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day 62- day off by NeillyJQ, June 22

So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss.
If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose.
If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself.

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God by PplusAD, June 22

Lol just because i read NeillyFT 1050 thread
and the talk about God, i wanna share one of the sickes things that happend in my life.
True Story !

As some of you who did read my blog in the past may know i have this hyper christian parents.
I myself have hated religion from the depths of my heart since i experienced how much harm it did to my childhood and my parents.

For example there was this one christian healer who declared my mother healed from high blood preassure by the power of jesus christ.
She then threw her medicamentation away and had a heart attack few days after .... /thank god she is fine again)
You can probably realize that its quite a heavy burden when you love your parents
they live only like 1h aways from me but u can never be sure what stupid shit they gonna do next du to religion.

So since i couldnt stand the fear of losing them i one day decided to go to a healing jesus worship event with them in germany.
I took my GF with me and told her that i would end this shit if these guys would ever harm any people again with their lies.
Plan was I would littery walk up to the guy telling all this bullshit and punch him in the stomach then say that if he really does christs will Jesus would protect him and then i would KO him.
Since i am an MMA fighter chances of anyone stopping me from doing this in a church lol would be close to non existent

So i sat there with my gf and the event began. It was pretty boring and not really spectacular
nothing amazing happend , noone got healed and to me it was just a bunch of whine sissies who needed a God to justify their own weakness.

So we were about to go and then i heard a voice laughing out of my stomach (I could watch it like 3rd person)and felt i lose control over my body. Feeling i am not really in my body anymore and hearing that laughing voices out of my stomach ??? i realized i should jump away from my GF as far as i can since i love her and had the feeling something terrible will happen. I jumped and then passed out.

I woke up
My dad was crying , my mother was crying my girfriend was crying there was a big circle around me and people were praying.

I was like wtf is this shit ?

But my Girfriend and my parents could hardly speak. They were shocked and crying.
My GF couldnt sleep for weeks after that happening.

I dont remeber anything since obviously i passed out.
But later people told me that they have never in their life seen someone screaming in such a way that u could feel the unbearable amount of pain this person suffers.
My GF later told me that it looked like i was sliced by knifes from the inside and got tourterd for minutes while lying on the ground and screaming.

Well people came to me from all Ends cause they were all shocked and they asked me if they could help me and what horrors i must have seen and bla.
Well i was pretty annoyed since i didnt even have any clue what happend at all.

But i was worried that something might be wrong with my brain(tumor maybe ?) and so i made a complete medical check.
Since i am an MMA fighter i had access to a variety of testing methods for Heart and brain.
2 Weeks after the check was done and i was in perfect shape and doctors would give me an okay for an upcomming fight. ( Obviously i didnt tell them what happend....)

Yeha i was pretty confused from the whole situation.
Dont know wtf that was. And worsed thing is that everybody saw it but i didnt
wished someone had taped it on phone....

Well few weeks later my GF still shocked (Since she saw the picture every night in her dreams) she was down emotionally.
She was not how to deal with what happend. She kinda got depressed a bit and started crying a lot and i got annoyed with that.
I mean what can u do when your GF is shocked by an event u did when u werent even "awake" while it happend.
And more as a joke i said:

God wtf can i do to make this right again ?
How can i help her what should i do

And than God/Jesus answered .... (lol yeha i know it sounds stupid but well it happend)
He said: Dont worry i have enough love for the both of you. Everything will be fine
Make yourself free from fear.
Thats all i want from you people.
Be free from your fears

Hasnt talked again to me since then...

yeha sick life

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Oh am I still Blogging? by thewh00sel, June 22

I guess the WSOP is just about half way over and, somehow, I have broken even in MTT's. It's very unlikely to just break even in tournament poker, since most of the time you are just blasting off buy-ins and then hit a score for more than you spent (hopefully). That's pretty much the formula. But for some reason, the poker gods have allowed me to cash in 3 events so far this summer. The cashes were nothing spectacular (4k, 3k, 4k) but they were enough to keep me even so far for the WSOP, so for that I am thankful.

