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UFC 152 by DustySwedeDude, September 23

Happy I did not bet on that one. Some great fights though.


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WCOOP MAIN! by Daut, September 23

have 16% swapped out as of now, will swap another 24%. 5% max per person just so i can get the most sweats possible

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WCOOP ME by Fayth, September 22

Selling action at 1.15 if anyone wants to buy
pretty much 300$ for 5%, PM me or post here if interested, I'll list those I booked here

willing to sell/swap up to 50%

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laptop worries by bigredhoss, September 22

i got a new laptop recently and when i use it i put it directly on my lap. so lately i've been worried about if using it like this too much is going to make my sperm impotent from the radiation or something? i feel like they might be dying already but maybe it's just psychosomatic or something idk. i like to use it primarily when i'm on the couch watching TV so it's hard to use a desk or anything, i'm currently putting a blanket between the laptop and my lap but i don't know how much that will slow down the radiation.

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New Purchases! by thewh00sel, September 22

Yeah, I'm back on the consumer bandwagon and made a big purchase! Went ahead and dropped a few thousand dollars this week on some bling!

Purchase #1:
Ok, maybe only a little of my purchase was bling; I've been thinking about buying some silver bars as a hedge against the US Dollar going kaput and our financial system collapsing. Pretty much just a hyper-inflation insurance policy. I picked up my first purchase of silver for just 0.89 over spot value, which is a pretty good rate from what I've researched, but let me know if any of you know of better rates. I bought generic Morgan silver bars, as the spot price on these versus the spot price on Silver Eagles was much lower.
Morgan silver bar (.99 over spot)
Silver Eagle (2.99 over spot)
My cost-basis for the purchase (after shipping/fees) is $36.77 per ounce. Silver is currently trading at $34.41, but I'm not too concerned with the current price because, like I said, I am only really holding some precious metals in my portfolio to protect against economic collapse. If it dips in the near future I will likely pick up some more.

Purchase #2
Ok, enough with that speculative investment, on to the next purchase. For stocks, I generally seek out strong companies with a history of dividend increases over time, and with balance sheets that can sustain future dividend growth. You could say I'm a "dividend growth investor". I seek out companies with an entry dividend yield of 3% or higher, but I will consider companies with lower yields who I suspect will be raising dividends in the future. Another qualification for my watch list is a P/E Ratio less than 20 so I do not over-pay for a company's stock. Now, on to the purchase:

Intel, ticker INTC
Intel has been a dominant player in tech, specifically PC chipsets/processors for years, but has been particularly slow in creating something for tablets and mobile devices. They have, however, recently developed a lower-consumption processor built for mobile/tablet devices known as the atom microprocessor. Their R&D budget is huge. Because of it they have forced out one-fierce competitors such as AMD and others. Couple that with a P/E ratio of 9.79, a current yield of almost 4% (3.89%) and a history of sustainable dividend increases (9 years and counting), and it becomes hard to do anything but buy Intel at these levels. I think that with their large R&D budget that they will catch up to their smaller competitors in the mobile space over the next 5-10 years so I'll buy Intel on sale at 23.12 and be happy to allocate more money if it is still on sale next month.

Purchase #3
Norfolk Southern Corporation - NSC
Norfolk Southern is a railroad company that transports goods, including coal, across the united states. It recently lowered it's guidance for 2012 citing higher fuel costs and a decrease in the demand for coal. This guidance drastically dropped the price of the stock 10% from the mid seventies, to where it now sits at $65 per share. NSC is an extremely strong company, and in a market that doesn't offer a lot of value right now, I think this stock is offered at a heavy discount for long term investors. Coal transport makes up about a third of NSC's business, but NSC isn't going anywhere. Train transportation is a vital part of the US economy. After the drop in price, NSC is trading at a P/E ratio of 11.15, offering a dividend yield of 3.08%, and have raised dividends for the past 11 years. I would be a buyer still if my position weren't so large in it already. I will buy more if it dips much lower though.

