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Health decision by whamm!, April 14

Removed my chair from comp, standing up each time I use the laptop. lol


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Thai New Year - Pics by tutz, April 14

Hey guys!
The Songkran festival is celebrated in Thailand as the traditional New Year's Day from 13 to 15 April. It coincides with the New Year of many calendars of South and Southeast Asia. The most obvious celebration of Songkran is the throwing of water. Thais roam the streets with containers of water or water guns (sometimes mixed with mentholated talc), or post themselves at the side of roads with a garden hose and drench each other and passersby.

Songkran Pics:

Some new friends:


Our Songkran videos:

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Independent Musicians by superfashion, April 14

Not sure how many of you look for music outside of what you hear on the radio/already know of, but I wanted to share some bands here that I've been enjoying a lot recently. They're mostly independent musicians (meaning currently unsigned) so their popularity is largely gained through word of mouth and I'd like to spread the word.

Being - DNA
Progressive metal band from Florida. Their lyric material focuses mainly on the exploration of space and the human mind, as well as technological advances that can help us with both. Their debut EP "Arrival" is available free on their Soundcloud page ( ) and their debut album is set to drop later this year. They've enlisted Misha Mansoor (Periphery, Haunted Shores) and Casey Sabol (Periphery) to produce that album, and the preview is also available on their Soundcloud.

The Omega Experiment - Karma
Progressive metal band from Michigan. Those familiar with Devin Townsend and his work will almost surely enjoy this. Their self-titled debut album, which is being touted by many independent music fansites as the potential best progressive metal album of 2012, is available on their Bandcamp page ( ) for $7.

Corelia - Glass Faces
Progressive metal from California. I've just recently discovered these guys, but their 2011 debut EP Nostalgia is available on their Bandcamp page ( ) for $5. They incorporate a lot of technical guitar and drum work under incredibly melodic vocal lines that make their songs flow very well.

I have to run out now for the day but I hope you guys enjoy this! I'll post more if there's any interest.

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Poker ethics question by Arirang, April 14

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OTG Day 4 @ Stars by NeillyJQ, April 14

Purity of mind body and soul is very important, pay attention to the media and movies etc that you watch.

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April Showers Poker Hours by thewh00sel, April 13

Sup guys, time for a mid-April poker update. This month has been pretty lame as far as results go. I'm stuck about 1500 on the month. I haven't been playing particularly good or bad. I did make one really dumb river fold in a spot where it was a clear call and cost myself a 3k pot. So tack 3k onto my totals and I'd be up a little bit overall.

Here's what April looks like on my spreadsheet:

My average session length for this month looks very high at 8.4 hours per session, compared to my YTD average of 6.95 hours per session. That's because last week was my wife's spring break so I didn't have as strict of a schedule to adhere to from the 1st-7th. This month has been pretty laid back so far because of it as well, as I took Easter off and then played Mon and Tues, followed by Wed/Thur off. I'll be back at it tonight and tomorrow night though.

I didn't count Easter as an extra day off since it's a holiday, but technically it'll be 3 days off this week, and will shorten my overall days of play for the month. Even so I think I will manage to get in 150 hours, and hopefully 160. I'm at 58.75 hours now with 18 days left including today, so if I play 12 out of the 18 days I'll need to average 7.6 hours per session to get to 150. If I stay at my 8.4 hour rate I will just barely hit 160. So hopefully everything falls nicely into place and I can wrap this month up with a little upswing to get back on pace with my Challenge.

I'm 37.4% of the way there, but I only have about 32% of the time left to get there. I'll be grinding hard these next two weeks and do a last month breakdown of how likely I think I am to get there in my last month. Wish me luck!

Keep on grinding Blogfans

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HM2 Post Hands: how to? by Highcard, April 13

Seriously, how do you post Hm2 hands to LP, I tried every single clipboard option.