The series has actually been pretty fun, and profitable, so far this year. I've managed to get in 70 hours of cash games despite playing 13-14 MTT's and some sit-n-goes, with like a $225 hourly lol. I honestly think in WSOP-season poker that is sustainable at 5/10; the people are just the nut worst. Makes me want to put in more hours playing cash instead of donking around in these bracelet events, but we all know that won't happen. The bracelet-shaped pot of gold at the end of the rainbow's draw is too powerful. (THE PRECIOUS)

I feel like every day is really busy so I don't know if I will get around to dropping another blog unless I rip off an event or something...and even then...who knows.

Expenses are a little high with eating out all the time, but I don't really have time to break it all down for May and June. Hopefully I get back on track in July. GL/GN, 3kNL tomorrow that I feel like winning. Peace.

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PokerStar is hurting my life physically and mental by quiton12, June 21

Hello everyone I am writing to vent. and schemes can not be PokerStar simply will not let me win a single hand, no, I flip all the games today, I received straight in the flop, I nailed a full house .. I have set, I turn nailed runner-runner straight, I have again set, runner runner flush, have gone so far as to insult God and beat me. My mood is bad, I curse too much and is so I have PokerStar is too sick , play the best and PokerStars is responsible for putting the turn and river that nailed me and worst of all, when you have kk AND THE FLOP IS 8 10 7 I say bet out on 9 or J to fuck the OP and so, so over and over again. this room is really random?? I'm thinking they are like casino machines that make you win when they want and not your skills.

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Day 61 - PROOF = GOD by NeillyJQ, June 21

smile with the world, and the world will smile with you.

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dang by 2c0ntent, June 21


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Eye opener by NewbSaibot, June 21

Playing in my usual 1/2 live game last night, and someone made a startling comment while chatting. He referred to this game as a 2/5 game. For some reason I was surprised to hear this, I guess because it meant he was actually thinking about the game objectively. But it's true, with the average preflop raise being $17 and the average pot on the flop $75, for all intents and purposes this is a 2/5 game. With this in mind, it meant I could reduce his hand strength in spots to what would be more typical of a 2/5 game.

You see I've normally been too afraid to do something like 3bet JJ or AQs because I figured there's no way anybody is calling a $60 raise in a 1/2 game without having a decent hand. It just always seemed like a RIO situation. I also pitch a lot of suited connectors for the same reason. I figured fish overbet like this preflop to protect their hands, and that I'll never have the odds to call.


As soon as I said "fuck it, lets pretend like we're half stacking 2/5" the chips started rolling in. I was seeing so many QJo and JTo type hands turned over in 3bet pots where I made it $60+ it was silly. Their ranges handnt adjusted at all! I'm not sure why so many 1/2 games play like this, but it sure gave me a lot of newfound confidence postflop.

What's even more bizarre is that I was invited to a 2/5 game I had never played at, and recognized many familiar faces. In this game, it played like 2/5. I was afraid people would be opening to $50 utg and stuff, but the avg preflop raise was $15-$20 and everyone played accordingly. So why are these 1/2 games playing like a 2/5 game? I have no idea, I guess they just mutated this way after fish progressively increasing their opening raise size to account for general preflop looseness.

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This is ridiculous by barbieman, June 21

Spent 35min trying to get someone to play me HU, went through every player on NL100 & NL200 online and no one wanted to play me. I'm not even that good, jesus christ. Oh, also, I got to play my last hand otb one time. That was against a 35bb who played 2 hands against me. Good times, good times.

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Praise Satan by Silver_nz, June 21

Finally pulled the trigger.

Now I just have to deal with my crippling addiction to chess...