Well, that's it, 3 purchases this month. Looking forward to doing some more stuff like this in the future if you guys like reading about it.

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W is for Win by gawdawaful, September 22

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Women are not for decoration by priaph, September 22

No, they absolutely aren't. But they are excellent for drawing attention. Thanks for coming here and reading my first blog post.

Hello LP, i'm a former poker player (never was much serious tho), I've been reading LP for I don't know how many years and I feel I can find here people of good will who would be able to give me a little advice. I'm about to start writing my diploma thesis, which is going to be a large and complex project. I would like to be able visualize its structure somehow, but I don't want to use whiteboard and Post-It notes. My question is, do you have any suggestions for a program in which I'd be able to model structures and mind maps? I don't want to be blind testing these Mind mapping programs.

I'll appreciate any suggestions and advice, let me thank you with a bunch of pictures.

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Girl update by mnj, September 21

Literally the day after I wrote my last blog, I ended up meeting up with her downtown. The night died down a bit after some drinking and dancing. We sat a bench and started talking about dreams and aspirations. What we wanted from life etc. There was a cute couple who walked by us and the girl kissed the guy on the cheek. I said something like "Oh that's how they probably kiss in Asia."

She says "What do you mean? How do they kiss in America?" truly sounding surprised...

I put my arm around her waist destroying the surface skin on one of my knuckles on the back support things on the benches, but sucked it up and just went for it "Like this..."

Her lips were tense for the first 2 seconds, before she started kissing me back...

Sigh...she's from Gangnam

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I'm in North Korea? by SugoGosu, September 21

News to me, but Hero Poker likes to think so...

Moved to South Korea, pretty awesome here! Trying to get Pokerstars to change my location, but I haven't been billed for anything yet (next month I'll get my first bill).

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Relaxation by NeillyJQ, September 21


Comments (4)       read entire blog by player999, September 21

they've just released my first video!

5min free sample:

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Paypal for PS/MB by Spitfiree, September 20

Bump :/
I have those 26€ stuck on paypal. I cant withdraw them althought my account is verified .... fuck paypal. Would someone transfer with me for PS/MB money

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Best browser for Android tablets? by whamm!, September 20

Is there a free(or paid) browser that can function well in browsing the net for Android? It's really frustrating seems like every website is wonky even when I use mozilla or chrome, then whenever I click to install plugins, it says it doesn't have a solution. Storage is lol, a 64gb tab is a beast so you can't really have fun storing videos, browsing is crap.

Sonofabitch these tablets are so useless I think these were made for grandparents, chicks and homos. All games and apps at best are "cool". NOthing is ever useful, except for reading pdfs looks like I have a new paperweight at home.

Top 5 things I hate:

* Sc2
* "wrestlers" in MMA
* Droid or Apple tablets
* ??
* ??

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Tech Q: Hardware v. Software by Arirang, September 20

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the hottest thing that has ever happened to me by Rinny, September 20

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Oh Titles, So Tough To Choose by k2o4, September 20

Hello wonderful LP world... do miss you guys, but what tends to happen is that if I don't play poker I don't wander here often, and then I don't post or read often, and then it's a drift away. Occasionally I have some weird desire to post something somewhere and I think of LP, usually at like 2am or in between classes or something, and I'll post and then forget I posted. It can be quite a while before I make it back here again. It's weird how that happens as you age, being an internet kid as I was, to not be in a daily engagement with a tight online community.

Anyway, that's my ramble, and now the point. It seems that there's some dislike of my title choices. Maybe it's cause they're not original. Maybe cause I keep using the same one over and over again. Maybe cause that repeated title sounds crazy to some people. Whatever it may be, I'm here today cause I had one of those inspired moments and I thought it would be nice to finally reply to some comments and explain why I keep using that same old annoying title over, and over, and over again. So with no further ado,

The comments edition

I use the title because I believe it to be true, and I'm fine with making a bold (or crazy sounding) claim that people will eventually catch up to. There's cautious, which is a good thing, and then there's stubbornness, which holds back progress. I've seen enough evidence to be convinced that cannabis has the power to not only slow tumor progression, but to also completely cure cancer. My definition of cure cancer may be a little different than your definition, so let me make it clear - by "cure cancer" I mean that someone has cancer, then they change nothing in their lives other than adding cannabis, and then they no longer have cancer. I hope that's simple enough. I know that this has occurred on our planet, that people have met that definition, and therefore I feel secure in speaking what I believe to be the truth in my title.