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OOPSIES by Fujikura, April 12

I think the graph speaks for itself. Pretty sick run for $10 ABI in 3 days of almost solely 180's LOL. What can you do though? :D

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Short stack strategy at the micros - thoughts? by tirceol, April 12

double post because work internet blows

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Short stack strategy at the micros - thoughts? by tirceol, April 12

So I read through the majority of Getting Started in Hold 'em (Ed Miller) as plugged by Jelle in this article... so how do you guys feel about the short stack strategy described?

1. Buy in with table minimum.
2. Play only premium hands (early high pairs and AK, mid another pair or two and AQs/AQ, late more pairs and AJ/AT)
3. Bet as much as you think you can while still drawing callers with (most likely) inferior hands.
4. Shove after the flop.

On a related note, I'm playing at Carbon right now (US player lolz) but their micro stakes $0.02/$0.04 tables' min buy in is $1.20 which is 30x BB... basically qualifies for medium stack per the book... do you think short stack strategy works when your minimum starting stack is 30x BB?

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I'm thinking by spets1, April 11

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GSP joins 888 by TalentedTom, April 11

Thought this was preety neat

GSP joins 888

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Live MTT this weekend! by Drakk, April 10

Hello, saturday is going to be the "celebrity takedown" in a casino in quebec.
I obv won a satty for it. 310$ buyin (was 550 but it includes a meal + night at hotelroom)with 150 players. Bounty of 500$ on the 10 or so celebs that are going to be there. I'm kinda super excited, as this is my biggest buyin mtt lifetime (if you exclude the 428 hyper-turbo sngs lawl), and I have a very low quantity of live play experiences.

I wanted to get some tips maybe... theres stuff I won't think about that might make a difference.

The mtt is going to start at 10AM, which is super early for me. I still have a week to get used to waking up early, but I am considering a small dose of caffeine intake. (my caffeine resistance is super low since i never use that stuff really, but im scared to hit a "low" after a while)

I would think I should dress up like a normal person, aka no poker gears, to hide my superior-than-these-noobs-experience, altho I love my lp/stars shirts. ^^

I prob won't use sunglasses, but I have never played in a casino so I don't know how needed they are or not.

comments appreciated!

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indexing (success and attention control) by Highcard, April 10

Reposting because I want to be able to find this again easier than searching Main forum

Want to win more money at poker? Millions? Yes, you say? Give me your first born and your attention.

Most people here have very poor attention / reading skills, which translates to their poker playing/quality/success; Poor attention control also spills over into most peoples' unproductive life.

Your first step to being more successful is: Controlling your Attention


reading this article:

+ Show Spoiler +


No cliffs, however, putting some of this into context for poker:
-playing mass tables constantly will kill your future intelligent growth in poker
-playing when distracted can result in the same thing as mass tabling
-playing when tired/unfocus can lead to some stroke of genius/creative moments
-playing when fully focused and gathering all the information you can at the tables will increase your "poker IQ" and actual brain growth
-mixing in sessions of deep focus and sessions with less focus under conditions such as 'tiredness' could bring you new strategy concepts

-I always have found my best months come from alternating my sessions between afternoon focused sessions and late night sessions where I am more tired. Playing 1-2 sessions each day in this fashion has increased my winrate.

I do not want your first born
Weak attempt at grabbing your attention

Additionally, here is light reading for why mixing in focus with less focus throughout your day can achieve greater knowledge and understanding

Why Being Sleepy and Drunk Are Great for Creativity

+ Show Spoiler +

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scammed Blue Fire Poker by tutz, April 10

you fools, I knew it all along


It recently came to our attention that there was a small glitch in our system benefiting some members with the ability to never be charged but always have full access to the site. You are receiving this email because you are one of those members. Whether you realized it or not, you have had complete and unlimited access to BlueFirePoker (some people for over a year), yet have never paid a cent We obviously will not ask you now to pay for that time period.

Your account has now been disabled, however, if you wish to regain access to the site we are willing to waive the signup fee for you. Simply shoot us an email and I will be happy to help you out with a coupon code!

Sorry once again for the inconvenience. Please let me know if you have any further questions and I would be happy to help you out!