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Things are going well by Target-x17, June 20

Happy I switched to mtt's and mttsng's now. After partypoker shipped me 20k I lost all heart to mass table nl50/100 for small winrates and huge swings and was stalling as a poker player. Owe alot to fugikura who got me into them. Started with a pretty sick downswing but heating up now. Heres my last month and a half graph.

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Life, Cover Music Video by tutz, June 20

Hey LP,
I decided to make a better blog from now on. I will post positive things, thoughtful experiences, good info, etc. I don't have anything prepared for today, but I will try to improvise.

Very often we see people on the internet (LP included) that seems to seek only to put others down, critic negatively and make fun of others. We see it everywhere: youtube, 2p2, facebook and even 9gag. I have to admit, I was like that once and sometimes I still have to control myself to not be like that again. I have to actualy take a deep breath, think again: how can I turn this into a positive experience? How can I help improve this persons life? why do they have this point of view? Usually a mix of those go through my mind whenever I'm having a mindful interaction with anyone.

This change in perspective wasnt something out of nowhere. It came in a moment where I was a bit lost in several aspects of my life. I had just ended a complicated relationship, my parents wanted me to move back to my hometown(I didnt), I wasn't doing very well in poker (and poker is a big thing for me) and my daily job wasnt something I could see myself doing for life. I needed a change, but I wanted to change everything, I had just started modeling but it wasnt something I had on focus at the moment.

I started reading Logosophy and got into it for quite some time. Logosophy basically teaches the ultimate goal should be the mindful evolution of man. I had to drop Logosophy at one point cause there is a point that Logosophy starts to treat more spiritual stuff, and as and Atheist I couldnt accept any of that without further evidence that what I was reading was real. But the main thing got stuck with me: I wanted to be an amazing human being. I want to be a great son, brother, friend. I want to be wise, to understand everything around me. Yeah I know some of you are probably laughing at me thinking: "lol and you believe in the reptilians". Well I do, I have my reasons but lets not touch in that subject anymore. I said what I had to say about it.

This single decision: to become an amazing human being changed everything. I feel like I have total control of my destiny, like I'm the owner of everything around me. It is an amazing feeling. Before this I would look life in a way that I always had a certain goal that I wanted to achieve, and after that single goal I would be a very happy person. Now I feel like I'm achieving amazing things everyday, I learned to enjoy the journey.

This is a cover Music Video that me and my friends made. It is pretty cool, take a look.

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Contribution time by Mariuslol, June 20

******ANOTHER UPDATELOL******* Added link to a post about the 10 Negative Emotions
******UPDATELOL****** Added a link to a thread at the bottom


I've got some thoughts, so I'll try my best and filter through them as coherently as I can.

Liquid poker!!

Great site, awesome and stuff. HOWEVER!!! Lately... It's been kinda shit, for the first time I got the same feeling as I get when I notice I'm about to type in "Facebook" up in the left corner there.

That's not good, not good at all. So when that happened I started squinting with my eyes, I became all thinky!! (Yes, that's a word, I looked it up).

When I open Liquid and I see a new long post by Longple, Ket, or people who write equally impressive posts I get quite excited and happy, I look forward to it, and I usually don't start reading right away. I get all comfy, get drinks and want to make sure I read it properly and take it all in.

I think this is because posts like that brings substance, depth, value, whatever words you want to use. That's what drew me to LP in the first place. I don't like communities that are too big, dislike not recognizing names, what they're like, what they typicly write like, traits, humour, shit like that.

Lately (please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm sure some of you will even if I'm not wrong lol) I've noticed more and more posts I consider as "noise", just crap, nothing of value, blogs so poorly written you're worried you got a little dumber just by looking at it, stupid trolls, ego boosting n whatnot. (I just took all the rage here in one go, from here on out it'll be a lot brighter and cheerful).

I even contemplated, toyed, played around with the idea of maybe not visiting LP in awhile after I saw that last D_Smart_(random letter here which I can't remember) post.