I get it - some of you are indoctrinated into the belief that you shouldn't believe, that you must doubt anything which can't fit into a test tube or hasn't been replicated a million times in a lab. That's fine, your needs will be satisfied... eventually. I've decided not to wait around like you though. I'm on a journey of letting truth flow into my life and not denying it, but embracing it. I don't blindly accept things, I require evidence just like you do. Just not as much. When I tell you the story about a 3 year old boy with a brain tumor who beat it by using cannabis oil, you just see anecdotal evidence and assume that there are too many unknown variables to be valid because it's not in a lab. You see reasons to doubt so you don't even investigate. But I see my brother, or my father, or myself, undergoing an experience and then being dismissed because my experience didn't happen in a lab where these doubters could watch me. I understand that by putting things in a lab you can eliminate variables from influencing the result and therefore be sure of cause. But I also know that you can witness something with your own eyes and know it to be true, and taking it into a lab is just a confirmation.

I'm not making this up about the kid with the brain tumor, and the story is well documented and actually quite epic... A 3 year old who's traditional cancer treatments have all failed, a desperate father who wasn't willing to give up on his son, and a daring journey to secure a medicine which his government deemed illegal and could land him in jail. And in the end, the fathers daring journey paid off, and his son lives.

  What would you do if your 3-year old son was stricken with brain cancer? Most parents wouldn’t think twice about bringing their child to a mainstream doctor, only to undergo modern-day cancer ‘treatments’ such as chemotherapy. This is what one father, Mike Hyde, from Montana did when his 3 year old was diagnosed with brain cancer, but the father doesn’t attribute his sons victory against cancer with the use of chemotherapy or any other mainstream treatment; the dad actually says marijuana oil is what made the young boy beat cancer. While the story isn’t recent, it is one that everyone should hear about.

Full Article

Doubt all you want, and fall further to the back of the pack as new truths emerge and reshape our world. That's fine, that's your choice and it's your right. But for those of us who are moving forward, it's going to be good.

And now to the comments:

  On September 16 2012 22:39 Carthac wrote:
You couldn't have come up with a worse title. Marijuana is useful for slowing down the progression of certain types of cancer. Curing it would mean it eradicates the spread of the disease.

Now that I've explained my view above, I think it should make sense why I use the word "cure". The language of "slows progression" is just cautious scientists, which I respect and understand, but it's just caution because there's so much skepticism that they don't want to overstep. They've just recently found that cannabis "stops metastasis in aggressive cancers", so you can see the evolution occurring. More data arrives which confirms what was obvious to many of us earlier, while those who are cautious held back on their conclusions at the time. Carthac, I'm glad to see that you are aware that cannabis does have healthy effects on cancer, and I'm sure as the science moves along you'll be able to grow with it =)

  On September 17 2012 17:14 NewbSaibot wrote:
I guess k2o doesnt read responses much anymore, but I've said time and time again that he'd do a far greater service to his skeptics if he cut the sensationalist bullshit and just created reasonable sounding topics. Saying "Pot cures cancer!!!1" is an immediate red flag and causes many people to just ignore the "evidence" and write off the information as likely bullshit, information which may in fact be quite valuable. His goal shouldnt be the preach to the quire, it should be to preach to those who are in doubt.