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hit the blue pill, i gotttta red light in atm by Centrin, April 10

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Excellent Feynman clip on Thinking by 2c0ntent, April 10


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Tournament bubble by tirceol, April 09

So how do you guys play when nearing the bubble of a tournament?
Poll: How do you play when nearing the bubble in a tournament?
(Vote): I swipe up the blinds.
(Vote): I call the people swiping up the blinds and clear em out.
(Vote): I fold everything and pray.
(Vote): I'm chip leader, I spend the time polishing my bracelet.

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stars for ipoker by DooMeR, April 09

is anyone willing to trasnfer 2.5k on Ipoker for my 2.5k on stars? unless i know ur balling im gonna ask for u to transfer first i dont care the increments =_= even if you want to do 200 at a time or something. Again my stars money for your ipoker moneys

that is all folks :o

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One Car Living by thewh00sel, April 09

Well, it's been almost 2 weeks since I sold my car and we have been using just one car for the family, and I'm happy to say that the transition has been really smooth so far. My wife had last week off of work for Spring Break so that was the true test for us, since her biggest issue with having one car was that she would feel stuck at home while I was at the casino. We managed though, and I think I almost have her convinced to downsize the SUV into something more fuel-efficient with just as much cargo space. Now I just have to teach her how to drive a manual for maximum efficiency.

I also found that we did some things during the week to just avoid using a car. Two days in a row we biked somewhere that we were going to go instead of driving; once to go to the park for lunch, and once to go to a close-by restaurant for Easter Brunch. That was the first honest exercise I've gotten all year so I felt pretty good about that.

The change seems like it will really help with lowering monthly costs as predicted. Insurance went down from $200 to $90, which is more than I was expecting. Obviously, the cost of the car is gone too ($305 per month). And I got an added boost to income this month as the car had a warranty on it that I got a refund for ($1,900). Granted, that was paid for with the purchase of the car, but it's nice to get it back. And finally about $200 in yearly registration fees.

Total Savings: $590 per month for the next 12 months

That's $7,080 in extra money for the year, hard to say no to that.

Potential Future Problems
I'm a little worried about when the WSOP starts because my wife has to work until June 8th so I might have to buy a cheap used car for June or something if we can even find a sitter for the little one. I'm going to assume that I can buy and resell a used car on craigslist for no loss on the value of the car, so the cost of picking up a second car for one month I'll estimate at $330 ($150 for registration, $100 for one month of insurance and say $80 for extra gas use since my wife will have extra access to a vehicle). I'll be actively working on a solution to that problem, but some ideas besides getting a second car are:

-Carpool. Seems odd for a poker player, but maybe I can find someone to pick me up for the first week and either split gas money or return the favor a later week. Total cost avoidance: $330, 100%, but comes with dependence on someone else.

-Hotel. Could stay at the Rio for 5 days @ 50 /day with one of the many people coming in for the WSOP and bring my own food to avoid getting owned by casino food. Total cost avoidance: $80, 24.4%. Plus avoid DMV waiting and take some cost burden off of a player staying at Rio anyways. Decent option, but probably underestimating the cost of a room there, and my wife's annoyance with me for being gone for a week while living in the same city.

-Rent a car. Seems like an OK idea, but in reality I feel like it would be a net loss. I ran a quote for it though to check it out. Looks like getting the cheapest model from June 1st through June 8th would run me $245 after tax. So total cost to me if I include the $80 of extra gas spent for having the 2nd car available would be $325. Total cost avoidance: $5, 1.5%. But I also ran a quote for June 4-8th bc June 1st is a Friday and if I can get one ride on Friday and rent a car for the following weekdays it would run me $204; $284 after gas. Saving me $46 or 14% from buying a car, and all the hassles.

I think renting might be the best idea as far as maximizing independence and minimizing hassle, glad I ran the quote on that.

Anyways, I guess I'll wrap this long post up. Probably could have split this post up into two entries, but my fingers just kept on trucking, as it were, so enjoy the bonus info and let me know if you have any other ideas, comments, or questions.

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