But that'd be the newbie thing to do. What have I done to lp to contribute lately? LOL, nothing, I just lol in some posts here and there, or try to be sarcastic, funny or throw in a little irony here and there. Blerk!!

So yeap, this is my own call to action post. Time to contribute a little more to Lp, or die in the attempt to do so =]

I'd love to maybe fill some General forum slots with whatever I feel like writing about. I've not been lazy or anything, I'm maybe a little egotistical, I usually just read/write stuff for the sake of doing it, and it's all mine, mine, mine, and I store it away somewhere.

It does however make me feel a little......... After awhile, and I do get some sort of rush, feeling of accomplishment when I do share, sharing is caring longple used to say.

And my logic is this; If I just try to do whatever I can to help, share ideas, take up concepts, throw out food for thoughts to the community, imagine how awesome if more people ship in with what they're good, or excell at, share their knowledge, stories n crap like that. (Like Puerto, he ships in his thought here and there, and he's doing his own thang with the MMA thingy). I think It'd be quite amazing, imagine 5-6 KET posts in a day? (Not that they all have to be written by Ket, but same quality).

Ok, getting too mushy. I'm a run in the hall, grab some notes and start making posts in the general forum RIGHT NOW xD

Oh!! And when I'm done, I'll add links to the first few posts I make in this Blog, right underneath my rants, until the blog get knocked down from one of the other featured posters, yeap.

Ok, made a Thread:

The 10 Negative Emotions:

Goal Concepts:

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just won a donkament by drone666, June 19

7 days in Caribe


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Day 60 - HS grizzle by NeillyJQ, June 19

instead of wsoping, did the 1k super tuesday and got 7th, was a great day

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(pics) semi-nude shoot, music video, reptilians by tutz, June 19


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awesome. by c4rnage, June 18

sick guy.

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Live Poker Update by collegesucks, June 18

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Day 59 - Day Off by NeillyJQ, June 18

this whole blog was ego, im erasing it all.

sorry took so long to realize,

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money vs boredom ? by PplusAD, June 18

So i think i am gonna quit the Dog food selling the next days.
Been working there for 2 month and made close to 2,5K € (3100 USD) net winnings within that time span.

It was easy money allthough i hardly can stand the boredom anymore.

I am not sure how you guys see it.

How long can you do a job were u basically do nothing but sit in front of your computer and talk the same commercial text 50-80 times a day for 7,5h a day in case u get 10$ to your bank account every hour that passes.
Its also important that u have no emotional connection to the product u are selling. (I dont care about dog food at all)

I somehow find this idea kinda interesting.
Basically its free money.
All u have to do is invest 7,5h time a day where you dont have any intellectual or physical challenge.

How long can u sit on a chair and do nothing when every hour that passes u are given 10$ ?

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So tired of nobody helping me start tables etc. by barbieman, June 18

So tired of regs not wanting to start tables, if I join their tables they sit out. Waiting for a third person to sit in. If a fish joins they often leave the table to rejoin with a better position. It's fucking easier to get a table started by opening a new table yourself as well and hope for a non-reg to sit in. Of course instantly 4 regs sit down in pos on the fish giving me a shit position 9/10 times.

Even if you don't think that you have an edge vs. me, you almost always only have to play 5-20 hands before the table starts to fill up. OMG you lose $0.01-2 in EV, HOLY FUCK!!!! And people picking up my bb to then sit out when tables are breaking. UGH

Got bored and felt like playing some HU, gave up after 20min. Played 6 or 7 opponents, one of them played more than 20 hands vs. me, everybody sat out after they had played their button. Everybody taking up several tables and refuses to play somebody that isn't a fish it seems. WHAT IN THE FUCK IS WROOOOONG WITH PEOPLE. AND ALL TEHSE SHORT STACKS, FFS. STOP MAKING THIS GAME THE MOST BORING SHIT FUCK THING EVER.

Okay, I can play 6max pretty much whenever I want, but these things are annoying me so fucking hard. I needed to get this off my chest.

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