I think you make a very good, valid point here. And it makes a lot of sense. I'm still gonna behave differently though as I have a different goal in mind, but I agree that if my goal was to bring in the masses then there are better titles to choose. But this one is the most honest one to me, and I gotta speak my truth on this issue. I'm fine with sounding crazy or ridiculous now because I know soon people will catch up and a phrase like "cannabis cures cancer" will be common and normal. I'd rather be part of making that phrase normal to the masses, even if it means they won't read my posts. When they're ready, they'll remember those crazy, annoying, idiotic, sensationalist titles which that douche k2o4 used to post, and maybe they'll look up my post and read it then, maybe they'll find another source to get more info from, and then they'll know it too. That's my hope at least. Such an idealistic idiot I am.

  On September 17 2012 20:49 whamm! wrote:
he must be high when he wrote this

You're so busted for not reading, cause I didn't write anything, just copy/pasted something and put it in a quote. osnap

Thank y'all for the fun comments to reply to. Till next time.

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Feeling like a nit by Enigma, September 19

Just wondering if it is just LHE or do you NLHE/PLO players feel like you are becoming crabby nits also. Could be the influx of WCOOP money still working it's way up the chain, but I have been seeing some especially donk filled games these last few weeks and I know at one point in my career I would be twice as many pots with these fish due to my post flop advantage. Play like an old timer now though and just whine to myself instead. *sigh*
Close to break even so far this month only played like 15k hands so far though, so we will see what happens.
Flopped quad queens vs AA, that was nice. Got paid.

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Back at Poker by DeluX, September 19

Sup guys,

I decided to play some online poker again since I want slack off video gaming for a while.

I recently made some money off D3 and decided to gamble a chunk of it. I bet sc2 on pinnaclesports, drop me a pm if you do too and want to discuss bets in a skype group.

About me
I play small time SnG poker at PS but nothing really special. The purpose of this entry is that I also play on EspaceJeux. It's a poker room that you can only play If you are resident and physically are in the province of Quebec, Canada. The software is pretty awful ATM but it is full of fish. I played around only 20 hours and seen some pretty awful play, I mean really bad.

I'm looking for is coaching, I want a good SnG player to watch and coach me over skype for sessions at EspaceJeux vs theses fish to see what my level really is. Drop me a pm if you want to discuss that further.

I'm also looking some suggestions of reads about SnG. I always got some free time to read and I tough I'd pick up a poker ebook. I'm looking for intermediate/advanced stuff. Let me know if you know some books that are interesting in that regard.

That's it for now guys, let me know if you got some suggestions for me !

gg gl !

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lol by failsafe, September 18

why is lol such a power acroword?

it's like if you ever say LOL you've just committed suicide. there's no way to get away with a misuse of the lol term. lawl and lawd are awful and anything involved 'ew' has been overused way too much.

lol on the other hand will never get old. however, lol is meant to be a free standing deal. Lol is bad and loL is worse. neither should occur.

let's be frank, there's no way to say it and definitely not LoL or lOl thought LOL is obviously not preferential. and in stream of consciousness you'll opt for LoL subconsciously, every time.

it's not that you've gotta approach these questions with a certain level of terse. it's just that these are important considerations. if you allow questions like this to run amuck internet etiquette quickly devolves.

what is the metagame? it's one of those emphemeral perspectives that only a word like lol and its correct failure to ever evolve in anyway is really the essence of why the metagame is really a non-issue. anyone who subscribes to metagame is a victim of their own conceits. you can't play starcraft or poker by the rules. it's no different than risk, and though i've never played diplomacy, i'm sure water is just as valuable there as it is in either of these other questions.

anyway myth once posted a famous bruce lee video that explained all this and why it's the essence of poker. i hope this clarifies the correct internet usage of the term lol and why any other possibility is unacceptable.

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10k 8game bump by b97531, September 18

5 days to go until the epicness.

Great response so far, just looking to get over the line now. I've got 30% left to sell (15% more before I will play).

See my previous entry for further details.

1% = $113.30
Send to Filthy999 (Australia) or wobbly_au (Australia)

In other news, been running pretty hot since last blog:

Also got my hands on the HOTS beta - I'm kinda underwhelmed by it tbh, it feels almost exactly the same and the new maps are pretty boring super big macro yawn fests. Hopefully they will tweak/add some more units that really shakes the game up.

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