.

2. He seems like a genuinly good guy. While altruism is something I don't hold in any esteem he seems to be one of those who genuinely like helping people out. If he'd be a monkey he'd be the one who made stuff work while all the other's threw poo at each other.

3. He's a mean Anti-Mage, just let him farm for 20 min and then he wins the game.

4. Laaaagtaaaaard!

5. He makes tattoos look not stupid.

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